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Touchstones – 29 April 2021
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Gospel Spirituality
As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, St Edward’s continues the work of the Christian Brothers by calling its school community to play
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
ANZAC Commemorations
On Monday 26 April, staff and students commemorated Anzac Day with a whole school assembly to begin the day.
ANZAC Day commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops on the shores of Gallipoli at ANZAC Cove on 25 April 1915.
A catafalque party led the assembly whilst student leaders laid a wreath and paid tribute to the Royal Australian Navy. In both world wars, Australian naval vessels played a prominent role in all theatres, gaining battle honours and providing Australian forces with protection and support.
Following the assembly, Years 7-10 spent a period in the Theatre being immersed into the history of local legends. This learning session focussed on the theme: Remembering our Local Heroes. Students, staff and parents had sent in photos and information of family members who are servicemen and women, serving Australia. The Academic Portfolio and student leaders led these information sessions, teaching students about the Central Coast’s local legends and their various experiences.
After the presentation, students walked past the commemorative photo wall of servicemen and women from our school community. In doing so, they were encouraged to remember at least one of the names and their service they found, in this manner, the history of their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Food Technology - Anzac Biscuits
Mrs McDonald and the Year 12 Food Technology students made Anzac biscuits, following a traditional recipe. Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps establishing in WWI. The biscuit historically was meant to have a long shelf-life where soldiers could grind them up and eat as porridge. Golden syrup was used instead of eggs so that the biscuits could survive the 2-3 month trip to the troops in France.
The recipe the students used is outlined below:
125g butter
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
¼ cup sugar
¾ cup coconut
½ t bicarb soda
3 T golden syrup
2 T boiling water
Preheat oven 180oC
Melt butter and golden syrup together in the microwave.
Mix bicarb soda and boiling water and add to butter mixture.
Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl and add to liquid ingredients.
Place teaspoonfuls of mixture on a baking paper lined tray. Allow room for spreading!
Bake for 20 mins or until golden brown.
Cool on a wire cooling rack.
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Mission & Identity
Waterford Opportunities and Founder’s Day Reminder
Waterford Reminder for Years 8 to 11.
Waterford is our compulsory service-learning program.
Please check your son's progress with Waterford
Waterford should be completed by Week 9 in Term 3.
Students who attend Founder's Day and make their $20 contribution will be awarded 2 Waterford hours.
Upcoming Waterford Opportunities:
Homeless Sleepout (Years 9-11)
Coast Shelter
Serving/assisting winter sports teams
Assisting/mentoring other students
Return and Earn
Red Shield Appeal (Opportunities exist for students to doorknock in their local suburbs or street, they can also volunteer to help at shopping centres and McDonalds outlets at Erina and Kincumber.) There is also an opportunity to assist with the 'Digital Doorknock'where people can join our Gosford Area Team and make a fundraising page through social media, just follow steps by clicking this link: Click Here
Further information and enquiries about the Program can be directed to or 43216439.
Founder's Day
A reminder that each student is to pay $20 at the front office, for our major fundraising event which is held every second year.
This year, Founder’s Day will be held on Friday 3 September. It is a fun day designed to build school community and to raise much-needed funds for the Edmund Rice communities we support:
Kenya, Christian Brothers Mission
St Joseph’s Catholic School Walgett
Edmund Rice Camps
Coast Shelter
Founder's Day is a mufti day and students can participate in the many activities during the day. At the conclusion of the day a raffle with other 100 prizes will be drawn.
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Manufacturing and Engineering
Senior students in our Manufacturing and Engineering course have hit the ground running this year by working on their major projects.
A variety of different projects have been undertaken including industrial work benches, tool cabinets and some students have even taken a creative path by fabricating a replica of Thor’s hammer. With the cold weather settling in Year 10 students have been working on Camp Stools and Fire Pits to settle into a perfect campfire scenario. Year 9 students have been introduced to the Senior Engineering Workshop for the first time and are working on a Toolbox. Milling machines, sheet metal guillotines, oxy/acetylene sets and welding machines are just a few of the processes Year 9 have been learning to use and their welding practise is paying dividends.
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SECTV Mother’s Day Edition
Please click the link below for the Mother's Day edition of SECTV, hosted by Michael Holmes and Fletcher Moore.
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NAPLAN Online Testing
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy – important skills that each child needs to succeed in school and life.
The NAPLAN tests are designed to help us make sure students are on track with their literacy and numeracy development and provide teachers with valuable information that can be used to differentiate teaching and learning for students at all levels of achievement. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in NAPLAN tests for reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
Between Tuesday 12 May and Friday 21 May, St Edward’s student will participate in NAPLAN online, with the majority of students completing the tests between the 12 and 17 May. The precise NAPLAN schedule will be placed on the student portal during Week 2 or 3. If students miss a NAPLAN test they will sit the test at another point during the testing window. The online test is an adaptive test with hundreds of questions so there are no security issues around students knowing or sharing questions.
In order to familiarise our students with the testing format all students in Years 7 and 9 participated in practice NAPLAN tests during the final week of Term 1. If your son missed this practice or if you would like to see the types of questions and features of NAPLAN online visit the public demonstration site.
If you have any questions or concerns about your son’s participation in NAPLAN Online, please contact me by phone or email using the details listed below. Some students with identified learning needs may be entitled to adjustments to support them in accessing the NAPLAN tests, we have contacted the parents of students that are currently supported by our Diverse Learning team to offer the appropriate adjustment. If you have not been contacted and believe that your son may be entitled to this support please contact Mrs Betty Kiekebosch, Leader of Diverse Learning
For more info go to:
Public demonstration site
NAP parent/carer support page
Watch a video that explains tailored testing
NAPLAN Online Disability Adjustment Information Flyer
NAPLAN Online Information for Parents and Carers Flyer
Carolina Murdoch
Director of Teaching and Learning
Phone: 02 4321 6427
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Year 11 Ancient History
Year 11 Ancient History
In a remarkable discovery, the 2021 Year 11 Ancient History class uncovered Tutankhamun's tomb at St Edward's College. The unearthing revealed the boy king's burial chamber, possessions in preparation for the afterlife and royal artefacts befitting an Egyptian pharaoh. The class will now make further examination and ponder whether the size of the tomb was really intended for Tutankhamun.
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NSWCCC Representatives
Congratulations to Daniel McLoughlin in Year 11, Tajh Regattieri in Year 7, Ryan Green in Year 11, Nick Green in Year 11, Taine Beavis in Year 11 and Nathan Irvine in Year 11 who have all qualified for the NSW All Schools Swimming Carnival on Friday 28 May. The boys had a successful NSWCCC Carnival achieving the following results:
Daniel McLoughlin
50m Butterfly New NSWCCC Record 72sec
100m Butterfly
100m Backstroke
50m Backstroke
200m Freestyle
Tahj Reggatteiri
50m Backstroke
Open 4x50m Freestyle Team
Ryan Green, Taine Beavis, Nick Green, Daniel McLoughlin
Open Medley Relay Team
Ryan Green (Backstroke), Nathan Irvine (Breaststroke), Daniel McLoughlin (Butterfly) and Taine Beavis (Freestyle)
Touch Football
Congratulations to Owen Flaherty, Toby Paterson and Tyler Moriarty in Year 12, who were recently selected in the NSWCCC Touch Football team. The boys attended selection trials on Tuesday 31 March at Nelsons Bay. They are awaiting details about the National Youth Cup in Term 3.
Congratulations to Jack Roberts in Year 10 who was selected in the NSWCCC Under 15’s AFL team after contesting the selection trials in Wagga Wagga. He will now play in the NSW All Schools selection trials in Albury on Tuesday 25 May.
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Sydney Independent Rugby League
On Wednesday 24 March, the Broken Bay Rugby League Teams contested the Sydney Independent Rugby League selection trials at The Ponds Stadium, Kellyville Ridge.
Trials were held for the Under 15’s and Under 18’s teams. Congratulations to the following boys:
Under 15: Matt Humphries, Sean Bullen
Opens: Marlon Guest, Daniel Peters, Beau Newlands, Tyler Moriarty
The boys will now play in the NSWCCC selection trials at St Mary’s Stadium on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May.
Devonte Vaotuua, Under 15's and Fletcher Powell, Opens have been nominated for the President’s Teams and are awaiting confirmation of their selection. If successful, they will also play in these selection trials.
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Sport This Week
College Cross Country Team
Any boys who would like to run at the Broken Bay Cross Country in Week 4 (Monday 10 May – St Ives Showground), have been asked to register their interest during Home Room this week. We are only able to enter 10 students per age group (12 – 17+yrs).
If any age groups have more than 10 students register, a run-off during Friday activities this week (30 April) will occur.
This Week in Sport
Week 2
Broken Bay Intermediate Football Gala Day
Cromer Park, Frenchs Forest
Tuesday 27 April
Week 3
Broken Bay Under 13 Football Gala Day
Cromer Park, Frenchs Forest
Thursday 6 May
NSWCCC Sport Registrations 2021 For Pathway Sports Opened on 1 February.
Registrations are via the CSNSW.Sport portal. For instructions on how to register go to –
Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations
Term two Individual Nominations Sport Registrations
Basketball – Open Boys – 3 May – Close 29 April
Football – U16 Boys – 5 May – Close 29 April
Swimming and Touch Football registrations are through the Diocesan/Association pathways.
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Webinars by UAC
UAC Digital Year 12 Conferences
Registrations are now open for the Let's Chat series of webinars on courses and careers in medicine, business and economics, communication and much more.
During each webinar, university professors, lecturers and student ambassadors will give prospective students an insight into their chosen area of study.
All dates and registration links are available from the UAC website: Click Here for more Information and to Register.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Opportunities, Expos and University of Newcastle Webinars
North Construction Visit
A huge thank you to North Construction for presenting to interested students about construction careers, North’s culture, personal branding, employee attributes and for sharing their own pathways journey.
The Grove Studios Academy
Register Your Interest Here
My Journey - Virtual Careers Expo
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University of Newcastle Upcoming Events
University of Newcastle
We also have new course offerings at Callaghan Campus (Newcastle) and the Ourimbah campus as well as online courses. Click Here for More Details
Click Here to Register for Webinar
Click Here to Register for Webinar
Click Here for Further Information
Click Here to Register
Click Here to Watch
Click Here to Learn More
Click Here to Register
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Macquarie University Events
We're very excited about our brand new facilities and spaces! We’ve invested significantly in shaping the University's future, take a look at our new Arts Precinct, Central Courtyard and Clinical Education Building.
Tuesday 4 May
Year 12 Online Information Session
Wednesday 5 May: Find out about specific courses, entry, pathways, scholarships, support services and much more.
Year 10 Subject Selection Online Information Session
May 11 - June 29: Find out all the information regarding your subject selection and how this may or may not affect your university entry.
Weekly Q&A Series for Years 10 - 12
Saturday 14 August
Open Day
Explore Your Options at Macquarie
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas – Teaching Consent
Following the March 4 Justice rallies families have been urged to talk to their children about consent. Many parents are unsure where to start and how to go about it.
Many parents are unsure where to start and how to go about it. Here are some ideas to assist parents in this most important topic.
Start the Consent Ball Rolling From an Early Age
Consent education begins with adults teaching and modelling respectful treatment related to children’s development stages. Holding discussions about body boundaries, checking in with feelings, respecting the feelings and voices of others, and listening to children’s concerns are the types of behaviours that will help you develop a culture of respect in your family.
Is your home a place where children can talk about any topic? Sexuality and relationship education are subjects that many parents place in the ‘let’s talk about this when you are older’ basket.
Professor Kerry Robinson, who is in the School of Social Sciences and Psychology and the Sexualities and Genders Research Network at Western Sydney University advises parents to be factual when answering children’s questions, emphasising the importance of staying informed about the subject kids are interested in.
In a recent article in The Guardian, she said “…. have set it up early with your child that when they talk about certain things you give open, simple, honest answers, then you set a precedent that you can build on.”
Professor Robinson also advises parents not to fob off children’s questions: “Straight away you’re setting a pattern of not answering and putting it off. Kids learn really quickly that this is a taboo subject. They will talk to their friends about it: they won’t talk to their parents and other adults about it because it’s taboo.”
Teach No Means No
Children learn about mutual consent through their play and sharing. A child who doesn’t want to share their toys has a right to be left alone, rather than being scolded to change their mind. A parent who withdraws a privilege in response to a teenager’s poor behaviour shouldn’t be subjected to repeated attempts to negotiate a different outcome. Reinforce with children and young people that a no is not an invitation to ask again.
Emphasise Choices
The biggest lesson to reinforce for children and young people is that they have a choice in how they behave, and how they react. The young person who blames alcohol for sexual assault has neglected the role that choice plays in their decisions. Blaming alcohol, the dress or the demeanour of another person are older versions of ‘it’s not my fault because he/she made me do it’ that children so often use when asked to account for poor behaviour.
Framing behaviour as a choice is a central consent strategy for children or all ages. A young child who shares a toy with a friend can be told, “Good choice Harry. Now you can have fun together.” A primary school child who completes their homework assignment early can be reminded “Now you’ve got plenty of time to relax. Smart choice.” The teenager who quietly helps you prepare a meal can be told, “You could have done anything after school, but you chose to help me. I appreciate that.”
Teach Kids to Seek Consent
While teaching kids the right to say no is a central consent message, children and young people should also develop the habit of seeking consent from others. “Ask your sister if it’s okay for you to play that game next to her.” “Ask grandma if she feels like a cuddle right now.” Permission-seeking is another piece in respectful relationships puzzle that you can reinforce with kids.
Model Consent
The use of consensual language is a community concern. A grandparent may need to be respectfully reminded to ask young children if they’d like a kiss or hug. Similarly, a relative should abide by a young child’s wishes if they ask them to stop tickling or playing with them. A doctor should ask a child, “I’m going to take your temperature. Is that okay?” It’s up to adults to frame requests in ways that children feel safe and comfortable.
Fathers Step Ip
Dads can’t leave consent and sexuality education to mothers, which still appears to be the case in many families. Fathers can help their daughters develop the confidence to say no by regular interactions with their daughters and encouraging them to be assertive. If they feel comfortable telling you to stop a game, they are more likely to feel comfortable saying no to other males in their lives later in life. Open the door to conversations about sexuality, relationships and consent with your teenage daughter, and she’ll know she has a willing ally in you.
Fathers can model respectful behaviours for their sons through their treatment of women at home, and in the community at large. Start the by calling out displays of derogatory behaviour towards women by men or young people. Reinforce in your sons that they the standard of behaviour they ignore is the standard of behaviour that they accept. There are many powerful lessons that boys can absorb from their fathers.
In Closing
The best age to start teaching your children about consent is when they are young. The second-best age is whatever age they are right now. Consent education is too big an issue to ignore or leave to schools to manage. It’s something we all have to commit to if we want real change to occur.
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas – Coping, 12 Essential Strategies
See the link below for the Coping E-Book by Michael Grose.
Click Here to View
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13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford