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Touchstones – 5 August 2021
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, we aim to provide quality teaching and learning experiences to enable students to experience personal achievement
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Waterford Ideas
Lockdown offers a time for students to complete Waterford, perhaps by looking outside the circle of what they may normally choose.
For example, boys could complete hours via:
An online first aid course
Phone calls to people in their family who may be isolated eg grandparents, family overseas, neighbours.
Advocacy campaigns, through websites eg poverty, disability, aged care etc
Reflections in their Waterford booklet (on CANVAS). Students can use time they spend writing reflections, in their Waterford hours.
Any time students spend on these campaigns should be signed off by parents.
Mr Pat Dell
Leader of Learning - Social Justice
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Mission & Identity
Clean4shore is a community based project that provides our students and students from other schools on the coast, an opportunity to clean up the foreshore in their area.
It is a great initiative and a sometimes confronting experience where the students see first hand the impact of our actions on their environment. For some it can be a life changing experience. The leader of this initiative, Jono, puts together a annual report each year which details the schools involved, the amount of rubbish removed and the areas it was removed from. St Edward's College is fortunate to be a part of this initiative and I hope this partnership continues for many years to come.
Clean4Shore Annual Report
Mr Michael Gentle
Environment Portfolio
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News From the Languages Faculty
Term 3 started with a bang, the celebration of le 14 Juillet or Bastille Day, the French National holiday on 14 July, in Week 1.
All French students celebrated the diversity of French culture and values by discussing this national holiday. Some students even celebrated by cooking delicious meals with their families at home during lockdown.
This exciting start to the Term, despite being in lockdown, was also highlighted by the trials and tribulations of the Tour de France, which many of our boys watched on TV and live streaming. This allowed our boys to see the breathtaking French landscape and sparked interesting online discussions about French culture, regions, and sportsmanship.
Year 8 French students have also adapted exceptionally well to Home Based Learning, delighting their teachers with many creative culinary delights as they learn about French food and restaurant culture. After learning about the region of Britany in France, students enjoyed perfecting the craft of crêpe making with their families during lockdown. Vos crêpes sont délicieuses ! Bravo! No doubt Year 8 will continue to experiment and cook up French dishes worthy of a Michelin Star from their homes.
The Year 12 French Continuers class, which is combined with students from St Joseph's worked steadily throughout the holidays in preparation for their scheduled final HSC oral exam which was to be held on Saturday 31 July. However, due to the current lockdown and restrictions, this has been postponed to Saturday 11 September. Our Year 12 students have shown great resilience and commitment to their studies during this challenging time, and we wish them all the best for their upcoming Bac Blanc (Trial HSC) and future exams.
The French Faculty congratulates all French students for their commitment to their studies, rising to the challenges of Home Based Learning and for their dedication to learning a foreign language, making them true global citizens.
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Library News
The Library team have been working hard behind the scenes to put together a list of online resources that students can access from home.
Our digital collection, along with many other resources, is available through the St Edward’s College Library Homepage and includes access to the following by using the student’s school username and password:
eBooks and Audiobooks
Clickview Online
Other student resources
Direct links to our most popular resources include:
Wheelers ePlatform - eBooks and Audiobooks
Borrow a book to read or listen to on any device with Wheelers ePlatform. This online library provides access to thousands of books that you can take anywhere. You can also borrow books from our Wellness collection.
St Edward’s College How to Videos
St Edward’s Library staff have created video content to help you with your studies. From recording your PowerPoint to submitting your work in Canvas, we have you covered.
Databases are the smart way to research. Gale databases are a great place to start - you can access journal articles, primary and secondary sources, news articles and more. If you’re a senior and looking for something a bit more academic, try JSTOR or the State Library.
Sign into Litcharts with Username: eddieslibrary and Password: edmundrice to access study guides on your prescribed novel, poem, or play. These guides take a close look at themes, characters, specific quotes, and more.
This bibliography generator takes all the hard work out of referencing.
We will also run weekly competitions (starting at the end of this week) which you will find on the Library Homepage. The first one will be ‘Dress up as your favourite book character’. If you do not have the book at home – you could perhaps write the title down on a piece of paper. You could either be a character in the book (like Miss Moon) or more dress up around the ‘gist’ of the book (like Miss Moulton).
Looking forward to your creativity and hope you are staying safe and well.
The Library Team
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PDHPE Practical Activities and Challenges
Just a few of the practical activities students are undertaking during their practical Home Based Learning PDHPE lessons.
In addition, see another Prac Challenge Trick! Don’t forget there are prizes for the coolest trick. Look in your PDHPE Canvas lessons for ideas.
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PDHPE Challenge Trick
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Representative Sport
Representative Sport Updates
As expected, current NSW Health restrictions have seen further cancellations for the following sporting events this Term.
The current restrictions have seen the following postponements/cancellations:
All Schools Cross Country Championship on Friday 16 July 2021 at Sydney Motorsport Park has been postponed (TBC). The date has now been confirmed as Monday 18 October.
NSW All Schools Water Polo Quad-Series - 22 and 23 July has been cancelled.
Open Boys Hockey Championships on Tuesday 3 August - cancelled.
NSWCCC Rugby League Cup (Opens) on Wednesday 18 August – cancelled
NSWCCC Athletics Championships on Friday 3 September - cancelled
Broken Bay BBSSSA Sport
2021 BBSSSA Boys Under 13s Rugby League Championships on Tuesday 27 July – cancelled
2021 BBSSSA Boys Junior/Intermediate Basketball Championships on Thursday 5 August – postponed (BBSSSA will continue to monitor the situation to see if they can reschedule them either towards the end of this term or early next term). If the NSWCCC event goes ahead in Term 4 – a BBSSSA Team (placeholding) will be nominated. BBSSSA will then decide on process to select the nominated school team.
2021 BBSSSA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 24 August – cancelled
2021 BBSSSA Golf on Friday 3 September - cancelled
The Champion of Champions on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 July – rescheduled for Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 August. Details remain the same. No details yet on a new date due to current restrictions.
Rugby League
Under 15s and Opens Sydney Metro Semi-Finals on Tuesday 20 July – rescheduled to Tuesday 24 August. Details remain the same. No details yet on a new date due to current restrictions.
Under 14's Cochrane Cup Northern Finals on Wednesday 4 (travel) and Thursday 5 (play) August – this date has not yet changed, as it is outside the current restrictions. The back-up date is Tuesday 24 August. No details yet on a new date due to current restrictions. We are still awaiting confirmation on restrictions for this game. All other teams involved in the Northern Finals are outside the Greater Sydney Area, and it is possible the game might go ahead without us – given we may not be able to travel.
2021 NSW All Schools Athletics Championships
Please note that this event will be held at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre, on a date to be confirmed.
This event is open to ANY high-school student in NSW, aged 12-19 years old (as of 31st December, 2021).
There are no pre-qualification criteria to enter the NSW All Schools Championships, and we encourage any student of any ability to enter this year's Championships.
Event entries will open for this event in due time, with plenty of time for all students to enter. Stay tuned to our Athletics NSW social media channels below for any updates, as well as this event page.
If you have any questions regarding the 2021 NSW All Schools Championships, please contact
Week 4 Term 3:
No Representative Sport this week.
Week 5 Term 3:
No Representative Sport this week.
Week 6 Term 3:
No Representative Sport this week.
Week 7 Term 3:
No Representative Sport this week.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers News
Schools Career Guide
The 2021 edition of the Schools Careers Guide by Explore Careers is out now and available for free download on Issuu!
Jam packed with 282 pages of information from over 130 of Australia's leading organisations and brands, across 15 unique industries and 5 diversity sections.
This edition is our most comprehensive yet and is the most popular schools careers resource in the country.
Name: 2021 Indigenous Careers Super Fair
Date: Wednesday 28th July
Time: 2pm to 4pm AEST
After the success of this event last year, we’re really pleased to be holding it again. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander to meet the employers that are lining up to hire them.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University Information
Click here to see upcoming events at ACU
St John’s College is excited to welcome prospective students and their parents to our Virtual Open Day on Saturday 29 August at 2.30pm.
In light of the Greater Sydney lockdown being extended, and with our first priority being the safety of our current students, broader community, and staff members, we’ve decided to move our 2021 Open Day online.
This event will be held via Zoom and is open to any students interested in on-campus living in 2022 or 2023, and their parents. You are, of course, also more than welcome to join if you’d like. Register here to receive the Zoom link.
Virtual Open Day will have many the same features of our in-person Open Day, with attendees able to tune in from the comfort of their own homes. Absolutely no judgement from us if anyone wants to join in their PJs!
If you've got any students interested in on-campus accommodation or the University of Sydney in 2022 or 2023, we'd love to see them at our Virtual Open Day.
They can register for this event via the button below. Shy students can also submit any questions they have via this form, in case there’s any nerves about speaking up on camera in front of their peers.
Interested students, or their parents, can also check out our Facebook event for updates.
Just a quick reminder that applications for our 2022 cohort are currently open, with admissions interviews well underway. Our Main Round of offers will be released on Friday 24 September and we suggest students complete their applications well in advance of this date to avoid disappointment.
Macquarie University
Studying at Macquarie University will multiply your potential for success. Join Open Day online and find out how Macquarie’s industry connections, personalised degrees and practical experiences ensure you’re job-ready when you graduate. Just a few reasons why Macquarie’s ranked number one in Australia for graduate employment rate.
Open Day is an experience made for (YOU)us
At any time throughout the day, you can check out the livestreaming student-hosted centre stage and find out about:
Macquarie Entry
adjustment factors
pathway programs
how to apply
campus life
You’ll also have the opportunity to:
speak one-to-one with academics
talk via live chat with the University’s contact centre about all things Macquarie
watch on-demand videos about degrees and much more.
Saturday, 14 August 2021
10am – 4pm
Register at
Due to growing concerns about COVID-19, we have made the decision to move our Open Day to an online event. At this time, the health of our staff, students and guests is a priority for us. We understand you may be disappointed, and we apologise for the inconvenience.
As mentioned, the good news is you can join us for our Virtual Open Day on Tuesday 17 August.
Virtual Open Day is a customisable online event, where students can tune in to webinars, chat live with our Course and Careers Advisors, learn about our courses, take virtual campus tours, and hear from industry leaders, expert academics and students past and present.
Early Entry Video
Learn about the eligibility criteria, application process, key dates and more.
The presentation from the video is also available to download.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday 17 August 2021
Time: 8.30 am to 9.15 am and 3.30 pm and 4.15 pm
Where: Online
Click Here to Register
Open Day
We’re hosting our online Open Day across Saturday 28 August and Tuesday 31 August. There’ll be 150+ activities including workshops, webinars, virtual tours and more
Click Here for More Information
2022 Accommodation Applications Opening 7 October
Semester 1, 2022 accommodation applications will open on Thursday 7 October. Students will be required to pay a $100 application fee.
To ensure an easy application process, we encourage students to register a profile on the Student Living Accommodation Portal.
Students can view our different accommodation options on our website.
Accommodation applications are extremely competitive, with hundreds of students applying to live on campus every year.
We encourage all students to be ready to apply as soon as applications open to ensure the best possible chance of living on campus next year!
Update to Central Coast Nursing program and addition of Midwifery program
We are excited to provide you with an update on our Central Coast Nursing program and the addition of the Midwifery program to the Central Coast.
From Semester 1 2022 the Bachelor of Nursing, currently running at Ourimbah campus will be taught from our new world-class Central Coast Clinical School (CCCS) at the Gosford campus. The Bachelor of Midwifery, a new addition to the Central Coast will also be taught at the Gosford Clinical school.
This world-class facility offers students the opportunity to practice their skills in a simulated clinical environment, whilst working alongside leading researchers and clinicians. Students will have access to purpose-built problem-based learning rooms, virtual reality, and simulated laboratories where they can practice clinical skills before going out onto placement. This exciting medical, research and innovation hub is an incredible opportunity for our students from nursing, midwifery and medicine.
Details of the courses below:
Program: Bachelor of Nursing
Location: Gosford
UAC Code: 483610
Program: Bachelor of Midwifery
Location: Gosford
UAC Code: 489811
Students that have these programs in their UAC preferences will receive a direct email from the University.
*Please note that our Nursing and Midwifery degree programs will also continue to be taught at our Callaghan Campus.
Take a look inside the Central Coast Clinical School here.
Update on Bachelor of Music Degree University of Newcastle from 2022:
the Bachelor of Music will be replaced with the newBachelor of Music and Performing Arts; and
the combined Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Artsdegree will be replaced with the Bachelor of Music and Performing Arts / Bachelor of Arts.
The new improved degrees have been designed to meet industry demand and will prepare students for a great career in the music and performing arts industries. Through practical and creative learning experiences in the performing arts, music, song writing, sound production and scenography they will graduate career-ready.
Students will be communicated to this afternoon to let them know:
They will need to update their preferences in UAC.
Simply log into UAC and replace them with the new course codes below:
Bachelor of Music and Performing Arts the UAC Code is: 489814
Bachelor of Music and Performing Arts / Bachelor of Arts the UAC Code is: 489813
A reminder that a music audition is also required as part of their application for further details click here.
If you have any questions please get in touch with your Future Students Team regional contact.
University Open Days and Tour Updates for 2021
Please see the link below for more information
2021 University Open Days and Tours Update
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeship, Trainee Opportunities, Courses and Information
Attention Year 12
Mars Food Australia is offering 3 Internships
Food / Engineering / Business Pathway
Three month engagement from Dec 2021 – Feb 2022
Closes Monday 16th August
The number one major benefit of internships is EXPERIENCE!!
How many times have you read job advertisements that ask for experience?
Consider these internships it will look great on your resume.
Mars Engineering Intern - Central Coast
Due to the short nature of the Intern engagement, Mars does not offer relocation for this opportunity and you must be available to be on site at Wyong daily.
The Role:
Are you a current student who wants to get a taste of what life at Mars entails? Keen to play an important role in our Engineering team here at Mars? Are you humble, driven by success, and someone who can turn feedback into a personal learning opportunity? Do you operate by a set of values and care about the impact your work has on our global communities? If this sounds like you and you’re ready to learn and grow with a company that values your development and career, we want to hear from you!
The Mars Food Engineering Internship will be a three-month engagement from December 2021 – February 2022 and is designed to give you work experience on a real project that delivers real results for the company, while also letting you explore what Life at Mars is about! Working at our Mars Food site in Wyong, NSW where our teams produce brands like Masterfoods, Dolmio, and Kantong, you will join our Engineering team to deliver on a real project that will deliver real results for the business!
Mars Research and Development Internship Experience - Central Coast
Due to the short nature of the Intern engagement, Mars does not offer relocation for this opportunity and you must be available to be on site at Wyong daily.
The Role:
Are you a current student who wants to get a taste of what life at Mars entails? Keen to play an important role in our Engineering team here at Mars? Are you humble, driven for success, and someone who can turn feedback into a personal learning opportunity? Do you operate by a set of values and care about the impact your work has on our global communities? If this sounds like you and you’re ready to learn and grow with a company that values your development and career, we want to hear from you!
The Mars Food Research & Development Internship will be a three-month engagement from December 2021 – February 2022 and is designed to give you work experience on a real project that delivers real results for the company, while also letting you explore what Life at Mars is about! Working at our Mars Food site in Wyong, NSW where our teams produce brands like Masterfoods, Dolmio, and Kantong, you will join our R&D team to deliver on a real project that will deliver real results for the business!
Mars Sales & Marketing Internship - North Sydney & Wyong
This role is located in North Sydney and will require fortnightly travel to Wyong, Central Coast.
Due to the short nature of the Intern engagement, Mars does not offer relocation for this opportunity and you must be available to travel to both of these locations as required.
The Role:
Are you a current student who wants to get a taste of what life at Mars entails? Keen to play an important role in our Sales & Marketing team here at Mars? Are you humble, creative, driven for success, and someone who can turn feedback into a personal learning opportunity? Do you operate by a set of values and care about the impact your work has on our global communities? If this sounds like you and you’re ready to learn and grow with a company that values your development and career, we want to hear from you!
The Mars Food Sales & Marketing Internship will be a three-month engagement from December 2021 – February 2022 and is designed to give you work experience on a real project that delivers real results for the company, while also letting you explore what Life at Mars is about! Working at our Mars Food site in Wyong, NSW where our teams produce brands like Masterfoods, Dolmio, and Kantong, you will join our Sales & Marketing team to deliver on a real project that will deliver real results for the business!
Students interested in gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship can register to receive monthly newsletters.
Register Here
Here is our most recent list of vacancies showing the apprenticeships and traineeships we currently have available in your state. If you’d like to further tailor your search by industry, job type or region, please use the drop-down menu at the top of the Job Board page.
Click Here
Past Students
CTQ Enrolment Form 2.10
Studying Games, Animation & VFX
The last 12 months have seen a huge growth in Australia's games and film industry. These industries are expanding and hiring graduating 3D Artists, Animators, Programmers, and Designers. Exciting opportunity for the next generation!
Upcoming Events
AIE Open Days are valuable for students to visit, interact and learn what pathways and opportunities are available to them.
To register for Open Day, or find out more information on AIE’s free events, please see our website here.
We will also be talking about our new Film & Virtual Production course!
Other exciting news!
Online Campus Day on Saturday 21st of August - for anyone interested in studying at our online campus.
Free workshop or demo - Online, we come to you or you come to us (Limited Spots), Book Here!
Industry and Careers Pathway Presentation, reply to this email to book
Certificate Courses (VET), More info here!
Alumni Livestreams here.
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas – First Borns
The Perks and Pitfalls of Being Born First
The birth of a first child is a big event. Such is the excitement and emotion that parents often don’t realise that the baby that they bring home is a ground breaker, taking them headlong into every stage of development.
First-borns are born into a privileged position. Living in the spotlight, they get piles of attention and as they grow up, they are given more responsibility than other children in other positions. They lead the way, break new ground, and rule the roost if others follow. Parents expect a great deal from first-borns, so to avoid disappointing them many become low risk-takers. Parental expectation and their tendency for perfectionism and conscientiousness can make first-borns more anxiety prone than children in other birth order positions.
First-born children can be bossy, responsible, and achievement-oriented but they are more neurotic, more intense, and more inflexible than children in any other birth order position. Taking life and themselves too seriously is a problem for many first-borns Here are some tips for parenting children and young people in this privileged but anxiety-prone position:
Encourage Rather Than Praise or Criticise
First-borns respond to encouragement as it releases the pressure on them to perform. When they know that effort, improvement, and contribution matter more to parents than good results they’re more likely to take risks and stretch themselves as learners.
Save Responsibilities for Others
First-borns know all about responsibility, as they get more than their fair share of jobs and reminders to be good role models. Share chores, responsibilities, and expectations among all children in the family, including youngest children.
Enjoy Two-On-One Time
First-borns love having both parents to themselves, if applicable, as that’s the way life was until a second-born came along and robbed them of their privileged position. Only children are fortunate that they don’t experience the 'disgrace' of dethronement.
Embed Wellbeing Practices Into Family Life
Help anxiety prone first-borns develop positive wellbeing habits including healthy eating, adequate exercise, and sleep and relaxation techniques such as mindfulness and meditation.
In Closing
The drive, leadership and attention to detail of first-borns contributes enormously to society. We need to help them lighten up and enjoy themselves as well.
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Parent Connection
Parent Ideas – Make Time for Down-Time
If your teenage children live wound-up, highly scheduled lives then they need to rediscover the lost art of down-town.
Down-time is like mucking around except that it’s passive. It’s about kids relaxing, doing whatever it is they feel like doing – whether that’s watching a screen, hanging around with siblings or mates, reading a book or simply daydreaming.
There are three compelling reasons to allow kids down-time:
It’ s great for mental health. Hard-driven kids need some time to rest their brains. The thinking wheels can’t keep spinning all the time.
It builds relationships. You’ve got to be close to someone to feel comfortable down-time with them. A household needs to be relaxed and free from tension for down-time to happen.
It feels good, which is good reason to do something.
The Art of Down-Time Comes With Age
Toddlers are too active for down-time. Their physiology ensures that when they have some free time they’ll generally keep moving and exploring.
Kids in primary school start to learn the value of down-time. They generally spend down-time on their own or by mucking around with their friends.
Teenagers are natural down-timers. They do it without trying. Teens take up a lot of space during down-time at home, tending to sprawl out and fill living rooms. Many don’t mind down-time with their parents if their friends don’t see them.
Many parents feel uncomfortable when their kids spend too long in down-time. Busyness is seen as a virtue. Sure, it’s good for our kids to be occupied a lot of the time, but active lives need to be balanced with opportunities for inactivity.
Don’t Confuse Down-Time With Brooding
Brooding, like ruminating, involves a young person repeatedly visiting their thoughts, going over past mistakes, or worrying about the future. Down-time is different as it enables a young person to chill out and relax. It’s free-range mindfulness, or unstructured meditation.
Down-time is a lifetime mental health, relationship-building, and happiness habit. It’s something to be encouraged, rather than clamped down.
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Parent Connection
Term 3 Information
Please find below information regarding Term 3 including the latest COVID information.
COVID and Learning from Home
Parent Information Term 3 Years 7 to 10 - 16 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 Year 11 - 16 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 Year 12 - 16 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 Years 7-10 - 7 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 Year 11 - 7 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 Year 12 - 7 September 2021
Parent Information Term 3 - 27 August 2021
Year 11 Preliminary HSC Assessment Information - 23 August 2021
Year 9 Subject Selection (2022) Information Letter - 20 August 2021
Year 12 Trial HSC Assessment Information for Parents - 20 August 2021
Year 12 Trial HSC - 6 August 2021
Year 12 Trial HSC Letter - Invitation and Q&A - 2 August 2021
Parent Information Term 3 - 29 July 2021
Year 12 Trial HSC - 29 July 2021
Parent Information Term 3 - 26 July 2021
Rescheduling HSC Examinations and Practical Works Submission Dates - 26 July 2021
Parent Information Term 3 - 15 July 2021
Online St Edwards Student Guide
Parent Information Term 3 - 8 July 2021
Student Information Term 3 - 8 July 2021
To book a telephone conversation with a College Counsellor, please following the link below:
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Parent Connection
Commonwealth School Data Collection Notice
The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) would like to advise all parents and guardians that it collects certain information about your child’s school, its staff, and student body.
Click the link below for more information.
2021 Parent Privacy Notice
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Upcoming Events

13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford