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Touchstones – 5 May 2022
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Inclusive Community
As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, we acknowledge the service and contribution of the Christian Brothers, teachers and support staff who work
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
ANZAC Assembly and Presentation
This year’s ANZAC Day Commemorations paid respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service men and women, building students’ empathy for those that fought and died for our country. Many have fought and died for our country, many have made the ultimate sacrifice. However, many have also not had their stories heard and told.
Throughout Australia’s history, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have endured the hardship of having their stories and their history, removed from our national narrative. Together, we need to work towards remembering and respecting ALL people who have served our country and to tell the stories of those who have not had their voices heard for decades.
Throughout the presentation, stories of the experiences of Aboriginal service men and women were told. These stories were told in first-person to give an insight into the events and emotions of those that lived through some of the most important and horrific conflicts in Australia’s history. The stories were a combination of the soldier’s words and the official biographies written of them. The reader reading the stories was illuminated, casting a shadow on a white backdrop behind them. This shadow represented the spirit of that soldier, helping us to remember their story and reminding us that even though they may not be buried in their ancestral home, their spirit lives on in the lands around us.
Below is an example of one of the stories told:
Richard Martin
Quandamooka/Noonuccal man I enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) on 17 December 1914. As my people, the Aboriginal people, were prevented from enlisting, I declared that I was a New Zealander with five years’ service in the Light Horse. In fact, I had been born on Stradbroke Island in Queensland and had no known previous service.
On 9 May 1915 I joined the 15th Battalion at Gallipoli. Apart from time spent hospitalised on ships or on the nearby island of Lemnos, I remained on the peninsula until the campaign ended in December.
Following the evacuation from Gallipoli, the AIF was reorganised and expanded. As a part of this process, I was transferred to the 47th Battalion and sent to fight on the Western Front, arriving in France in July. Nearly two months later, my Battalion was involved in the grim fighting around the French village of Pozières. Two days after entering the front line, I was evacuated, wounded and suffering from shell shock. I had a brief respite from the front line but rejoined my battalion when it left the front line four days later.
Over the next 18 months we were involved in some of the most costly battles on the Western Front at Bullecourt, Messines, and Passchendaele, where throughout these battles, I was wounded twice more, and was admitted to military hospitals in France and England to recover from gunshot wounds.
In late March 1918, the German army launched a major offensive in an attempt to break through Allied lines near the village of Dernancourt – despite heavy casualties our Australian line did not break.
I was among those casualties, killed in action for my country.
In September 1920, Richard’s mother, Rosey, wrote to the Base Records Office requesting Richard’s 1914–15 Star and his military overcoat:
“I am sure you will realise how a mother values personal belongings and tokens of bravery and courage of a son who is now gone forever.”
Unfortunately, Rosey was never to receive any of Richard’s belongings or medals. To further add to the hurt and suffering of Richard’s family, he was buried in an unmarked grave, his family not knowing where his final resting place is.
This story highlights some of the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers during Australia’s wartime history, it is important that these stories are told.
Lest We Forget.
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Mission & Identity
Presentation of Senior Ties
On Tuesday 26 April, Year 11 and 12 joined together for a Senior Assembly.
The theme of the meeting was Senior Leadership at St Edward’s College. The College Principal, Mr Mark Bonnici, addressed the senior cohort on successful leadership, goal setting and leadership opportunities. College Vice Captain, Luke Richards outlined tips and strategies for successfully navigating Year 11 and 12 and Mr Scott Beattie, Year 11 Pastoral Leader, outlined his aspirations for the group.
As part of the formal proceeding of the assembly Mr Paul Sullivan and Mr Jackson English, who are both College Old Boys, presented with the assistance of the College Prefects the Year 11’s their senior tie. The presentation of the College senior tie is a significant rite of passage in the education and leadership journey of this group and is a symbolic gesture reaffirming the leadership expectation and responsibilities that exist and that lay ahead in the coming months and years.
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Mission & Identity
Waterford Project
Great Effort Towards Waterford Hours
In February Harry Cockerton joined the National Service 1951-72 Re-Enactment Unit where he has trained fortnightly to get ready for Anzac day.
Harry gave up most of the second week of the school holidays to attend nursing homes, helping conduct Anzac services to those that could not make services on the day, as the Australian Flag bearer.
On Anzac Day Harry was part of 4 services: Ettalong, Empire Bay, Gosford Race course and ended it at the Central Coast Stadium.
In addition, Harry spent Tuesday 26 April at St Patrick Primary School service and finished at the Salvation Army retirement village. He has been part of a total of 12 services in 7 days.
Homeless Sleepout
On Thursday 28 April, 53 boys from Years 9-11 chose to experience a taste of homelessness, in our annual simulation event.
Responses from the boys (the next morning) included: ‘challenging’, ‘weird feeling’, ‘I’m so glad it didn’t rain”.
Thank you to Ms Nowalinski and Mr English for their support in coming to this event.
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Waterford Opportunities
All boys are required to complete our traditional service-learning program, the Waterford Project, by the end of Term 3
Apart from the numerous community-based choices your son has eg surf clubs, sports clubs, parish, etc, the College offers the chance to complete this program in some of the following ways:
Clean Up Australia Day (any day of choice)
Edmund Rice International - walk, run, cycle, swim, surf, skate. This program is to raise money for local organisations of your choice
St John’s Ambulance First Aid course
Portfolio Involvement
Peer Mentoring - assisting other students by helping them with learning or sports etc
Salvo’s Appeal
Coast Shelter Assistance
Kings Cross Excursion
Local community assistance eg sporting clubs, parishes.
Please ask your son to see me, or his Religious Education teacher, if he would like more information on the above opportunities.
Mr Patrick Dell
Leader of Learning Social Justice
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Mission & Identity
Founder’s Day 2022
Founders Day Celebration - 9 September 2022
Purpose of the day:
Develop belonging and community for the students and staff at St Edward's College
Raise approximately $20,000 for our Christian Brothers' Mission in Kenya following our Justice and Solidarity, and Inclusive Community EREA Touchstones
To have fun
What the day will look like:
BBQ lunch
Raffles (100 prizes)
Games and activities including: run the gauntlet, adrenalin rush, stairs sprint, computer games, movies, lolly shop, table tennis, casino games, skateboarding competition, hammer the nail, fake injuries special effects, ultimate frisbee, golf chipping, ice cream parlour, live music and much more
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The Latest from the PDHPE Faculty
Year 7 PDHPE
Year 7 PDHPE started the year with a unit that aims to help students cope with all sorts of challenges and changes. Students had to prepare a ‘How To’ guide for other Year 7 students facing a particular challenge. Many chose to provide strategies for starting high school, others chose strategies for coping with other changes such as puberty.
The Balance and Bounce unit saw the Year 7 students tumbling, balancing, springing and landing performing various gymnastics skills, building up to a routine.
Joel Washington's How To Guide for Year 7
Starting High School
Year 8 PDHPE
Students had fun learning a ‘little played’ sport in Australia, European Handball. They were assessed on their skills and the rules of this fast moving sport. They looked at making good choices in relation to risk taking and concentrated on practising mindfulness to cope with stress, making time for the present, not worrying about past issues or future assessments or worries.
Year 9 PDHPE
Year 9 PDHPE enjoyed gymnastics; springing, landing and vaulting. They analysed their own diets and exercise programs and are now investigating their social media footprint. Last term some of the classes were fortunate enough to have a boxing fitness session with Trent Worrall (Mrs Worrall’s husband) and a female up and coming boxing star who is a student at Central Coast Sports College.
Year 9 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS)
Year 9 PASS studied Australia’s Sporting Identity - how did we come to be known as such a sporting nation? They also tried their hand at archery and to make them improve, we created some lovely images of their teacher’s faces to improve their accuracy!
Year 10 PDHPE
Year 10 PDHPE experienced the components of fitness through practical applications. They studied respectful relationships and are being assessed on their Super Coach talents - a chance to take charge and see how hard it is to control 30 students.
Year 10 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS)
Year 10 PASS researched issues in Sport, in particular the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. This term they are learning about Body Systems and Energy for Physical Activity.
Year 11 Outdoor Recreation VET Course
This year we had the successful introduction of the Year 11 Outdoor Recreation VET course. The boys have had fantastic experiences in the outdoors. They paddled from and to school, over to Adcock Park, West Gosford - with fishing and paddling races on the journey. They attended Work Placement on the Year 9 Camp at Wee Jasper, with Mrs Henderson overseeing the boys, who assisted, mentored and encouraged the Year 9 students. They also set up tents, tents and more tents as well as experiencing caving. They proved to be excellent role models and the staff were appreciative of their help. Back at Gosford pool they performed a deep water rescue. Next week they are heading off to The Basin for a four day camp; hiking, kayaking, surfing and mountain biking. Later in the term they will complete their First Aid certificate.
Year 11 PDHPE
Year 11 PDHPE started the year with their First Aid Assessment and intrigued the junior students with their navigation task in the quad. They participated in a one day expedition - mountain biking, orienteering and kayaking their way in and around the Brisbane Water area. A challenging day filled with the natural beauty that surrounds us. We are so fortunate to be able to use the jetty and waterfront to paddle from and to school. Thank you to Mr Butt, Mr Ellis, Mrs Henderson and Mrs Worrall for making the boys’ day so enjoyable.
Year 11 Sport Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)
11SLR learned the finer safety and technique details of Track and Field events and are now participating in a coaching unit.
Year 12 PDHPE
Year 12 PDHPE have had their head down in exams and are off to Sydney for The Big Day Out for PDHPE in a couple of weeks to listen to guest speakers who will make their syllabus come to life. These guest speakers are employed in various areas of sport and health and are experts in their field.
Year 12 Sport Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)
Year 12 SLR have been experiencing hands on practical units of resistance training and are attending Gosford pool to complete an aquatics human movement analysis.
A special thanks to the PDHPE staff team who all make these amazing experiences happen!
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Mock Trial Round 2
Ben Stansfield, Noah Nakagawa, Jayden Redfern, Blake Downs, Cooper Schoch and Jivesh Shonak are congratulated for their win in the second round of the Mock Trials.
The team were acting as prosecutors for a crime of unlawful possession of property and successfully achieved a guilty verdict as well as a score 17 points higher than the defence. The trial was conducted virtually, but the students adjusted quickly to the different format. This significant win was a result of diligent preparation by all team members. The team are now working on their preparations for the next round.
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Sports News
Congratulations to the following students
NSWCCC Rugby Union
Charlie Cartwright and Sebastian Plaister both gained selection in the NSWCCC Under 18’s Rugby Union team after attending selection trials at Eastwood. The boys now play a series of games against CHS, GPS and CIS in the hope of being selected in the NSW All Schools teams.
External Sport Achievements
Ryan Green in Year 12 won the Under 19 Board race at the Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships in QLD. Ryan and his twin brother Nick Green also made numerous individual and team finals.
Keenan White in Year 11 and Noah Nakagawa in Year 11 won Silver Medals in the Under 17, 2 x 1 km Beach Run at the Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships in QLD.
Daniel McLoughlin in Year 12 won the Under 17, 200 m Butterfly at the Australian Age Swimming Championships in South Australia.
Bryn O’Grady-Cousins in Year 12 and Taine Beavis Year 12 represented the NSW Country Men’s team at the National Waterpolo Championships in Canberra
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NSWCCC Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday 6 April, 12 St Edward’s students attended the NSWCCC carnival as a part of the Broken Bay Swimming team. Our number were reduced due to a clash with the Australian Surf Lifesaving carnival.
Never-the-less, our team excelled at the carnival. We had swimmers in the following divisions:
Under 14: Eden Pearson, Tahj Regattieri
Under 15: Lachlan Bunney, Cooper Jones
Under 16: Cashar Darwin
Under 17+: Taine Beavis, Daniel McLoughlin, Jayden Redfern
Relay 4 x 50 m Freestyle Under 12-14: Tom Barry, Tasman Holliday, Tahj Regattieri, Eden Pearson.
Relay 4 x 50 m Freestyle Under 15-16: Archie Carpenter, Cooper Jones, Lachlan Bunney, Cashar Darwin
Medley Relay 4 x 50 m Under 15-16: Archie Carpenter, Kale Puata, Lachlan Bunney, Cashar Darwin
Medley Relay 4 x 50 m Opens: Taine Beavis, Jayden Redfern, Daniel McLoughlin, Cooper Jones
Highlights for the day included:
Daniel McLoughlin
Winning GOLD in the U17+ 50m, 100m Butterfly and Backstroke
Daniel also set a New NSWCCC Record in winning the 50m Backstroke of 27.53 seconds
Tahj Regattieri
Winning SILVER in the 12-14yrs 100m Backstroke and a BRONZE in the U14 50m Backstroke
The Opens 4 x 50 m Medley Relay team
(Taine Beavis, Jayden Redfern, Daniel McLoughlin, Cooper Jones)
Winning a BRONZE
Our medallists now move on to compete at the NSW All School Swimming Carnival at SOPAC Homebush on Friday 3 June.
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Coming Up in Sport
Coming Up in Sport
Week 3
Broken Bay Cross Country
St Ives Showground
Monday 9 May
Week 4
Central Coast Under 13 Rugby League Gala Day
Erina Oval
Thursday 19 May
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeships and Opportunities
See the links below for apprenticeships and opportunities.
Sydney Trains currently has open an Expression of Interest, for any students/people who are interested in an Apprenticeship with Sydney Trains for 2023.
The link below will outline details and how to complete the expression of Interest.
Expression of Interest - Apprentice and Traineeship Programs (2023 Intake) (
In July we are looking at hosting a TRY-A-TRADE-DAY at our Clyde Hub, where interested students can come along and see what it would be like to be a tradie with Sydney Trains, and gain further understanding about our Apprentice Program 2023.
More details will be sent out once it is confirmed.
🍕Dominos Leadership Online Webinar - 10th May @5:30pm
What is this webinar about?
Many people go through their school, career, and personal lives and underestimate their impact on their surroundings. As a result, many people don’t consider themselves leaders, and those that do associate leadership with being in a position of power or having extraordinary talents or abilities. Matt is here to challenge that – and help people understand that leadership is within everyone’s reach. Leadership is about making change happen, and everyone has the capacity to make their school, their workplace and their communities better.
In this webinar, Matt will help aspiring leaders:
Tap into their personal WHY to step into leadership with confidence.
Understand that leadership is not defined by a badge or title – instead, influence, action & change
Clarify their own personal leadership vision
Find alignment between their vision, values, and behaviours
See the value in stepping out of your comfort zone and into a growth & learning zone
Identify strategies to build resilience on their leadership journey
Who is this webinar for?
Students (Years 10, 11 & 12) with an interest in leadership
School career advisors
🎓Flight Centre Travel Academy - 26th May @5:30pm
In partnership with Torrens University Australia, FCTA facilitates the Diploma of Travel and Tourism whilst also providing employment opportunities and networking connections to set you up for a successful career in travel.
Join Renee and Jamie from FCTA and Josh, a graduate of the diploma who is now kicking goals with Ignite Travel Group, to discuss all things Flight Centre Travel Academy!
This webinar will include:
What is the Diploma of Travel and Tourism?
Career and education pathways
Further information on our Work, Study + Play Programs
A graduates' story
Q & A
Click HERE to register for these events.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University Information
See the links below for the latest university information
Applications are opening
Applications for uni in 2023 are opening tomorrow, Tuesday 12 April. Students will be able to apply for undergraduate study as well as the Schools Recommendation Scheme, Educational Access Scheme and Equity Scholarships.
Not all 2023 courses will be available for selection, but encourage your students to choose any 2023 course to complete their application and come back later to review and change their preferences as courses come online. All semester 1, 2023 courses will be available from August.
Students will receive their UAC PIN on Tuesday 12 April and will be able to apply straight away. PIN emails will be sent to the email address NESA has on file.
Remind your students to log in to Students Online to check that their email address is correct. We recommend changing it to a personal email address so that they still receive emails from us after they leave school in December. They should also change the pre-filled school email address in their UAC application to a personal address so that they don’t miss any notifications from UAC about their application, including offers.
The UAC Guide
The UAC Guide will be arriving at schools from the beginning of term 2. Contact UAC if there are any issues with your school’s delivery.
The Guide contains everything Year 12 students – including international students – need to know about applying for uni in 2023. Comprehensive course descriptions will be added to UAC’s website as they are finalised by institutions. Encourage your students to check UAC’s website regularly.
Application processing charge
UAC accepts payment by credit/debit card (Visa and MasterCard cards that have been enabled for online payment) or PayPal. Current Year 12 applicants can also 'commit to pay' using BPAY.
Our financial institution is no longer allowing payments via the Australia Post Billpay service.
For students to stay up to date with upcoming information sessions, events, and important dates, they can sign up here: Click Here (when they sign up to stay updated, they also go into a draw to possibly win a gift card)
For parents to get relevant information and to stay up to date, we have this page for them: Click Here
3 May 2022 - 6:00pm
A series of short talks given by university representatives and current students. We’ll cover everything students will need to know to prepare them for university study including important dates and early entry.
Register Here
4 May 2022 - 6:00pm
A series of short talks on the importance of informed subject selection, how choice of subjects can help at university, and how admission to Macquarie works.
Register Here
13 August 2022
Students can join us to learn how our industry connections, passion for collaboration, and appetite for unconventional thinking will help them achieve remarkable things.
Register Here
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Parent Connection
The Fathering Project
A father’s influence can last a lifetime. What you say and do will shape your children’s attitudes, how they behave and the decisions they make as they move through their journey to adulthood.
Click the links below for the latest articles from the Fathering Project:
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Parent Connection
Positions Vacant
Please see the link to our Positions Vacant page for the latest opportunities
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Parent Connection
Positive COVID Reporting and Term 2 Correspondence
Please see below all correspondence emailed home in Term 2 2022, including COVID information and STUDENT POSITIVE RESULT reporting link.
Please notify the College of a positive student test result via the following link: CLICK HERE
End of Term 2 Letter - Sent 28 June 2022
Year 12 Wellbeing Day - Sent 23 June 2022
Deputy Principal Announcement EREA - Sent 15 June 2022
Student Led Learning Conferences Years 7 to 11 - 10 June 2022
Semester 1 Learning Conferences - 31 May 2022
Year 11 - Minimum Standards - 27 May 2022
St Edward's Not Involved in Industrial Strike Action - Sent 26 May 2022
COVID Update - Sent May 13 2022
Founder's Day - Sent 5 May 2022
Change of Student Withdrawal Policy - Sent 3 May 2022
Parent COVID Update Term 2 - Sent 26 April 2022
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Upcoming Events

13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford