(02) 4321 6400

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Touchstones – 8 September 2022
Acting Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Inclusive Community
Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition by providing
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Prefect Investiture Mass
Investiture of College Captain, Vice Captains and Prefects
During a solemn and beautiful mass presided over by Father Jack, the College welcomed the prefect body for 2022-23. Their badges were blessed and pinned on their blazer by one of their parents. At the conclusion of mass the 2022 - 2023 College Captain and Vice Captains were announced. Congratulations to:
William Shaddock, College Captain
Fletcher Moore, College Vice Captain
Noah Nakagawa, College Vice Captain
Tom Conroy, College Prefect
Kenan Foneska, College Prefect
Nicholas Gately, College Prefect
Rayden Gomez, College Prefect
Joshua Judd, College Prefect
Oliver Martin, College Prefect
Marley Medina, College Prefect
James Nilsson, College Prefect
Trent Pantel-Bentham, College Prefect
Bradley Plummer, College Prefect
Zavier Reid, College Prefect
Jivesh Shonak, College Prefect
Thomas Whitmore, College Prefect
During this moving ceremony, the students performed various hymns, which provided a prayerful atmosphere. Thanks to our music staff for preparing the musicians. These items were outstanding and displayed the many hours of hard work that went into the preparation of the songs. A big thank you to all who contributed to this wonderful community celebration.
Mr Beacroft
Director of Mission
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Mission & Identity
Founder’s Day 2022 – Updated Information
The time has nearly arrived for our Founder’s Day celebrations.
A $20 donation to the Mary Rice Centre in Kenya should have been paid to the College Office, please do so today if you haven't made your contribution. Thank you to so many who have already continued our tradition of Founder’s Day support. Thank you to our sponsors for Founder’s Day!
Casual clothing/dress-up to be worn, BBQ lunch, raffle entry and general activities are all included in the $20 contribution. Additional money (small denominations) may be brought for activities including: Candle Making, I-scream Parlour, Lolly Shop, Fairy Floss etc
Due to the wet weather forecast and the oval being very wet from rain earlier in the week, there have been some adjustments made to the Founder’s Day plan. It will still be a day of fun activities but some events on the oval have been cancelled. The planned events will proceed in a new format, some morning time will be spent with teachers in classrooms doing fun class activities. The Liturgy, BBQ, entertainment and raffles will proceed. Please ensure your son attends our Founder’s Day celebration.
Thank you to contributors:
John Ralph Camera House Erina
Clip n Climb Gosford
Australian Reptile Park
Kincumber Indoor Sports Centre (Nilsson family)
Piccolo Pear East Gosford
Grill'd Healthy Burgers Erina (Lynn family)
The Norman family
Basement Skate Sydney (Beynon family)
The Judd family
St Edward’s is fortunate to be supported by parents, boys, our teachers and support staff, in providing this event. Together, we can build spirit in our College community and also make a difference in the lives of young people in Kenya.
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Mission & Identity
Waterford Project Due End of Term
Waterford Project Due
Students in Years 8 to 11, must submit their Waterford Project Summary sheets by the end of Term 3. Completed sheets should be given to Religious Education teachers. Students who have completed 100 plus hours of service and who are eligible for Edmund Rice Honours need to submit their summary sheet to Mr Dell.
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Book Week
During Week 6, the Library was buzzing with all things books! We had daily ‘Guess the Book’ competitions, Kahoot, the Harry Potter escape room, a Sherlock Holmes ‘who dunnit?’ and plenty of other book related activities.
The boys were great participants, and their competitive nature really shone through with the highly coveted canteen vouchers up for grabs daily.
Our virtual Harry Potter escape room saw the boys working together to solve the puzzles to progress through each online room, and our Sherlock Holmes ‘who dunnit?’ had teams racing around the school to collect clues in order to solve the case – it was Longworth, with the sword, motivated by the manuscript in case you were wondering…
On Wednesday, Tim Selwyn from Girri Girra Aboriginal Experiences came in to share stories and cultural knowledge with the boys. He spoke about Aboriginal men’s business and the importance of being respectful of others and how it is vitally important to listen in order to learn.
On Friday, Book Week finished with a bang with staff and students coming dressed as their favourite book characters. At the assembly Mr Griffin shared a reading from his favourite series ‘Game of Thrones’ by George R R Martin to kick things off and then we celebrated our best dressed students with prizes. The photobooth was one of the highlights of the week and it was great to see staff and students embrace their inner child and have some fun all in the name of reading for pleasure.
Thank you to all the staff and students who were involved in creating games and promoting Book Week and a special thank you to all who came dressed up – it created a wonderful atmosphere.
Congratulations to our competition winners:
Monday: Jett Heaney, Tom Roth, Mason Potter, Flynn Zammit and Hudson Sky
Tuesday: Tom Barry and Billy Fennell
Wednesday: Harry Evans, Phelix de Vries and Ike Diffin
Thursday: Ben Stewart, Jivesh Shonak, Abhishek Thomas (with the assistance of Mr Le Page and Miss Nowalinski), Keenan White and Max Stride.
Friday: Luka Coughlan-Berg, Max Bird, Lorenzo Arango, Ben Weisbaum, Matthew Xuereb and Ronan Bishop.
We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
The Library Team
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Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
This week we celebrated our wonderful Learning Assistants as a part of Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. We recognise the positive difference they make to our students in their educational journey at St Edward's. By nature, each one of our Learning Assistants bring passion and heart to their role. They are a huge support to the students and teachers and as a community, we are so thankful for what they do.
A shout out to the St Edward's College Learning Assistants:
Annie Lynne, Jye Bonello, Pauline Edwards, Kathy Edwards, Sandra Francis, Kylie Apps and Melanie Heard.
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Excellence in English
Year 12 English Studies
[caption id="attachment_39207" align="alignright" width="300"] Top 5 Ranked English Studies Students With Mrs McDonald[/caption]
Year 12 English Studies is an Atar and Non-Atar course taught in 2022 by Ms Lisa Alcorn and Mrs Michelle McDonald. The course has electives and a grade pathway or an examination pathway. These students, Darcy Towle, Cooper Zammit, Alexander Ryan, Scott Donnet, Paul Kucyper and Jack Legge have excelled in the course. Darcy has placed 1st overall and has shown for the entirety of the course his willingness to learn, work autonomously, and be a creative and curious learner who listens and implements feedback and works to deadlines. We have truly enjoyed mentoring these students through the course.
Year 12 English Standard
[caption id="attachment_39208" align="alignright" width="300"] Top 10 Ranked English Standard Students with Mrs Titheradge and Ms Nowalinski[/caption]
This year in Standard English the Year 12 cohort studied a range of texts within all modules to develop our knowledge of the world. The various texts were designed to ultimately prepare us for the HSC. Some of these texts included Amanda Lohrey's pastoral novella Vertigo, the anthology Contemporary Asian Australian Poets, Simon Nasht's documentary Frank Hurley: The Man Who Made History. These texts have all uncovered the various ways composers can shape meaning and convey ideas through their own unique representations and form.
One text that stood out was Vuong Pham's poem Mother within the poetry anthology which reflects the sacrifices his mother made to give her family the best opportunity at a good life after fleeing Vietnam during the Vietnam war. It reminds us all of the sacrifices our own families have made for us over the past two years, supporting us as we study. Atticus Fotofili was the number one ranking student in Year 12 Standard English, 2022.
On behalf of the cohort, I would like to thank all of the Year 12 Standard English teachers – Ms Nowalinski, Mrs Titheradge, Mr Gill and Ms Moulton - who have done an excellent job in preparing us for the upcoming HSC exams. They have mentored us along this journey over the past two years and I know we are all very grateful to them.
Year 12 English Advanced
[caption id="attachment_39209" align="alignright" width="300"] Top 5 Ranked English Advanced Students and Mr Kent[/caption]
The St Edward’s Advanced English cohort of 2022 should be commended for the enthusiasm they brought to our study of Literature, with every student demonstrating an inquisitive attitude and a willingness to take on challenges. They have brought a positive attitude to class and contributed to each lesson with good humour, creativity and a willingness to learn. Our study has covered a range of literary classics, which have challenged students with a variety of literary styles, philosophies and new ways of thinking. These have included Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four, a comparative study of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Atwood’s appropriation Hag-seed, as well as the modernist poetry of T.S Eliot. While all students have contributed to the class in an unique way, the top ranked students in particular have modelled for the class the work ethic and independent thinking that is essential for success in English.
Ronan Grattan, our top ranked Advanced English student for 2022, has consistently sought to refine both his thinking and his writing by preparing drafts, asking clarifying questions and bringing a genuine enthusiasm to his study. He has continued to set himself ambitious goals and has continually sought to better his skills in creative, analytical and reflective writing. Congratulations to all students on their achievements so far in Advanced English, and I wish them success as they continue to refine their skills and deepen their knowledge in preparation for the final HSC Examinations.
Year 12 English Extension 2
Year 12 English Extension Two is a course which involved a great deal of autonomy and dedication as it involves a research project and major work. Louis Whyatt is to be commended on his excellent attitude, work ethic, and tenacity for this course. He completed research into social and literary theories and then applied this to a creative non-fiction major work looking at the impact of body dysmorphia on men. Louis has juggled the demands of two major works during his HSC year and is to be congratulated on his excellent result.
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How Well Do You Know Our English Faculty
Getting to know your English Teacher Series
Over the next few weeks we will be featuring our English staff. We hope you enjoy an insight into their careers, study tips and much more.
Click the image to read their profile.
[caption id="attachment_39212" align="alignleft" width="240"] Ms Kylie Nowalinski[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_39213" align="alignleft" width="240"] Mrs Santhe Titheradge[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_39215" align="alignleft" width="240"] Mr Michael Gill[/caption]
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Diverse Learning Notice
Do you have a child with diverse or additional learning needs?
Would you like to learn from other parents and carers who have 'been there and done that?'.
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Performing Arts News
Drama Immersion Incursion
On Tuesday 30 August Year 8 students were treated to a Drama immersion day consisting of two very fun workshops at school.
This was an active and creative day focussing on: collaboration, confidence, team building, critical thinking, communication skills and improvisation.
The first workshop was run by Danielle from Swoop Physical Theatre and involved elements of physical theatre including acro balance which saw the boys complete some impressive feats.
The second workshop was built around exploring the elements of drama through interactive games and improvisation.
The boys had a wonderful morning and participated with enthusiasm. A big thank you to Swoop Physical theatre and to our dedicated Performing Arts staff for running this morning.
HSC Music Performance Examinations
On Monday and Tuesday Week 9 our Year 12 Music students will complete their Practical examinations performing their pieces to HSC markers. We wish them the very best and are proud of their efforts and achievements over the course.
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Food Technology and Hospitality
Well done to both Food Technology and Hospitality students over the past two weeks.
Year 9 have been working on a 'Food Trends' unit. As part of their studies, they researched past and current Food Trends and created a 'Crazy Shake'. The boys loved having input into the practical component of their task. There was some fantastic presentation skills and creativity on show.
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On Friday 2 September, members of the St Edward’s College Golf Team made the early start at Shelly Beach Golf Course.
It was a little grey overhead, and the threat of rain was always there but held off to let the rounds begin. At the 9th hole nobody was greatly happy with their scoring and many of the same comments came out…. “Golf is an easy game if I don’t have to putt!”.
The back half of the course played a little better and the scoring obviously got better even though the wind had started to come up. From the team, St Edward’s won the Junior Stroke (Shaylan Bennett), Intermediate Stroke (Harrison Tanner) and overall, Schools Winner trophies. The team was made up of Tobias Nolan (Year 11), Owen Herden (Year 8), Cameron Wehrle (Year 10), Harrison Tanner (Year 10), Charlie Fennell (Year 8), Shaylan Bennett (Year 7), Archie Lawson (Year 7), and Joshua Chapman (Year 7).
As you can see, we have several years ahead for most of this group and hopefully a little dynasty on the trophies. Great work!
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Broken Bay Athletics Carnival
On Tuesday, the College Athletics team travelled to Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush to compete in the Broken Bay Athletics Carnival.
Our team of 45 students were eager to test themselves against the best Catholic athletes from across the Central Coast and Northern Beaches.
Highlights from the day included:
Lincoln Markulin setting a new Broken Bay record in the Under 16 Javelin with a throw of 49.98 m
22 students from St Edward’s now progressing to the NSWCCC Athletics Carnival to represent Broken Bay
Kallum Moggs winning the Under 14 Boys Age Champion
Our Under 14/15 and Under 16+ Age Divisions winning the Overall Team Scores and the Under 12/13 Division placing third
Overall, the St Edward’s team won the Champion Boys School on the day.
Students Who Progressed to the NSWCCC Carnival
17+ Years: Parker Robinson, Aymn Hamilton, Will Browning, Koby Salter, Tom Lawton, Zane Smith, Marley Medina
16 Years: Christopher Rae, Lincolin Markulin, Marlen Wilson
15 Years: Keanu Wells, Max Leaitua, Deakin Wright, Cooper Jones, Tristan Jackson
14 Years: Kallum Moggs, Asher Armstrong, Malcolm Hawkins
13 Years: Liam Smith, Joel Washington
12 Years: Oliver Craik, Brendan Lin
A big thank you to Mr Reynolds and Mr Ristuccia for coming along and assisting with the team and the event on the day.
NSW ALL Schools Athletics Championships
Students can also register for the NSW ALL Schools Athletics Championships (Saturday 24 – Tuesday 27 September) – there is no qualification for this event.
The event information can be found at the following link:
Click Here
Registration closes Friday 9 September.
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Coming Up in Sport
Coming Up in Sport
Central Coast Schools Rugby 7's (Under 14, Under 16 and Opens)
Central Coast Sports College, Kariong
Thursday 8 September 2022
NSWCCC Athletics Carnival
SOPAC, Homebush
Monday 12 September 2022
BBSSSA Junior and Intermediate Boys AFL and 7's Rugby
EDSACC Ovals, Bateau Bay
Tuesday 13 September 2022
NRL Schoolboy Trophy Final
CCRSC, Tuggerah
Wednesday 21 September 2022
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – News, Traineeships, Apprenticeships and Job Opportunities
Please see the links below to traineeships, apprenticeships and job opportunities available to students.
Roof Plumber - 1st Year Apprentice
We are a small local company looking to employ a 1st year apprentice roof plumber.
Must be reliable
Drivers license is preferred (but as long as you can make your way to and from site)
95% of our work is on the Central Coast
Work hours 7.00 am - 3.00 pm Monday to Friday
Any interested people can contact Mark 0417442290
Accounting Undergraduate Program 2023
We provide Accounting and Business Advisory Services to our clients and have an opportunity for any students who may be interested in a career in Accounting to apply for our Undergraduate Program commencing in January 2023.
We offer the flexibility for recent school leavers to start their career while studying at University part time and would love to discuss how we can make your students aware of this opportunity.
Please direct enquiries to:
Simon Hardie
Partner | Gosford
RSM Australia Pty Ltd
106 Erina Street, Gosford NSW 2250
PO Box 456 Gosford NSW 2250
DL: +61 (0) 2 4324 2988 | M: +61 (0) 448 773 002
E: | W:
NBN Customer Field Technician Traineeship
NBN is inviting ambitious go-getters to apply for its 12-month Customer Field Technician Traineeship program. There's no experience required, and the program offers people new to the industry to learn, develop and build skills leading to a lasting career in telecommunications. The NBN Traineeship is a multi-year program to enable new and diverse talent to enter the telecommunications industry, with a focus on female and indigenous representation in the field.
Click for More Information Regarding the CFT Traineeship
New apprentices are needed now to address the growing demand for bricklayers in the building and construction industry.
Dear Career Advisor
We currently have multiple bricklaying apprenticeship vacancies in NSW that need to be filled ASAP. We are seeking candidates to fill vacancies and we encourage you to get in touch with us if you have students suitable for a work trial, with a view to commencing an apprenticeship.
Bricklaying apprenticeships are ideal for anyone looking for a career in the building and construction industry. It provides a hands-on learning environment with consistently challenging projects demanding versatility and skills development.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Nadine McEwan
Industry Engagement Officer NSW-ACT
M: 0475 100 030
Central Coast Industry Festival
Last week eight Years 10 and 11 students attended the Central Coast Industry Festival, showcasing manufacturing arms of local businesses. Students were guided around by two industry experts as they chatted to business about what they do and the opportunities available to them regarding Engineering via vocational and university pathways. Thank you to Mr Brown and Mrs Dignam for supporting our boys at this excursion.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Universities
Please find below links to the latest information from universities.
Newcastle Open Day on Saturday 27 August - Register and Win!
Sign up for Open Day updates, and you could win a pair of Beats by Dre Headphones.
Open Days are an exciting way to start your journey at the University of Newcastle.
So many of our students have shared just how important Open Days are in getting a feel for what they want to study.
It’s a great chance to join us on campus, take a tour and have a look around, chat with current students and academics, and find out all you need to know about uni life.
Please share our Facebook event with your school community.
Facebook Event Link - Newcastle Open Day
Early Entry Schemes Key Dates
Applications to the Newcastle Law School's Indigenous Early Entry Scheme and Refugee Early Entry Scheme must be completed, paid for, and submitted by 11:59 on 11 September 2022.
Ensure that students have applied for the Schools Recommendation Scheme with UAC by 19 September 2022.
For more information about University of Newcastle Entry Schemes please CLICK HERE
Ma & Morley Scholarship Applications Now Open
The Ma & Morley Scholarship Program will prepare you to turn your dreams and ideas into reality, providing up to $75,000 in financial support throughout your undergraduate degree, along with a world-class leadership program that will help you to unlock your potential.
The Ma & Morley Scholarship Program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To give yourself the best shot at receiving a scholarship, please visit the Application Help Page and attend Ma & Morley Application Help Workshops.
Register for the Ma & Morley Application Help Workshops HERE
DATE: Tuesday 13 September 2022 OR Monday 19 September 2022
TIME: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
LOCATION: Zoom or US321 Lambert Room in the Shortland Union Building on Callaghan Campus
For more information visit our website.
UCAT Applications
Understanding the 'Application' stage of the medical entry process
You've been studying hard. And now you have another hurdle to cross before you are offered a medical interview. You are ready for the challenge, but is that what your written application portrays?
Your JCU Medical School Application and UNSW Medical School Application is part of an important pre-interview screening process that conveys an overall impression of a candidate that is directly comparable to other applicants in the same intake. Your answers reflect your knowledge of social appropriateness along with other precursors of success, such as your writing style, spelling and punctuation awareness, and general awareness of content suitability. Different universities assess application criteria differently, but usually, they will subscribe to a structured process where an admissions committee will screen your application to assign a score. This score will directly reflect your chances of being offered an interview place, depending on the calibre of other candidates. Some universities also might use secondary assessors to further assign scores to establish inter-rater reliability. Regardless of how your university assesses your medical school application, you’ll have only a small window of opportunity to impress the university, and it’s important that you approach this gateway to medical entry with the magnitude it deserves.
Every year, students become overwhelmed with the varying criteria that their medical school applications need to meet in order to gain them a coveted interview position. After spending so many days working on your application, and so many years working on your practical criteria, don’t fall over so close to the finish line. Submit a medical school application that enhances your chances of selection and opens doors to your dream future, and do not rest until you know you have crafted that application!
Does your Medical School Application reflect the 'best you'?
The art of writing an impressive application is not too difficult once you’ve successfully completed all the academic criteria, work experience, medical involvement or extracurricular activities that will really make your writing pop. The hardest thing is – how to integrate this information when and where it is relevant, without committing the common ‘faux pas’ of non-relevance, self-grandiosity, misdirection, cliché, stereotyping, and insipidity? And how can you be sure that you’ve avoided the very worst mistakes, including the content matter that will single-handedly dismiss your application from further consideration? Does your writing read like an application, a curriculum vitae, a biography, a dramatic script, or something else entirely? – and what does your choice of style reflect about you?
Your James Cook University and University of NSW medical school applications need to maximise differentiation in the right ways and facilitate an opening to your relationship with the university you are applying to. And it all happens using the magic of words and genuine communication.
Advice on writing your medical school application
Some handy advice for you, from NIE’s professional team of education, medical and psychological experts, is to pay great attention to every word you write, and to the concepts you are leveraging to tie those words together. Take some time to let your answers ‘cure’ (that is, to rest your writing so that you can then re-read your answers with fresh eyes after a short break).
Some other tips from our team to help make the writing component of this daunting task easier are as follows:
Do not present superficially. That is, it is better to theme yourself to show strength in a few areas if you are limited for writing space than it is to scatter your accomplishments ‘too thin’ and lose any advantage that theming may gain you when capturing the attention of a reader.
Avoid untruths and exaggerations.
Be humble yet proud. When you convey facts or personal information, do so with humility rather than arrogance. Most of NIE clients are high achievers, and you are used to progressing through life with success and hard-earned results as a matter of familiarity. However, personality is easily revealed within open answers, and you should manifest this familiarity as a strength and not as conceit.
Show grit. Grit is a psychological construct that predicts success, especially in competitive fields and in higher academia. It is described as ‘the perseverance and passion to attain long-term goals’ – and you will want to show some aspect of grit in your medical school application.
How do you know that your application is up to par?
The sad truth is that a lot of medical school applications from aspiring candidates do not make the cut. Even those with the most brilliant ATARs, GPAs or academic rankings have been caught out by the application process.
There is nothing that can predict the acceptance of your application by your chosen university or universities with 100% accuracy, as the assessors on the other side of the process are given set criteria but are also human, with all of humanity’s personal foibles and idiosyncrasies. However, there are many things that are within your power that will increase your chance of success.
There are many online resources that may help you to practice your writing, editing and communication skills, and we would encourage you to utilise any reputable ones that you find. Have your parents and mentors look over your writing, and ask them for their honest take on how you deliver yourself.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Courses and Post School Options
Please see the links below for courses available and other post school options.
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Parent Connection
The Fathering Project
Supporting Your Teen's Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a combination of our thoughts, self-image, what’s important to us and feedback from others.
During the teen years, there are many changes taking place which can impact self-image and how your teen feels about themselves. With all these changes, it is understandable that many young people will experience confusion and insecurity, so it is an important topic for fathers of teenagers to talk about.
There is clear evidence that fathers can have a distinct impact on their teenager’s self-esteem, and particularly with girls where fathers have been shown to have more impact on a daughter´s self-esteem than mothers do. So, as a girl moves into adolescence with her changing and maturing body, fathers need to be cautious about comments and attitudes about body image, even if it meant as a joke. There is also growing concern around self-esteem and young males; fathers can be a positive role model and support for healthy body image and self-esteem for their sons.
How does self-esteem work?
Physical appearance (What do I look like?) is the image area teens are most likely to nominate as the most important to them in judging their self -mage.
Teenage feedback nominates physical appearance (What do I look like?) as the image areas they are usually most unhappy with.
Teens tend to judge themselves more harshly than any other age group.
Teens often judge their appearance on images from the media, social media and other images that are not always realistic
If their ideal image, of what they want to be like is too high, they will always fall short.
The feedback from their peers is the most important to most young people.
Signs of low self-esteem may include:
Negative self-talk and comparisons to others
Focusing on the negatives and ignoring his/her achievements
Avoiding new things and not taking up opportunities
Fear of failure or embarrassment
Low levels of motivation and interest
Not accepting compliments or positive feedback
Shows mixed feelings of anxiety or stress.
Your teen might be doing well in all other areas of their life, and might confuse you if they’re showing signs of low self-esteem. Remember to check in and talk about what is going on in other areas of their life, like friendships and relationships. By talking them through their thoughts and feelings, you can help them to have a more realistic view of themselves as an individual. Your feedback is still important, and your support and guidance needed even if they appear to be pulling away.
Top Tips for supporting healthy self-esteem in your teen
Help your teenagers think about their abilities and what they are capable of in a realistic way, e.g. “You are driving so well for someone who is just learning.”
Encourage your teenagers to ‘have-a-go’ at new activities.
Encourage your teenagers to value a wide range of abilities and get a balanced view of all their strengths and weaknesses.
Support your teen to establish realistic and achievable personal goals for improvement.
Set aside time to listen to your teenagers and show them that you value what they have to say.
Help them to be more capable and independent, e.g. caring for their own belongings, managing their money or being involved in developing agreements around their boundaries.
Encourage your teenagers to think about images they see online, TV and movies and evaluate the level of realism of these images to us in our day to day lives.
Year 7 and 8 Fathering Project Invitation
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Parent Connection
Positive COVID Reporting and Term 3 Correspondence
Please see below all correspondence emailed home in Term 3 2022, including COVID information and STUDENT POSITIVE RESULT reporting link.
Please notify the College of a positive student test result via the following link:
FORM: Report Positive Student Covid-19 Test
Letter Regarding Gel Blasters in NSW - Sent 21 September 2022
Flyer - Gel Blasters - Sent 21 September 2022
Year 7 Camp Information and Consent Form - Sent 21 September 2022
Update - Year 12 Celebrations - Sent 12 September 2022
Year 7 Parents - Acting Pastoral Leader - Sent 12 September 2022
Year 12 (2023) Parent Information Evening - Sent 12 September 2022
Letter to Year 12 2022 students - HSC Exam Arrangements - Sent 9 September 2022
Letter to Year 12 Parents and Carers - Sent 2 September 2022
Year 7 and 8 Fathering Project Invitation - Sent 31 August 2022
Year 7 Parent Forum Thank You - Sent 30 August 2022
Year 10 Students Future Ready Program - Sent 30 August 2022
Year 9 Subject Selection Handbook for Current Year 8 Students - Sent 25 August 2022
Founders Day Letter - Sent 23 August 2022
Parent Information Letter COVID19 - Sent 17 August 2022
Year 12 End of School Outline - Sent 16 August 2022
Year 12 2022 Parent Invitation Mass and Assembly - Sent 16 August 2022
Year 7 Invitation - Understanding Adolescents Information Night - Sent 15 August 2022
Student Agreement - Years 11 2023 and 12 2024 - Sent 12 August 2022
Year 9 2023 Subject Selection - Sent 12 August 2022
Survey - Assessment Procedures - Sent 2 August 2022
COVID Update - Sent 25 July 2022
Year 10 - St Joseph's College Information Evening Cancelled - Sent 22 July 2022
Year 11 2023 Subject Selection Evening - Sent 19 July 2022
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Upcoming Events

13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford