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Curriculum & Learning
St Edward’s provides a curriculum attentive to the needs of each person. Our curriculum is broad and the teaching and learning experiences at the College are relevant, authentic, dynamic and creative.
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Assessment Handbooks Years 7 to 12
Please find below the links to Assessment Handbooks for Years 7 to 12 and other relevant forms.
Years 10 to 12 Illness/Misadventure Form
Illness/Misadventure Form (Students to Complete from College Login)
Preliminary Change of Subject Form
HSC Change of Subject Form
Link to Use of AI Tools Policy
Year 12 - 2023/2024 Assessment Handbook
Year 11 - 2024 Assessment Handbook
Year 10 - 2024 Assessment Handbook
Year 9 - 2024 Assessment Handbook
Year 8 - 2024 Assessment Handbook
Year 7 - 2024 Assessment Handbook
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The Bungaree Program
Welcome to 'Bungaree', St Edward's High Potential Program
Why 'Bungaree'?
Bungaree was an Aboriginal man from the area near Broken Bay, renowned for his sense of humour, resourcefulness and bravery. St Edward's College is privileged to have an association with a direct descendant of Bungaree through our Reconciliation Action Plan activities. The name Bungaree was chosen, in consultation with community members and the direct descendants of Bungaree, for the High Potential Learners Program in recognition of Bungaree’s achievements and in celebration of the continued connection of the College to this exceptional man.
Click on the links below if you would like to know more about Bungaree and why he was chosen as the namesake for our High Potential Program.
Sydney's Bungaree | State Library of NSW
Bungaree - The Australian Museum
Program Philosophy
High potential students are those who have the potential to perform well above the average level of their age peers in one or more areas. These students learn in different ways to their peers, and can move through core learning quicker and with more complex understanding.
St Edward's College is guided by our aspiration statements. In particular, 'St Edward’s College aspires to provide students with a liberating education that empowers them to build a better world for all.'
Flowing from this, the aim of the St Edward’s High Potential Program is to meet the cognitive and socio-emotional needs of our high potential students. We will do this by providing them with enriched learning opportunities which develop their abilities through quality teaching, and collaboration with like-minded peers, encouraging them to make creative contributions in service to others. In striving for this aim, we hope our high potential leaners will be liberated to achieve their personal best for the betterment of our community and the world at large.
What Does the Program Offer?
Once a student has been identified as high potential, they may be offered one or more of the following opportunities.
Participation in special events or competitions
Placement in subject based enrichment classes
Withdrawal from class to participate in specialised learning groups.
Link to Assessment and Selection Information
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Diverse Learning
Support for students with Diverse Learning Needs
At St Edward’s there is a significant commitment to an inclusive education model that supports all learners in our school community to achieve growth and improvement. We recognise that our students have diverse needs and continually look to provide learning experiences that will engage and challenge them as learners.
As part of the mixed ability inclusive education that St Edward’s offers, support for students is provided predominantly in the classroom. As a part of this commitment, teachers work to provide learning experiences that provide students with appropriate levels of challenge, allowing them to access learning and demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways. They are supported and guided in this work by the Diverse Learning Team.
The Diverse Learning Team is made up of the Leader of Diverse Learning, Teacher of Diverse Learning, and a team of dedicated and highly experienced Learning Assistants that provide support to students with diverse learning needs.
Student growth and progress is monitored and our Diverse Learning Team work with teachers to design and adjust learning experiences and assessment that allows all students to demonstrate learning growth. The Diverse Learning team use a range of evidence-informed strategies to support student learning including a variety of intervention programs. These supports are put in place as a part of a collaborative planning process involving the student, parents and teachers. We find that this collaborative process builds relationships between home and school and enables students to feel supported in their learning by the adults in their lives.
NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents and Carers
Key Resources for Parents and Carers - NCCD Portal
Collecting Information for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data - NCCD
Mentoring Program - Years 9 and 10
A mentoring program is offered as an elective for Years 9 and 10. The program supports students as follows:
Reduces workload
Provides homework and assessment support
Develops self-management skills including:
Organisational skills
Social Awareness
Interpersonal relationship skills
Building resilience
Emotional regulation
Decision making
High Potential Learners
St Edward’s College implements a diverse range of programs and initiatives aimed at extending high potential learners (gifted and talented) in a variety of academic, creative, technological and sporting endeavours.
In 2024, we launched the Bungaree Program for high potential learners. More information about the Bungaree Program can be found by clicking here.
In addition to the Bungaree Program, in the academic domain, students are encouraged to enter competitions in Mathematics, Science, English, Debating, Mock Trial and Computing. Workshops are designed and run in some of these faculties and students who demonstrate ability and interest are invited to attend. Teachers also develop units of work that include extension activities and modules to challenge the more academically capable students. In the creative domain, talented musicians are encouraged to participate in the College Band, Jazz Group or Guitar Group and the College Performance evenings. Students interested in Drama are also encouraged to perform in the Drama Club, College Performing Arts evenings, the College Musical and at Friday assemblies and liturgies throughout the year.
Students who demonstrate a talent in the sporting arena are given many opportunities to develop their skills through the numerous representative sporting competitions available at the College. All the competitions maintain pathways to representation at an elite level.
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Home Learning (Homework) Approach
Home learning, with a clear purpose of consolidating student learning, can be an effective tool.
At the same time, we recognise that our students have commitments outside of school, including sport and jobs and that students should therefore not be overloaded.
The College is committed to providing home learning guidance and resources for students through Canvas for them to work on during each Term at their own pace, to develop them as independent and autonomous life-long learners. Specific home learning may also be set by teachers and if this is the case, it will be recorded on the student portal and feedback provided.
Based on educational research, the following guidance is provided for the amount of time that students should spend on home learning. Note that other commitments, student capacity, and assessment task due dates will be factors that will influence this.
Years 7 and 8 - minimum 30 mins per day
Years 9 and 10 - minimum 45 mins per day
Years 11 and 12 (depending on HSC pathway) - 60+ mins per day
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College Values and Learner Profile
St Edward's College Values and Learner Profile
The Learner Profile and College Values were introduced in 2023 to replace the former Code for Learning.
The Learner Profile and the College values are informed by our College Aspiration statement which encourages students to be respectful, autonomous, and resilient learners who are committed to personal growth. The Learner Profile also reflects contemporary learning dispositions which are recognised as important for cultivating the skills for life-long learning.
The Learner Profile is used in classrooms, along with the College values, to help students to be aware of our expectations for how they should approach their learning.
Throughout the year, students are encouraged to reflect upon the Learner Profile and self-assess their progress, with a view to setting learning goals. For this purpose, a rubric has been developed by the College which outlines a progression for the Learner Profile with categories of ‘Exceeding Expectations’, ‘Meeting Expectations’, ‘Working towards Expectations’ and ‘Rarely Meeting Expectations’. This rubric is also used by teachers to report on each student’s approach to their learning in interim and semester reports.
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College Awards
To encourage students to excel and to develop a growth mindset which reflects our Learner Profile, a new system of Academic Awards will be launched this year.
There will be four new awards at our semester academic assemblies:
Learner Profile Award: for students in the top 10% of their cohort based on Learner Profile score.
School Spirit Award: for students who show a commitment to the ethos of St Edward’s including: attendance at both the Swimming and Athletic Carnivals, attendance at Founder’s Day, attendance on the final day of at least two terms (1, 2 or 3), service contribution to the College, completion of mandatory Waterford hours, combined with a positive record for uniform and behaviour.
Student Growth Award: for students who have shown substantial growth in the learner profile compared with other students in their cohort.
Academic Award: students in the top 3% of the cohort in a subject.
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Study Skills
St Edward’s College inspires students to be compassionate, curious, respectful and autonomous learners. St Edward’s College students demonstrate resilience, discipline and perseverance on their learning journey.
In keeping with these two aims, taken from our College aspiration statement, the College provides students with training to help them develop foundational study skills which will help them to succeed in their learning.
Elevate Study Skills
For students in Years 7-12 Elevate Education (Programs | Elevate Education) runs a series of seminars to help develop important skills including time management and prioritising, note-taking, conceptual learning and memory techniques.
Resources are provided to students as part of these seminars, and students are given opportunities during the year to practice the skills they have learned.
Parent Seminars
In partnership with Elevate Education, the College offers a seminar each year, to provide parents and carers with guidance on how to best support their child’s study at home (Parent | Elevate Education). This normally runs in the first part of Term 1 and information on how to sign up is emailed to parents.
Parents can also access a series of free online seminars provided by Elevate via: Webinar Registration | AU (
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We believe that all children need excellent school library services delivered by qualified staff to get the digital and information literacy skills required to succeed in the 21st century (ASLA, 2022).
Located on the top floor of the Shanahan Learning Centre, St Edward’s College Library is a teaching and learning hub that provides collaborative learning spaces, access to technology and a wide collection of reading material selected to encourage a lifelong love of reading and learning.
The Library is a blended space where tradition meets the future. It was opened in 2015 as a 'learning commons' in response to our students becoming creators of information and not merely consumers. With this in mind, the learning commons provides facilities and equipment for creating information products as well as traditional learning and study spaces. The physical space reflects the rapidly changing nature of intellectual architecture with the students able to create the space they need for the activity they are going to undertake. Mobile technology and movable furniture caters for noisy and quiet activities, individual and collaborative work, formal and informal instruction, showcase and feedback.
The Library provides access to a wide range of physical and digital resources, aiming to ensure that the students have access to new and relevant material. Increasingly, digital resources such as e-books, audiobooks, online databases, online newspapers and multimedia learning materials form a substantial part of the Library’s collection. The Library has a strong, networked information technology infrastructure which provides access to collections as well as the tools for undertaking research-based inquiry and the construction, presentation and sharing of knowledge. Currently the students have access to iPads, iPods, cameras, a green screen, board games and maker-space activities with wireless printing on demand from any location within the College. The Library has undergone a recent transformation with a Team Teaching Area that fits two classes and an upgrade to our Quiet Reading Area with flexible, comfortable furniture. The Library provides a virtual space through our Libguides which allows students 24/7 access to materials to facilitate learning and curated resource collections for special subjects and assessment tasks.
The Library staff provide literacy and reading promotion, media and information literacy skills development and an appreciation of literature and culture. The teacher librarians work with the classroom teachers to collaboratively plan and support the provision of media and information literacy instruction that is integrated into the curriculum and connected with the students’ interests and needs. The Library offers extended opening hours of 8.00 am – 3.30 pm from Monday to Thursday and 8.00 am to 3.00 pm on Fridays.
[Link to St Edward's College Lib Guides]
[Link to St Edward's College Library Instagram Account]
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Careers and Vocational Education
Research suggests that the average 15-year-old is predicted, throughout their life time to have 17 jobs over 5 different careers and that employers are paying higher salaries for people with enterprising skills and technical skills (credential).
Careers are often referred to as 'squiggly', offering numerous opportunities and different pathways as a result of evolving technology and changes in work place practices. No longer is climbing the ladder, within an organisation, the norm.
Enterprising skills include the ability to problem solve, communicate, critically and creatively think, work in a team, have digital and financial literacy and presentation skills. Enterprising skills are important because they are transferable from one job to another and crucial to navigating career pathways.
To assist students, prepare for their future of work, St Edward’s College has a full-time Careers Adviser/Vocational Education and Training Leader of Learning, working in careers pathways education. Careers Education is across curriculums and touches all year groups. Career activities at St Edward’s include, interest and strengths quizzes, occupational research, resume and interview preparation, industry and tertiary presentations, one on one careers guidance, university open days, careers expos, vocational course offerings, work experience/placement, parent information evenings, online career resources and guest speakers, just to name a few.
At St Edward’s College we believe that we equip students with the necessary skills to be able to plan and initiate their career pathway, whether it is going to University, TAFE, College, gaining an apprenticeship/traineeship or entering employment.
Pathway Options After School
After completing Year 10, and until you reach 17 years of age, students must do one of the following:
Remain at school for Years 11 and 12
Enrol in a VET qualification at TAFE or another RTO
Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship
Take up full time paid work
Combination of education or training and paid work
After completing Year 12 students' pathway options are:
Gap year
Click the link below for our dedicated careers website for everything you and your son will need to plan ahead and also to book an appointment with our Leader of Learning - Careers/Vocational Education and Training, for careers and pathway guidance.
Click Here for the Careers Website
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Stationery Requirements 2024
Year 7 receive a complimentary book pack on their first day of school. Years 8-12 are responsible for purchasing their own supplies.
Please find below the stationery lists for Years 8-11 for 2024. Year 12 should be advised by their teachers of ongoing requirements for their HSC year.
Year 8 Stationery List
Year 9 Stationery List
Year 10 Stationery List
Year 11 Stationery List
For parents wishing to purchase stationery packs online through our supplier COS, please see the links below and follow the steps indicated.
COS Online Order Year 8
COS Online Order Year 9
COS Online Order Year 10
COS Online Order Year 11
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Daily Timetable
The College timetable is organised in a ten day cycle, ie the timetable is made up of days 1 to 10 over a two week period. Students will be given personal timetables which reflect their chosen subject times, these timetables are also available on the Portal.
Throughout the course of the day on Monday to Thursday, students at the College attend five, 60 minute periods held at the times below.
Daily Timetable
Monday to Thursday
8.45 am - 9.00 am
Home Room
8.45 am
*Please see Portal for Friday Schedule
9.00 am - 10.00 am
Period 1
9.00 am - 12.20 pm
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
*Please see portal for Friday schedule of bell times.
10.00 am - 11.00 am
Period 2
11.00 am - 11.20 am
11.20 am - 12.20 am
Period 3
12.20 am - 1.20 pm
Period 4
12.20 pm - 1.00 pm
1.20 pm - 2.00 pm
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Period 4
2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Period 5
2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Period 5
On Friday, during the morning Administration time, General Assemblies and/or Year Meetings are held. Extension classes in Years 11 and 12 (for example in English, Mathematics and History) are usually conducted outside of this timetable, ie before 8:45 am and/or after 3:00 pm.
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Year 7 and 8 Information
At St Edward’s College, our focus is upon learning. Our strategic focus is about providing a holistic education where learning opportunity is paramount.
We endeavour to seek outcomes and provide conditions where:
Charism and spirituality enhance learning
Service and outreach enhance learning
Pastoral care supports learning
Leadership enhances learning
Curriculum and teaching promote learning
Extra curricular activity enhances learning
Finance and administration enhance learning
We aim to educate St Edward’s boys in the Cultural Characteristics and spirit of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. As such, each boy will be exposed to learning about Being Just, Compassion, Spirituality, Stewardship, Pastoral Care, Service to others, supporting the marginalised through Faith in Action.
In conjunction with the parents, we endeavour to foster a spirit of learning as we prepare future Australian citizens and participants in a globalised world.
College Handbook
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Year 9 and 10 Information
The following information outlines subjects taught in Years 9 and 10 at St Edward's College.
The handbook below provides a detailed description of the elective subjects, information regarding the compulsory subjects taught in Years 9 and 10.
Record of School Achievement (RoSA)
The NSW Minister for Education announced on 4 August, 2011 that the School Certificate tests would not be administered beyond 2011. It was announced that there will be a new credential to replace the School Certificate.
The RoSA has been created for students who leave school after completing Year 10, but before receiving their HSC.
The credential will provide a ongoing cumulative record for students. It will record grades for courses students complete in Year 10 and in Year 11. Schools will report a grade to the Board of Studies based on school-based assessment for each student in Years 10 and 11.
Optional literacy and numeracy tests will be available for school leavers. The tests will be taken online and will be available to students twice a year. They will be designed to provide school leavers with a current supplementary assessment of these key skills.
Year 9 and 10 Subject Selection Handbook
College Handbook
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Preliminary and HSC Information
The following information outlines subjects offered in Years 11 and 12 at St Edward's College.
This handbook contains information on the general organisation and structure for Years 11 and 12 ie, the Preliminary and HSC courses. It is intended that you use this handbook as a guide to your subject selection.
Year 11/12 - 2025/2026 Subject Information Handbook
College Handbook
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