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Touchstones – 16 June 2022
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Gospel Spirituality
As an Edmund Rice Community we continue to nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Sacramental Mass
St Edward’s is dedicated to nurturing and encouraging the spiritual growth of each person, providing opportunities for our young men to deepen their faith and spirituality, through reflection, prayer, sacred stories, rituals and the sacraments.
One way this is achieved is through our College sacramental program. The culmination of this program for our four Year 7 students was to receive their sacraments during mass on Friday 10 June at St Patrick’s, East Gosford.
This Mass was celebrated by Father Greg the Parish Priest of St Patrick’s, East Gosford. The commitment made by these young men and their families to support them in their faith and spiritual journey provides us with great joy as a community. Being able to support their decision and prepare them to receive the sacraments at their age is a great cause for celebration. We thank their families for entrusting us with this important role and thank them for their ongoing support.
We are forever grateful to Father Greg from St Patrick’s Parish for his dedication to working with our young men in the development of their own faith and spirituality. His ongoing willingness to engage with our boys and work with our community in celebrating the Eucharist and through offering reconciliation regularly throughout the year supports our community in living up to the core values that underpin the authentic Catholic Education we provide.
Tony Beacroft
Director of Mission and Identity
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Mission & Identity
Reconciliation Week
The theme for Reconciliation Week this year was “Be Brave, Make Change” and St Edward’s College embraced working towards a culture of Reconciliation.
The week began with a Liturgy where the students were presented with information about ‘The Uluru Statement from the Heart’, musical performances and an overview of the activities for the week ahead.
On the Monday staff and students watched an episode of SECTV which focused specifically on Reconciliation Week 2021 and how the students of St Edward’s believe we can be brave and make change in our daily lives. The boys identified Ms Tracey Burraston’s talk and Mr Tim Selwyn’s smoking ceremony as some of their fondest memories from Reconciliation Week 2021. Other students spoke about their visit to Walgett and how it allowed them to see that it is a responsibility of all citizens of Australia to ensure we open our hearts and minds to the reconciliation journey.
On Tuesday, the students were given the opportunity to watch ‘The Australian Dream’ featuring Adam Goodes in the theatre and Tim Selwyn, a proud Wongaibon man, had a yarn with Year 10 about what it means to be a young man and the responsibilities that entails. There were also members from our Reconciliation Action Plan Committee that spoke about what ‘Being Brave and Making Change’ meant to them.
On Wednesday and Thursday the students and staff all participated in composing their own Acknowledgement of Country’s that were heartfelt and authentic. Some examples of these were:
Today, my feet are placed on the lands of the Darkinjung people. I thank the many traditional owners of this special country for loving the trees, nurturing the lands, protecting our waters and celebrating the skies. We have much to learn from the custodians of the oldest continuing culture, and we are listening.
- Mr Reynolds
I would like to acknowledge the land, sea, and sky, and all the people that have walked before us.
- Joseph Stitt (Year 8)
I am thankful for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the rich tradition of storytelling, singing and dancing that they have celebrated with for thousands of years. I sing, dance and share stories in their honour.
- Ms Emmett
I acknowledge the Original Custodians and Caretakers of this land on which we stand, the Darkinjung people. I acknowledge and am grateful for the millennia of care and history that those before have staked in this land. This land which has and continues to offer great opportunity for myself and for others. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging and hold them in high esteem as I tread softly across their lands. I was not the first and I will not be the last.
William Frost-Foster (Year 12)
The RAP Committee would sincerely like to thank staff and students who participated in Reconciliation Week and who continue to embrace our reconciliation journey with open hearts and minds.
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Mission & Identity
SECTV Homeroom Edition Wednesday 15 June 2022
Click the YouTube link below for the latest Homeroom Edition of SECTV hosted by Louis Whyatt and Cameron Shaw.
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Mission & Identity
Clean4shore Report
On a bitterly cold morning with the boys well protected from the wind, tidal access was just sufficient to access Erina Bay with the first site behind the heliport revealing plenty of soft and hard plastic.
The falling tide had the barge depart with the boys pushing the craft into deeper water. The mangroves close to the Punt Bridge were then cleaned, with two full bags coming out. The old timber vessel beneath this bridge appears to be being demolished by the owner.
Across from the Punt Bridge boat ramp another two bags were filled with most of the litter in the rear sections close to the sporting fields. Further up the creek coloured plastic balls were collected in excess of 100. These had been dumped into the water.
With a good load in the barge and the weather getting worse, a return to base at St Edward's was made.
See the link for the full report
Clean4shore Report
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Student Led Learning Conferences Years 7 to 11
This Semester there will be two opportunities to meet your son’s teachers.
The first opportunity will be to have an online Microsoft Teams meetings on Thursday 30 June from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The second opportunity will be the next day on Friday 1 July where interviews will be conducted in person on site at the College. These will be from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Please note that the conferences on Thursday 30 June that will be held online as a Microsoft Teams meeting, will not be recorded by teaching staff and we request that parents and students not record meetings either.
All conferences are intended to support your son in developing a greater sense of responsibility for his learning. It will be compulsory for students to attend all scheduled meetings with their parents. Students will be expected to take an active role in leading their parents and teachers through a reflection on their learning in that subject. There will be an expectation that students complete a reflection on their progress for each subject prior to the meeting. The student, parents and teachers will then discuss some learning goals as they approach the Semester 2 assessments and strategies to address areas of challenge and achieve learning growth. It will also be a good opportunity to discuss the Semester 1 Report that will be published to the Parent/Student portals prior to the conferences.
The Learning Conference bookings will be managed with an internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). Using this system, you will be able to book the conference times that suit you best. All conferences will be seven minutes in duration.
When you book for an online conference, the teachers will contact students on their device at the scheduled time via a Microsoft Teams meeting. This will mean that parents and students will need to be available at booked times with Microsoft Teams open.
When you book for a meeting at school you will need to go to the room indicated when you arrive at the College. There will be Year 12 prefects directing parents and students. This process and the process for student reflection will be further explained to students at upcoming year meetings.
Access to the system will be available from Tuesday 14 June at 7.00 pm and will be closed off for bookings the day before interviews.
If you encounter any problems using PTO, please contact the school office on 4321 6400.
Please follow these steps to access the system:
Click here go to the PTO website
Click on “Obtain PIN/Password” (you will need to supply your email address)
Enter your email address and click on “Send Email”
Check your email in-box for your login details or click on the link in the email
Go back to the PTO website, login with the details supplied via email
Follow the online instructions to complete the bookings.
Please note that in Step 1 of the booking process you will need to select the start date and time by scrolling through the drop-down menu until you reach your desired start time.
For additional information please click on the link below
Additional Information | pdf
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Year 7 Agriculture
Mr Brown's Year 7 Technology class harvested their crops this week and with all the rain the root vegetables were plentiful.
The boys discovered that growing vegetables and fruit is seasonal as only their carrots, radishes and a small amount of basil were successful. With pizza on the menu for their next cooking lesson the basil will be a perfect additional topping to their pizzas.
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Homework Help – All Welcome
The Diverse Learning Team would like to introduce you to Mr Bonello. Mr Bonello has recently joined the team as a Teacher’s Aide and will be supporting Mrs Edwards with Homework help.
Homework help is available to all students in Years 7 to 12
It is available every morning between 8.00 am and 8.45 am
Homework help takes place in the Library
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CCC Cross Country
St Edward's College was represented by a squad of 12 athletes at the Cross Country Competition for all Catholic Colleges in New South Wales.
The College had a larger number of athletes who qualified to compete at this level, but due to injury and sickness some athletes could not attend.
Compared to previous years the number of athletes competing this year was a lot less, but the times achieved by those who qualified for All Schools were very quick.
Some great results on Tuesday at the NSWCCC Cross Country Championships with 17 Broken Bay runners from 8 Broken Bay Schools now through to the NSW All Schools Championships on 22 July.
Under 17 - 40 Athletes Competed (1st Place Time: 19:09)
William Browning finished 7th with a time of 20:01:90.
Under 15 - 51 Athletes Competed (1st Place Time: 13:43:80)
Deakin Wright finished 17th with a time of 15:49:40.
Under 14 - 55 Athletes Competed (1st Place Time: 14:27:20)
Cooper Hall finished 22nd with a time of 16:21:00.
Under 13 - 64 Athletes Competed (1st Place Time: 10:45:80)
Liam Smith finished 12th with a time of 11:21:20.
Conditions were very windy on the day with the only saving grace being a tailwind on the straight at the start and at the finish. It was a strong headwind all through the back section over the undulating hills.
Thank you to all the supporting family members who attended the event to support their athletes and the College. The students were great athletes and ambassadors for St Edward's.
Mr T Ristuccia
Broken Bay Age Manager
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Coming Up in Sport
See the information below for what's coming up in sport for Term 2.
Week 8
NSWCCC Opens Basketball Championships
Port Macquarie
Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 June 2022
Week 8
Central Coast Under 16 Rugby League Gala Day
Morrie Breen Oval, Kanwal
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Week 9
Under 14 Central Coast All Schools Futsal
Niagara park Stadium
Tuesday 21 June 2022
Week 9
BBSSSA Under 13 Football
Tuesday 21 June 2022
Week 9
Catholic Schools Rugby League Cup - Under 14's and Opens
CC Sports School
Wednesday 22 June 2022
Week 10
College Athletics Carnival
Adcock Park
Monday 27 June 2022
Week 10
Central Coast All Schools Rugby League Grand Final Day - Under 13's - Opens
Wednesday 29 June 2022
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Annual Athletics Carnival
The College will be conducting our Athletics carnival on Monday 27 June at Adcock Park, West Gosford. It is compulsory for all boys to attend and rolls will be taken throughout the day.
We need boys to be at Adcock Park by 8.45am. We welcome back parents and spectators to our carnival for the first time in a long time.
Any students wanting to compete in the 1500m event need to be at the oval ready to race by 8.30am.
Normal school buses to and from school will run in the morning/afternoon. Boys from the southern end of the coast will be dropped off near McDonald’s at West Gosford. Students are then required to cross the Central Coast Highway at the pedestrian lights immediately outside McDonalds where a staff member will be stationed to direct them safely across the main road. Please note that students will not be permitted to enter McDonalds to buy food.
All other students traveling by bus are required to catch their normal bus to the College and they will be directed to make their way to Adcock Park. Staff will be stationed along the way to direct students to the correct and safest crossing points. They will not be permitted to cross at any other points. This is most important for their safety and wellbeing.
Other students may make their own way to the carnival as appropriate. All students requiring afternoon bus transport will return on foot to the College under the close supervision of staff and catch the afternoon school specials as normal.
For identification purposes, it is imperative that all St Edward’s students attend the carnival in their College track suit/sports uniform. This is most important so that we can carry out appropriate supervision of all the boys on that day. Senior students who don’t have a sports uniform should wear appropriate sports clothing, possibly in their house colours.
General Directions
As maximum participation is the aim of the day, points will be allocated for every student entering an event.
Boys need to be equally prepared for the weather, especially at this time of the year. There is little protection from the elements at Adcock Park, so boys also need to bring a hat and sun protection cream etc.
The canteen (snacks and drinks only) will be run on the day and is on a cash only basis. There is no facility for use of flexischool accounts or student cards at Adcock Park.
The boys are asked not to bring footballs, basketballs or soccer balls with them as there will be no opportunity to use them on the day. The balls can be a hazard on a day such as this.
It is imperative that no student brings along large sums of money or valuable audio equipment etc. In these situations, it is impossible for the College to take responsibility if any items go missing on the day.
In the event of obvious inclement weather, boys would need to come to school prepared for the normal Monday timetable. A posting will be listed on the College Facebook page and the College App. No announcement means the carnival will go ahead.
COVID Restrictions
Currently there are no restrictions therefore parents and carers are permitted at the carnival.
Parents are asked to stay outside the velodrome throughout the day and support from a distance.
Feel free to access the canteen and barbeque facilities.
NB: Students will be released at the conclusion of the carnival at approximately 2.15pm.
During the carnival:
Students will move from event-to-event in their age groups.
At the conclusion of the carnival, with parental carer discretion, students may:
Be dismissed from Adcock Park to make their own way home. Students who are making their way home will not be permitted to go to McDonalds or any other fast-food outlets, they are to go directly home or
Senior Students with permission to drive to and from school may drive or
Return on foot and under supervision to the College to catch the usual bus services.
The cooperation of boys and their families with these guidelines will ensure that it is an enjoyable day for all in attendance. Under normal circumstances the carnival should conclude by 2.15pm. No boys will be permitted to leave the oval before that time. I would ask that parents cooperate in not asking for their sons to leave before that time.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University Information
See the links below for the latest information from universities.
University of Newcastle
Pathways to University Webinar
Interested in studying but not sure where to start? Don’t have the qualifications to jump straight into an undergraduate degree? Didn’t get the marks you hoped for in the HSC? Join us as our Pathways and Academic Learning Support staff share the ins and outs of our Pathways into university. We’ll cover Open Foundation, NUPrep Bridging and the support you will receive as a Pathways student. This session also includes an opportunity for you to have your questions answered.
Register Here
University of Sydney
HSC Prep Courses
HSC biology
HSC business studies
HSC economics
HSC English
HSC legal studies
HSC mathematics
HSC physics
Years 10-12 study and essay skills
Year 11 (new syllabus)
Click Here For More Information
Macquarie University
Open Day - 13 August 2022
Students can join us on campus to learn how our industry connections, passion for collaboration, and appetite for unconventional thinking will help them achieve remarkable things
Register Here
On Demand Information Sessions
Year 12 Information Session
This session covers everything students will need to know to prepare them for university study including important dates and early entry.
Year 10 Subject Selection Information Session
A short talk on the importance of informed subject selection, how choice of subjects can help at university, and how admission to Macquarie works.
How to Apply for the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme
Hear from current students who will share their insights about the early entry experience, explain how to apply step-by-step and answer your questions.
Register for On-Demand Here
ACU - Australian Catholic University
Our Discover ACU events give students a taste of university life before they enrol to study with us.
Students will be able to participate in workshops tailored to their study area of interest, explore their local campus and talk to our current students.
During Discover ACU, students will also be able to:
learn about industries and careers
get helpful tips on preparing for university
soak up the campus atmosphere.
A variety of workshops will allow students to explore study options in nursing, midwifery, education, physiotherapy, psychology, sports and exercise science, and more. Visit each registration webpage for a full list of workshop sessions.
These workshops are ideal for students from Year 10 to Year 12 who are unsure what they want to study or would like more insight into studying these courses at ACU.
Registrations are open now.
Upcoming Discover ACU events
North Sydney Campus
Tuesday 5 July, 9.30am – 1pm
Register now
Canberra Campus
Wednesday 13 July, 9.30am – 1pm
Register now
Blacktown Campus
Thursday 14 July, 9.30am – 1pm
Register now
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeships and Opportunities
Apprenticeships R Us is looking to assist Year 10, 11 & 12 school leavers to transition into automotive apprenticeships.
The apprenticeships on offer are:
Light Vehicle Mechanic Apprenticeships
Spray Painter Apprenticeships
Panel Beater Apprenticeships
Spare Parts Interpreting Apprenticeships
Students will have chance to work with great automotive brands such as Porsche, Ferrari and Maserati, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Jaguar & Land Rover, Hyundai, Ford, Volkswagen,Toyota, Mazda and many more.
Apprenticeships R Us will be able to place students into apprenticeships immediately or at end of the year.
Click Here to Apply Now
Have you ever considered a career as an aquatic educator? We are looking for amazing teachers to join our team! If you are passionate about swimming, have a great personality, LOVE teaching, then this job is for you!
Join our fantastic team in the leading aquatic education facility on the central coast.
No previous experience is necessary, we will train you and help you gain the knowledge needed to become a teacher.
Well established, supportive, and positive team with 6 locations across the central coast, for the right person the opportunities are endless!
This role would suit:
Anyone 15 years or older looking for casual work
Anyone looking for a career change
Parents trying to return to the workforce
Or anyone with a passion for teaching
If this is you or you would like more information email or click on the link below to enrol into our next course, held at Erina swim centre on Wednesday 22nd June.
2022 Apprenticeship/Traineeship &
Jobs Expos
Our extremely successful face to face Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos are back, providing opportunities for students and job seekers you won't receive anywhere else.
Not to be missed.
Bring copies of your resume and get in first.
**Free entry**
About the Expos
After three years of postponements and cancellations due to COVID-19, the Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos are set to return with a bang in August/September 2022.
Our annual Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos attract over 16000 visitors and 300 exhibitors combined and are widely accepted as the premier expos of their kind in NSW.
The timing of the expos are a hit with families as it allows parents to attend with their children and have those all-important career chats with industry experts.
The expos kick off the recruitment process. Exhibitors get the chance to collect resumes for current vacancies and promote their organisation for upcoming recruitment drives.
Click here to view highlights of the Western Sydney Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expo.
With a lot of major infrastructure projects underway there has never been a better time to start your journey on a rewarding career path.
This is the perfect chance to meet experts representing industry, businesses, group training companies, registered training organisations and many more and apply for apprenticeships, traineeships, jobs and further education pathways.
Whether you are at school and looking for a career path, a parent hoping to give your child the best opportunities in life, looking for a career change or a job-seeker looking to commence a rewarding career, the 2022 Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos have all the answers you need.
Where & When
Central Coast Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expo
Tuesday 16 August 2022 - 3pm to 8pm
Mingara Recreation Club, 12/14 Mingara Dr, Tumbi Umbi NSW
Click Here for More Information
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Careers/Vocational Education
Year 10 Careers Education
Last term Year 10 students were introduced to our new careers website and its various features including a career investigator and self-explorative quizzes.
Click Here for Website
For the last four weeks they have been learning about their pathway options after Year 10. Which are, until they reach 17 years of age:
Remain at school for Years 11 and 12 (here or another school)
Enrol in a VET qualification at TAFE or another RTO
Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship
Take up full time paid work (average of 25 hours per week)
Combination of education or training and paid work
Last Friday Year 10 Subject Selection booklet was live - Click Here for them to read through.
In the coming weeks Year 10 will receive an introduction to the online course selection platform, and next term parents and students will be invited to our Subject Selection Information Evening on Thursday 21 with an optional sit down meeting with Leaders of Learning to go through student choices the following week. More information will be emailed directly to parents in the coming weeks.
Year 12 Alternative Entry Pathways Webinar for Parents & Students
Tuesday 19 July 6pm to 7pm
Click here to register for Year 12 Alternative Entry Pathways Webinar
Guest presenters:
University Admission Centre – Talking SRS and EAS
Early entry and alternative pathways:
University of Newcastle
Macquarie University
Australian Catholic University
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Parent Connection
Deputy Principal Announcement
I am pleased to announce that Ms Jodie Connor has been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal at St Edward’s College, East Gosford, commencing at the beginning of Term 3 2022.
Jodie has served with distinction as a leader and educator at St Edward’s College for over 20 years. She is currently the Acting Deputy Principal (since January 2022) and prior to this has held roles as Director of Professional Learning, Director of Administration, Year Coordinator and Drama Coordinator. Jodie also worked as a Lecturer and Tutor in the Drama Department at the University of Newcastle from 2005 to 2012.
Jodie complements her leadership experience with impressive qualifications including: a Master of Education, a Bachelor of Arts, a Graduate Diploma in Education, a Certificate of Religious Education, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and Certificates in Live Production Theatre and Events and Screen and Media. She comes highly recommended for this key senior role.
On behalf of all members of the Edmund Rice Education Australia community, I congratulate Jodie on this significant appointment and wish her well as she continues her leadership at St Edward’s College.
Dr Craig Wattam
Executive Director
Edmund Rice Education Australia
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Parent Connection
The Fathering Project Trivia Night
Last Thursday, 9 June 2022, we welcomed over 150 dads, father figures, and significant male role models and kids to The Fathering Project event to play Trivia.
After a small dinner put on by our awesome canteen and some connection, we embarked on a range of trivia questions from Australiana to general knowledge. The kids certainly showed their dads how much they know about music and gaming, but the fathers got to reciprocate with their general knowledge.
It was an outstanding turn out which saw smiling faces and the reconnection of the school community brave the cold to come together and have some fun and make new connections.
Dads, father figures and kids all took part in the trivia making it a fun and healthy competition. Apart from the raffle of awesome prizes from our local community businesses such as Bunnings, Rebel, Central Coast Aero Club, Tree Tops, Bamvino and Central Coast Academy Of Music (Kincumber), the winning team took home the glory of being the winners.
Dads and kids events are not only a great way for kids to connect with their dads, but for schools to strengthen the connection with their school community.
Interested in becoming a member of our fathering project or just like to read more about this great initiative, please follow this link:
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Parent Connection
Positive COVID Reporting and Term 2 Correspondence
Please see below all correspondence emailed home in Term 2 2022, including COVID information and STUDENT POSITIVE RESULT reporting link.
Please notify the College of a positive student test result via the following link: CLICK HERE
End of Term 2 Letter - Sent 28 June 2022
Year 12 Wellbeing Day - Sent 23 June 2022
Deputy Principal Announcement EREA - Sent 15 June 2022
Student Led Learning Conferences Years 7 to 11 - 10 June 2022
Semester 1 Learning Conferences - 31 May 2022
Year 11 - Minimum Standards - 27 May 2022
St Edward's Not Involved in Industrial Strike Action - Sent 26 May 2022
COVID Update - Sent May 13 2022
Founder's Day - Sent 5 May 2022
Change of Student Withdrawal Policy - Sent 3 May 2022
Parent COVID Update Term 2 - Sent 26 April 2022
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Upcoming Events

13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford