(02) 4321 6400

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- News & Events
Touchstones – 9 March 2023
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we encourage all members of the school community to work to the best of their ability,
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Founder’s Day and 70th Anniversary Mass
Attention Eddies Old Boys
This year, we celebrate the College’s 70th Anniversary. To commemorate this occasion, we will be holding a special 70th Anniversary Mass, celebrated by Most Rev Anthony Randazzo, Bishop of Broken Bay, on Thursday 27 April in the ERC. If you would like to be included on the Old Boys invitation list for this Mass, please email Meagan Armstrong via We will also be holding a special event in June, to launch a commemorative publication for our 70 years, featuring various Old Boys’ bands and musicians. If you would like to be invited to this Old Boys event, please also email Meagan.
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Mission & Identity
Year 10 Retreat
The Year 10 retreat was conducted at the College again this year.
Fortunately, there were many benefits from having this important event at the College. Students were engaged in different discussion groups throughout the day which included topics such as self-awareness, values and what it means to be a good man. The day concluded with a short liturgy that included student involvement. All the teachers that attended were thoroughly impressed by the student’s behaviour and attention. Mr Powell their Pastoral Leader, presented an excellent talk on relationships which was appreciated by the students. Congratulations to all who were involved in this wonderful spiritual day.
Mr Beacroft
Director of Mission
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Mission & Identity
Click the YouTube link below for the latest Homeroom Edition of SECTV hosted by Tom Conroy and Ken Foneska.
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Mission & Identity
Clean4Shore Report
On a beautiful February morning, St Edward's students set out to take part in the Clean4shore Program.
Students retrieved waste items from Erina Bay, Erina Creek and the Caroline Bay areas. In total 24 large bags of waste were collected as well as large bulky items.
See the link below for the full report.
Clean4shore February Report
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Fun and Friendship at the Year 7 Camp
On Wednesday 22 February four coaches arrived at St Edward’s to meet 166 very excited Year 7 students and 16 slightly nervous staff! Torrential rain the night before did not dampen the boys’ enthusiasm and we arrived at Crosslands Reserve ready to be ferried across to the camping site at Galston.
For many boys this was their first experience of camping and the responsibility of setting up their own tents was taken very seriously by all. They did a great job and despite some rain and gusty winds over the three days we had no tent collapses and all managed to stay warm and dry (ish!)
Daytimes were spent stand up paddle boarding, abseiling, canoeing and orienteering. The favourite activity was definitely the flying fox – especially the joy of hearing your teacher scream louder than any student on the vertical drop. Special mention to Mrs Titheradge! Evenings were spent enjoying marshmallows around the campfire and playing team building games.
Feedback from teachers and the Camp providers consistently praised the boys for their cooperation, their empathy and encouragement of others and their desire to challenge themselves to stretch beyond their comfort zone. St Edward’s Camp Spirit Awards will acknowledge those students who were outstanding in these areas at our next Pastoral Assembly.
Thank you to George and Fiona at Outdoor Education Australia and their amazing team and the 16 St Edward’s staff for their generous support of our Year 7 students.
Reflections from Year 7
“Camp was awesome!” Max
“The activities were fun but the main thing is I did heaps of new things.” Byron
“I loved every single activity it was really awesome” Sachin
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What’s Happening in PDHPE
The latest news from the PDHPE Faculty
Year 7 PDHPE started the year with a unit that aims to help students cope with all sorts of challenges and changes. Students had to prepare a ‘How to…’ guide for other Year 7 students facing a particular challenge. Many chose to provide strategies for starting high school, others chose strategies for coping with other changes such as puberty.
The Balance and Bounce unit sees the Year 7 students tumbling, balancing, springing and landing performing various gymnastics skills, building up to a routine.
Year 7 PDHPE Starting high school
Year 8 PDHPE students are having fun learning a ‘little played’ sport in Australia….European Handball. They will be assessed on their skills and the rules of this fast moving sport. They are also looking at how to make good choices in relation to risk taking.
Year 9 PDHPE are enjoying Gymnastics, Springing, Landing and Vaulting unit. They are also analysing their own diets and exercise programs.
Year 9 PASS are studying Australia’s Sporting Identity - how did we come to be known as such a sporting nation? Boys were asked to write a persuasive speech explaining why someone should be awarded Australian of the Year. Read the attached article below and whether you agree or not, this student has been very persuasive and provided evidence for good arguments. Students are also participating in sports that are identified as typically Australian.
Why Latrell Mitchell Should Be Australian of the Year - Student Work
Year 10 PDHPE are experiencing the components of fitness through practical applications. They are researching how to do various fitness tests of the health-related components. They will then demonstrate and administer the tests to the rest of the class and help them analyse their results.
10 PASS researched issues in Sport, in particular the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. They then researched an issue that interested them, and informed the class on their findings through an audio-visual presentation.
Year 11 Outdoor Recreation boys have had all the fun this term by participating in fantastic experiences in the outdoors. They have already attended Work Placement on the Year 7 Camp at Crosslands, Galston Gorge. They are currently away doing Work Placement with the boys at Year 9 Camp at Wee Jasper with Mr Summerhayes overseeing the boys who are assisting, mentoring and encouraging the students. They will set up tents, tents and more tents as well as experiencing caving. They proved to be excellent role models at the Year 7 Camp and the staff were appreciative of their help.
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Year 11 PDHPE are in the process of attaining their First Aid Certificate and practised CPR to the Bee Gees ‘Staying Alive’. They will be participating in a one day expedition - mountain biking, orienteering and kayaking their way in and around the Brisbane Water area. A challenging day filled with the natural beauty that surrounds us. We are so fortunate to be able to use the jetty and waterfront to paddle from and to school.
[caption id="attachment_43371" align="alignleft" width="200"] Year 11 PDHPE - First Aid[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_43370" align="alignleft" width="200"] Year 11 PDHPE - First Aid[/caption]
11SLR are learning the finer safety and technique details of Track and Field events and are also participating in a coaching unit where they are discovering the challenges faced by teachers every day in classroom management and delivery of skills.
Year 12 PDHPE have had their heads down busily working on extended responses for various assessment questions on factors that affect performance. Year 11 and 12 are fortunate this year to have Mr Bonnici come on board and collaboratively teach with Mr Gentle, Mrs Henderson and Mrs Worrall. The main focus is improving our writing skills for extended response questions and understanding and responding to the key words.
Year 12 SLR have been experiencing the hands on practical unit of resistance training and are completing a movement laboratory based on physiological information learned in class.
A special thanks to the PDHPE staff team who all make these amazing experiences happen!
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Media in Mrs Neal’s Year 8 English Class
Mrs Neal’s Year 8 English class have been talking about subject specific language prior to their upcoming assessment task. Matteo Vumbaca spoke about the use of language in his tractor book, concentrating on creating a glossary of key terms used to describe dialogue in media.
The students have been working collaboratively using multiple strategies to complete crosswords creating using the glossary of terms. In creating these crosswords, students focussed on explicit teaching and questioning such as “What is a glossary? Why is it unusual to see a glossary in fiction? Where do we find a glossary?”
Matteo continued his involvement by showing the Glossary in his tractor book to the class. In groups, the class then worked collaboratively (without a dictionary or device) to complete the crossword. Of the many strategies the students needed, they filled in the terms they already knew using the root word/term to inform of use of the possible term (eg. Head – Headline); Counting the letters to fit in boxes and process of elimination; Checking the spelling by writing on the whiteboard; Started on their own glossary (key terms page on Canvas).
Next, students will take a quiz, building their vocabulary by explicitly referring and building the glossary during the unit. The class have enjoyed this practical application of their English skills.
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Luka Lesson Visits St Edward’s College
Last Wednesday, working performance poet, Luka Lesson, spent the day at St Edward’s performing and running workshops with English students from Year 7 through to Year 12.
Luka is a poet, rapper and educator of Greek heritage born in Meanjin/Brisbane. Luka has always used poetry and rap writing workshops as a form of activism, helping young people to articulate and perform their work for the past 15 years in education centres worldwide, amplifying countless marginalised voices in the process. Luka's poems and rap verses are being studied on official school curriculums throughout Australia, and unofficially by rebellious educators worldwide.
Luka performed two of the poems we study at St Edward’s – Please Resist Me, is part of our Year 9 module on ‘Resistance’ and May Your Pen Grace The Page is featured on the HSC reading list for ‘The Craft of Writing’. As well as performing, Luka took questions from the students who were very interested in learning about his career and how he remembers his poems to perform in front of large audiences. With Year 11 and Year 12, Luka ran mini writing workshops facilitating the students to write their own poems. He then performed some of these student written poems and some students even had the opportunity to perform their own poems to the group.
Luka launched his new verse novel, Agapi and Other Types of Love, last Thursday night at Sydney Museum in the Chau Chuk Wing surrounded by Greek artefacts. The event was sold out and was hugely successful.
The English department are hopeful of getting Luka back to the College for some more workshops when he returns to Australia. He is currently living in Chile with his family and working on his next book.
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NSW All Schools Triathlon
At 5:30 am on 24 February, two teams of Year 11 and 12 students drove down to the International Regatta Centre in Penrith to compete in the NSW All Schools Triathlon. The boys were excited as this would be the first time the event had run in three years due to Covid 19.
The event started with the swim, which from the beginning was a desperate battle for survival with close to a 100 competitors jostling for position. Kale Puata came out first from Eddies in 12th position whilst Taj Werner came out not long after. The ride saw Callum Kinnaird and Sunny McRae battling it out. It was a very competitive field with some competitors racing on bikes worth over $18 000. Callum still managed to get one of the fastest times, which is testament to the training he puts in at the velodrome each week. Sunny was also able to overtake several competitors in his 15 km sprint. Keenan White and Tom Lawton were next in the run leg which saw Keenan do his personal best time for 3 km and Tom finishing strong only seconds behind Keenan’s time. As an indication of how hard they were pushing themselves, Keenan said after the event that his heart rate got up to 217 beats per minute!
The boys finished 12th and 17th overall and 6th and 10th respectively in the CCC division. It was an amazing day out thanks to the behaviour and attitude of the students. Each student represented the College with pride both on and off the track. As the boys were getting off the bus, they were already planning for next year.
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Sport News and Upcoming Events
NSW All Schools Selection
Congratulations to John James in Year 11, who recently represented the NSWCCC Cricket team at the NSW All Schools selection carnival in Barooga from Tuesday 28 February – Thursday 2 March. John had a fantastic week with the bat and ball, resulting in his selection in the NSW All Schools team. John will now represent NSW at the School Sport Australia Cricket Exchange later this year.
Sport Calendar - Term 1
Week 6
Broken Bay Under 13's Touch Football Gala Day
Doyalson Touch Fields, Doyalson
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Week 7
Broken Bay Under 15's and Under 18's Rugby League Selection Trials
Morry Breen Ovals, Kanwal
Monday 13 March 2023
Week 7
Broken Bay Swimming Carnival
SOPAC, Homebush
Tuesday 14 March 2023
Week 8
Northern Under 15's AFL Selection Trials
Bateau Bay
Thursday 23 March 2023
Week 8
Annual Patrician Brother's Blacktown Rugby League Trial Games Under 14's and Under 15's
Patrician Brother's, Blacktown
Friday 24 March 2023
Week 9
Under 15's and Under 18's Metro Rugby League Trials
Morry Breen Ovals, Kanwal
Wednesday 29 March 2023
Week 9
NSWCCC Swimming and Diving
SOPAC, Homebush
Friday 31 March 2023
Week 10
NSWCCC Under 15's and Opens Touch Football Selections
Wagga Wagga
Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 April 2023
Information for Representative Sport 2023 can be found from the one central website – CSNSW Sport
Click Here
Broken Bay BBSSSA Sport
On the homepage, scroll down to Diocese/Associations and click on Broken Bay (Secondary). This website will give you access to all the current information for each Broken Bay Sport including dates, venues, information regarding teams and an up-to-date calendar.
Broken Bay Representative Sports (Pathway – via a college team)
Touch Football Under 15 and Opens
Rugby League Under 15 and Opens (students must register with Mr Carpenter)
Soccer Opens
Cross Country
Aside from rugby league, students must first make a College team to contest a BBSSSA carnival, before they can register for the next stage in the pathway for that sport. Each sport differs in the pathway it provides.
School-based Sporting Events during Term 1 include:
Open Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Tuesday 14 Feb)
Under 15’s Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Tuesday 21 Feb)
NSW All Schools Teams Triathlon (Friday 24 Feb)
Under 13’s Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Wednesday 8 March)
Open’s and Under 15 BBSSSA Rugby League Selection Trials (Monday 13 March)
BBSSSA Swimming Carnival (Tuesday 14 March)
Northern Under 15 AFL Trials (Thursday 23 March)
Annual Patrician Brother’s Blacktown Rugby League Trial game (Under 14's and Under 15’s – Friday 24 March)
Metro Rugby League Selections Trials (Under 15 and Under 18’s - Wednesday 29 March)
NSWCCC Swimming Carnival (Friday 31 March)
With regards to all sports, students are reminded to be listening to the morning Daily Notices during Home Room for the names of staff who are organising various teams and information regarding those teams/events.
On the homepage, scroll down to Sport Search.
Step 1 click on CCC
Step 2 select the Sport
This website will give you access to all the current information for all CSNSW Representative and School-based events including dates, venues, information regarding teams and an up-to-date calendar. It is also the central location that you can register your son for pathway and non-pathway sports.
2023 NSWCCC Teams with Nomination Closing Dates
Registrations are open for these sports with closing dates as listed
(Please confirm via the CSNSW Sport website as closing dates may have changed)
Parents who wish to register their sons for these trials must do so via the CSNSW Sport website prior to the closing date.
Note: These are state level trials and as such students should have a strong playing history.
Closing Date
Event Date
Cricket: 18 years and under (Years 10-12)
6 February 2023
14 & 15 February 2023
Cricket | CSNSW Sport Portal
Softball: 18 years and under
10 February 2023
14 February 2023
Softball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Triathlon: Individual - Junior/Intermediate/Senior
15 February 2023
23 February 2023
Triathlon | CSNSW Sport Portal
Tennis: 19 years and under
17 February 2023
27 February 2023
Tennis | CSNSW Sport Portal
Baseball: 19 years and under
24 February 2023
7 March 2023
Baseball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Golf: 18 years and under
3 March 2023
14 March 2023
Golf | CSNSW Sport Portal
Diving: All ages 12 to 19
31 March 2023
31 March 2023
Diving | CSNSW Sport Portal
Volleyball: 15 years and under
31 March 2023
6 April 2023
Volleyball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Volleyball: 19 years and under
28 April 2023
12 May 2023
Volleyball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Sailing (NSW All Schools) 19 years and under
8 April 2023
11-14 April 2023
Sailing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rugby Union: 16 years and under
14 April 2023
26 & 27 April 2023
Rugby | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rugby Union: 18 years and under
14 April 2023
26 April 2023
Rugby | CSNSW Sport Portal
Water Polo: 17 years and under
21 April 2023
1 May 2023
Water Polo | CSNSW Sport Portal
Basketball: 16 years and under
28 April 2023
9 May 2023
Basketball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Basketball: 18 years and under
28 April 2023
8 May 2023
Basketball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Football: 16 years and under
28 April 2023
10 May 2023
Football | CSNSW Sport Portal
Hockey: 16 years and under
5 May 2023
15 May 2023
Hockey | CSNSW Sport Portal
Hockey: 18 years and under
5 May 2023
15 May 2023
Hockey | CSNSW Sport Portal
22 & 23 May 2023
Canoeing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rowing (NSW All Schools)
Rowing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Other sports will be promoted closer to their advertised closing date. Further information regarding NSWCCC team selections for all sports is available on the CSNSW Sport website
How to Register Individual Students Via the CSNSW Sport Website
For parents/families:
To register a student on the CSNSW Sport website for a NSWCCC sporting event or trial.
Setting up a new account
(If you have never registered a child for a Broken Bay or NSWCCC team previously)
Go to the Catholic Schools NSW Sport website
Click on Create Account in the blue box on the top right-hand side of the page
Click on ‘Parent’
Complete all the fields
Adding a child
Once you have logged in as a parent, click on ‘Add Child’
Complete all fields.
Register for a sport
Once logged into the CSNSW website (top right)
Go to your ‘Dashboard’ (top right of page and click on your name/icon)
Scroll to your child’s profile
Click on ‘Register for a Sport’
Select the Sport from “available sport registration” e.g. RUGBY LEAGUE 15 YEARS – CCC
Click ‘Next’
Check that your child’s school and year group are correct
Complete all the following information and consent pages
The final section will require a payment
Once you have completed all sections and payment has been made an email will be automatically sent to your child’s principal for approval.
If you have any queries regarding CSNSW, please contact your school Sports Coordinator, jason Carpenter or:
Karen Grant
Head of Secondary Sport
Combined 2023 CSBB and NSWCCC Calendar
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Under 15’s Touch Football
The Under 15’s Touch Football team travelled down to Nolan’s Reserve, Manly on Tuesday 21 February to contest the Broken Bay Touch Gala Day.
The event also doubled as a selection for the Broken Bay team. Our team consisted of: Kyan Werner, Asher Armstrong, Kobie Flanders, Zach Herring, Matt Norman, Austen Flakus, Noah Flakus, Cooper Smith, Lachlan Roach, Ben Geddes-Brown, Cody Neilly, Taj Gooley and Alex McCoombe-Lopez.
A very warm and humid day confronted the boys, with a big day of short turnaround games. The boys breezed through their pool games, winning comfortably against St Paul’s Catholic College (7-0), St Leo’s Catholic College (8-0) and MacKillop Catholic College (5-2). This was on the back of some very slick work in attack. The team was able to move the ball quickly and take advantage of the weaker teams. Tries came from both individual brilliance, as well as some crafty team play.
The results meant we topped our pool and progressed to the semi-finals against Mater Maria Catholic College who had placed second in their pool during the rounds. Mater Maria started off quickly and we never seemed to be able to go with them. Their well structured defence made it difficult for us to find some consistency in our attack and unfortunately this led to frustration and uncharacteristic mistakes. The step-up in quality of game was a little bit much for us and Mater Maria ran away with the game to win 7-2.
At the completion of this game, we had eight boys (Kyan, Asher, Kobie, Zach, Matt, Austen, Taj and Alex) selected in the possible v probable’s game. Zach and Alex gained selection in the Broken Bay team and will now contest the NSWCCC selection trials later this term in Wagga Wagga.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University Information
Please find below information regarding Universities.
This year we are excited to announce our NEW EARLY ENTRY PROGRAM. Our Early Entry Program provides students with the chance to receive an offer to the University of Newcastle before the HSC*.
Applications are FREE. Early Entry Program benefits include:
HSC study support to help students achieve the best results from Year 12
Free preparation courses to make sure students get the most out of uni
Invitation to VIP events throughout the year
Invitation to our student leadership program
We are currently working with UAC to finalise details of the program including confirming application and offer dates in the coming weeks. When confirmed, we will be holding a webinar for Careers Advisers to share information about the new Early Entry Program.
The Future Students Team will be in touch with webinar registration information when available.
For more information visit
*Offers contingent on completion of the HSC.
2023 Key Dates
We have locked in some key dates to assist with your 2023 planning. Please see list below for some of the University of Newcastle key dates. Further updates on upcoming activities will be provided as available.
For information on any of the below activities please contact your Future Students regional contact.
Parent Info Session
Audience: Parents/Carers of Y12 Students
2 May Location TBC
New Degrees/Diplomas/Enabling Zoom Webinar
Audience: Career Advisers
4 May
TAFE 2 Uni Zoom Webinar
Audience: Y12 Students/ Career Advisers
9 May
JMP Info Session Zoom Webinar
Audience: Y12 Students
10 May
Y10 Subject Selection Zoom Webinar – Parent Info Session
Audience: Y10 Students and Parents/Carers
31 May
Central Coast Open Day
Ourimbah and CCCS Gosford Campuses
Audience: Whole School Community
29 July
Newcastle Open Day
Callaghan and Newcastle City Campuses
Audience: Whole School Community
26 August
UCAT 2023 Registrations are now open!
Candidates taking the UCAT ANZ in 2023 for entry to universities in Australia and New Zealand in 2024 should note these key dates.
UCAT ANZ 2023 Key Dates
Concession Scheme opens
Access Arrangements open
Concession application deadline
Access Arrangements application deadline
Late booking deadline
FINAL late booking deadline
Cancellation deadline
Testing begins
Last testing date
Results delivered to universities
by early September 2023
PLEASE NOTE: UCAT registration is only via the UCAT ANZ website -
Who is eligible to sit the UCAT?
The UCAT ANZ test is only available to a candidate whose educational level at the time of sitting the test is that they are undertaking or have completed the final year of secondary schooling, or higher. For example, candidates registering for UCAT ANZ 2023 should have completed, or plan to complete their final year of secondary schooling in 2023, that is, Year 12 in Australia or Year 13 in New Zealand.
Candidates are eligible to sit UCAT ANZ if they have commenced or completed an undergraduate degree.
It is noted, however, that not all undergraduate degree programs for which UCAT ANZ is a prerequisite will offer places for non-school leavers. Candidates are advised to check the UCAT ANZ Consortium university websites for further information.
Only a limited number of UCAT ANZ Consortium universities require international students to sit UCAT ANZ and, if so, it will only be required in specific circumstances. Candidates are advised to check the UCAT ANZ Consortium university websites for further information.
Reference: Pearson VUE, 2023
What's on at NIE
Coming up
Simulated UCAT Day
Intensive UCAT Training Workshop - Live Online Interactive
5 March 2023
Complete UCAT Courses - various levels of preparation and options available to meet individual student needs.
UCAT Preparation Workshop - 5 sections of the UCAT covered + full mock exam + introduction to medical interviews.
UCAT Training Platform - Medify UCAT Platform: 1000s of practice questions, full practice tests, tutorials, and much more.
UCAT Textbooks - recommended list of textbooks to support your UCAT and Interview preparation.
Medical Interviews Workshop - lift your performance above the competition, validating your sincerity and burning positive lasting impressions into the minds of the selection panel.
Universities and the UCAT Requirements
Students are invited to attend our next 'Study in the US' virtual information session. The session will draw from my experience working as Assistant Director of Admissions at a US university and cover the application process as well as the higher education system in the US. We've seen a substantial increase in interest and successful student application outcomes, even comparing to pre-covid times.
Study in the US.
Tuesday 21 March at 6pm AEDT
Further information and registration can be found here.
The presentation is best suited for students in years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Debbie Shively
Internationally Educated
02 8006 9737
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Careers Information
Please see below for the latest information regarding Apprenticeships, Traineeships and opportunities.
2023 Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos
Your Career Starts Here.
Our extremely successful Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos are back providing opportunities for students and job seekers you will not receive anywhere else.
Will we see you there?
Bring copies of your resume and get in first.
**Free entry**
About The Expos
Our annual Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos attract over 20000 visitors and 400 exhibitors combined and are widely accepted as the premier expos of their kind in NSW.
The timing of the expos are a hit with families as it allows parents to attend with their children and have those all-important career chats with industry experts.
The expos kick off the recruitment process. Exhibitors get the chance to collect resumes and promote their organisation for upcoming recruitment drives.
You can view highlights of the Western Sydney Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expo here.
With a lot of major infrastructure projects underway there has never been a better time to start your journey on a rewarding career path.
This is the perfect chance to meet experts representing industry, businesses, group training companies, registered training organisations and many more and apply for apprenticeships, traineeships, jobs and further education pathways.
Whether you are at school and looking for a career path, a parent hoping to give your child the best opportunities in life, looking for a career change or a job-seeker looking to commence a rewarding career, the 2023 Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos have all the answers you need
Where & When
Newcastle & Hunter Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expo
Tuesday 8 August 2023 - 3pm to 8pm
NEX - Newcastle Exhibition & Convention Centre, 309 King St, Newcastle West NSW
Central Coast Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expo
Tuesday 15 August 2023 - 3pm to 8pm
Mingara Recreation Club, 12/14 Mingara Dr, Tumbi Umbi NSW
Click Here for More Information
Here is our most recent list of vacancies showing the apprenticeships and traineeships we currently have available in your state. If you’d like to further tailor your search by industry, job type or region, please use the drop-down menu at the top of the Job Board page.
Click Here
Microsoft Traineeship Program – CERT IV IT |Sydney – various locations
Kickstart your IT career with the Microsoft Traineeship Program
Certificate IV in IT with integrated Microsoft Azure Certifications
The program enables pathways into IT careers
Varies host employers in the Sydney area
24 months of working and studying whilst getting paid
For more information on this role click here
Or contact MEGT direct recruiter:
1st Year Electrical Apprenticeship – Arndell Park
Based in Arndell Park – Western Suburbs of Sydney
Nationally recognised qualification
National Organisation
Cert III in Electrotechnology
For more information on this role:
Electronics and Communications Apprenticeship – Sydney Metro
Cert III Electronics and Communications
Service and Installation of CCTV, MATV and electronic systems
Access Control, Security DECT, Systems Integration
Servicing Sydney Metro
For more information on this role:
1st Year Electrician Apprenticeship – North Sydney
Weekly pay cycle
Full time paid work
TAFE training
Receive a nationally recognised qualification
Qualified tradesman who will teach and give a good grounding in the trade
Duties include: assisting qualified electricians with installing wiring and fittings
For more information on this role:
1st Year Landscape Apprenticeship – Eastern Suburbs
Weekly pay cycle
4 year apprenticeship
Full time paid work with TAFE training once a week
MEGT Employee Assistance Program
MEGT Consultant to support and mentor you throughout your apprenticeship
Duties include: Excavating, paving, concreting, timber work, planting and gardening
For more information on this role:
Microsoft Traineeship Program – CERT IV IT |Newcastle locations
Kickstart your IT career with the Microsoft Traineeship Program – ENTRY level role
Certificate IV in IT with integrated MEGT Microsoft Traineeship Program
The program enables pathways into IT careers
Roles available across Newcastle
For more information on this role:
Or contact MEGT direct recruiter:
Kickstart your Career With Nestlé
If you’re a natural problem-solver, with a creative mind and insatiable curiosity, consider a career in engineering. Nestlé is a place to learn, develop and grow to your full potential, with career opportunities for engineers that help people, families and pets live happier, healthier lives.
Nestlé shares inspiring stories about women in engineering and engineering at Nestlé. Today, Laura and Claire turn back time to reflect on their journey of how a passion for maths and science has transformed into a career in engineering. Hear about their personal experiences here.
Infinite Aged Care
Get Ready to Meet Your Future - With Infinite Care!
You might not know this, but the Aged Care sector is one of Australia’s largest employment industries - and there is so much you could get involved in! Infinite Care are leaders in the industry and keen to show you just what. Click Here
Your Future Starts With an Apprenticeship with Miele!
Join one of the world’s most recognisable brands and kickstart your future today with a Miele Apprenticeship!
Become a qualified Service Technician with the German family-owned company, known for its premium domestic. Click Here
Australia's top 3 recession-proof industries
With rising interest rates, inflation and ongoing impacts of the Russian-Ukraine war, markets around the world could be facing harder times and possibly a recession in 2023. And many Australians could be wondering if their jobs are safe.
SEEK’s Senior Economist, Matt Cowgill says that there might be a few storm clouds ahead, however the Australian labour market is, at the moment, in very good shape.
“In a softening labour market, we’d expect to see more employers letting people go. Australia's in a strong position to defy a local recession, however we won’t be completely immune from a global downturn, and there are some industries that will do better than others”, Cowgill says.
Healthcare & Medical is the most recession-proof industry. People still need to access healthcare even during a period of slow economic growth, so demand for healthcare workers will remain strong during a recession.
Farming, Animals & Conservation is also relatively recession-proof – people still need to eat regardless of how the economy’s going.
Education & Training is one of the most stable industries, as people still want to further their studies and advance their skills during a recession. Teachers will still be required to work and remain in high demand, even during periods of uncertainty.
If you're looking to protect yourself in a recession, it helps to know which jobs are the most in-demand right now. We’ve looked at the latest data – the table below is a snapshot of the top 20 most-in demand jobs in Australia right now, including average salary.
When we picture someone working in mining, we can tend to think of someone working as a shotfirer or a boilermaker, who spends a couple of years in the resources sector before finding work in another industry.
But when we consider that the Australian mining industry plays a hand in employing close to 1 in 10 Australians, we realise that this stereotype is quite far from the truth.
There’s an incredible breadth and variety of professionals working in the mining and resources industry. It encompasses people working in more traditional trades and project management, through to cutting-edge roles such as drone operators, deep data analysts and digital engineers.
What may surprise you is that career paths between these roles are far more accessible than they appear at first glance. The resources sector spends more on training per person than most industries, including tuition for higher education.
Students could enter the sector in a rewarding and highly-paid job with a VET qualification, and then progress into more specialised or managerial roles.
STEM qualifications are becoming increasingly valuable in the sector, as mining and resources companies invest heavily in areas such as green hydrogen and renewable energy projects.
With over 5,000 apprenticeships being created in the resources sector over the next five years, there’s never been a better time to enter the industry.
That’s why AUSMESA has collaborated with Year13 to create Resourcefulness, our free e-learning module to show young people what the future holds in store for the resources sector, and how they can get involved. For more information, please visit Resourcefulness via the Academy landing page.
St Edward's College Careers Website
Our Careers newsletter has renewed energy thanks to StudyWorkGrow, who specialise in careers education and life preparation, to not only keep you informed and up to date with all things careers and pathways but offer real actionable tips for your son as well. A PDF version will also be published on our Careers Website under Important Information.
Click Here for the Careers Newsletter
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers Pathways Expo
Years 10 to 12 students and their parents/carers are invited to register for our inaugural Careers Pathways Expo.
See the link below for more information and to register for the event.
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Parent Connection
College Open Day
Come and join us on Open Day this Saturday 11 March between 10 am and 2 pm.
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Parent Connection
Male Connect
Your child’s self-image or self-identity refers to their mental image of themselves, of who they are as individuals, socially and more globally.
A sense of image or identity can be shaped by personal experiences, interaction with you and others, the local environment, and their own unique personality.
Self-image has a lot to do with self-esteem because how your child sees themselves is a big contributing factor to how they feel about themselves.
Whether your child is young, heading into their teen years or beyond, making a conscious effort to be aware of how you engage with your child and the impact on their self-esteem and self-image is important.
Top Tips
Accept your child for who they are. Regardless of how different your child may be compared to you, it’s crucial to let them know you love and value them as they are.
Pay attention to and listen to your child. This tells children they are important and valued and that it is safe to express feelings and opinions.
Give them genuine compliments. Show them that you notice more than their appearance or their performance. Focus on a range of qualities – their positive choices, creativity, or their ability to act as a good friend.
Dad joke of the week
I told my son I saw a deer on the way to work this morning. He asked, "How do you know it was on its way to work..?"
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Parent Connection
Correspondence Emailed Home – Term 1, 2023
Please see below correspondence emailed home in Term 1, 2023
Year 10 Parent Letter 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 4 April 2023
2023 Student Led Conference - Updated rooms - Sent 31 March 2023
Face to Face Learning Conferences - Sent 28 March 2023
Student Led Conferences Term 1 - Sent 15 March 2023
Year 7 and 10 Parent Letter - 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 3 March 2023
Year 9 Camp Packing List - Sent 3 March 2023
2023 College Attendance letter - Sent 28 February 2023
Flexischools Student Process - Sent 27 February 2023
Year 7 Camp Information - Sent 21 February 2023
Year 9 Information Evening - 20 February 2023
Year 7 and 10 Parent Letter 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 20 February 2023
2023 Collection Notice for Parents - Sent 15 February 2023
Years 10 to 12 Careers Pathways Expo - 15 February 2023
Years 7 to 11 Elevate Education - Sent 15 February 2023
NAPLAN 2023 Information - Sent 14 February 2023
Year 8 Information Evening - Sent 13 February 2023
Year 9 Camp Information and Consent Form - Sent 10 February 2023
Year 11 Parent information sheet 2023 - Sent 9 February 2023
Year 7 Information Evening - Sent 9 February 2023
Year 7 Camp Information and Consent Form - Sent 7 February 2023
Year 12 2023 - Permission to Arrive Later or Leave Early - Sent 6 February 2023
Year 10 Information Evening - Sent 30 January 2023
SEC Learner Profile - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 7 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 8 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 9 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 10 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 11 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 12 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 11 Information Evening - Sent 24 January 2023 - Sent 25 January 2023
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P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
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