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Touchstones – 23 February 2023
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories,
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Commencement Mass
Be the Best You Can Be
The College Commencement Mass was once again a special day for St Edward's. The students were reverent, respectful and prayerful throughout the ceremony presided over by Father Greg the Parish Priest at St Patrick’s Parish. Congratulations must go to all our brilliant musicians who performed at Mass. Our musicians were thoroughly prepared by our music staff led by Mrs Rankin and Mr Toole. Their performances added so much to the prayerful atmosphere of the mass.
Father Greg spoke eloquently on this year’s theme Be the best you can be. Our College Principal, Mr Bonnici, also spoke about the importance of this year's theme at our College. All who heard these speakers would understand that the men of St Edward's College are expected to put their best effort into all they do. The students were also encouraged to use their gifts and talents to involve themselves in as many activities as possible.
Mr Beacroft
Director of Mission and Identity
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Mission & Identity
Waterford Opportunity
A great opportunity to earn Waterford hours!
The Disabled Surfers Association are holding a Smiles on Dials event at Umina on 4 March 2023. They are looking for volunteers to assist surfers in and out of the water and general assistance on the day.
From the President of Disabled Surfers Association:
“We have a record number of surfers registered and are looking for volunteers to help on the day. They don’t need to be surfers, just keen to get in the water to help. No experience required as new volunteers are placed with experienced team members.”
Information will be available in the Daily Notices for students (14+ years) to sign up with parental consent.
For more information and registration, head to the following link - Click Here
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An Update from the Visual Arts Faculty
Congratulations to Year 12, 2022 students Tom Crouch, Kynan Saul, Billy Pritchard and Louis Whyatt who were selected to exhibit in the NEXT GEN University of Newcastle exhibition.
This was a huge achievement, and all four boys should be congratulated for their success. Special mention goes to Kynan Saul, who is engaged in the process of selling his work to the UoN Music Department. Also, congratulations to Tom Crouch who was awarded the Curator’s Award for the use of technique and materials that enhance the conceptual underpinning of his work.
AGNSW Excursion
Senior students from Visual Arts and Photography were able to visit the Art Gallery of NSW last week to view the Art Express and Permanent Exhibitions.
Photography students were then taken into the city for a workshop in city and street photography – in the pouring rain. The reflections and puddles greatly enhanced our photos, which look fantastic. Even though we nearly drowned, it was warm rain and we were able to produce a fantastic portfolio of work.
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Stage 4 and 5 Art
Both Years 7 and 8 have been working hard to complete their tasks according to the Visual Arts historical timeline. For Year 7, that means looking in depth at the true history of First Nations Australians and their long impact on rock carvings and paintings of Darkinjung country.
Classes have also been studying linear, single point and double point perspective as found in the Renaissance.
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Year 10 Maths in Trades Visit
Year 10 Maths in Trades students visited the construction site during the Science Laboratory refurbishments
On Wednesday 21 February the Year 10 Maths in Trades students we lucky enough to spend close to an hour on the construction site here at school with Victor Ramirez the Site Manager from Unique Constructions, as they work on the refurbishments of the science laboratory.
Our Year 10 Maths in Trades students aspire to work in the building industry one day and this term have been working hard on developing an understanding on how to apply the concepts area and perimeter onto a building site. Victor has given the boys a project to work on that asks the boys to work out how many bricks are required for a new brick wall that needs to be constructed.
Victor also spent time walking the boys through the site and speaking about the projects that are currently taking place along with the projects that need to be completed. He spoke about the safety requirements on a job site, how hard you need to work and why having a strong understanding of mathematical concepts is important for a tradesperson.
The boys were able to ask Victor a number of questions and they look forward to going back on site later in the term once additional work is completed.
If you are a tradesman and would like to speak to the boys about your experiences on a job site, please contact Jackson English ( so we can arrange for you to visit.
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The Latest from the English Faculty
Black Out Poetry in Mrs McDonald's Year 10 Class
Mrs McDonald’s Year 10 English class have kicked off the year by studying a Module titled Page to Screen.
The module is an exploration of intertextuality, specifically in the forms of adaptation and appropriation. Students will explore how art creates art, or how literature is made by literature. Recognising and understanding intertextuality leads to a much richer reading experience which invites new interpretations as it brings another context, idea, story into the text at hand. Students will engage in close study of a prose fiction text and visual adaptation/appropriation in film or television. Mrs McDonald’s class have selected ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F Scott Fitzgerald as their core text and have recently had so much fun in the classroom by using a second-hand copy of the novel to create some ‘Black Out’ poetry.
Blackout Poetry is the name of any sort of poem that is derived from blacking out any unwanted words from a paragraph or book using whatever inking or colouring tools you have on hand. Basically, anything that has words can be turned into a blackout poem so long as the artist has the ability to block out the particular words they want by blacking out the others. Mrs McDonald’s class used coloured texts, highlighters and sharpies to create their own original poems using pages from The Great Gatsby. The lesson was a fun, engaging and original way to use the text to re-imagine it and think critically and creatively.
The poems created were inspiring and unique, prompting some insightful discussions about the valuing and re-valuing of texts in our modern society. The examples here are just a sample of the many different poems created by her students.
CORE English classes off the an exciting start
2023 has started with excitement and awe for our new Year 7 cohort who are settling into life as high school students. The year group arrived to start the year full of curiosity, finding their feet with the support of their CORE teachers Ms Atayde accompanied by Mr Bonello, Mrs Robinson accompanied by Mrs Titheradge, Mr Odden, Mr Sullivan, Mrs Englund and Mrs Pearson.
English as part of CORE classes has kicked off with a module focussing on Belonging and poetry with students able to draw upon their learning from primary school to make links and connections to the new content they are experiencing. Students in Year 7 English will be reading a selection of poetry with ideas around the concept of belonging and diversity, leading to an assessment task later in the year.
Coupled with this, each CORE English class will be focussing on reading and literacy skills as a way to raise confidence and enjoyment in the subject area. Mr Odden’s, Mr Sullivan’s, Mrs Englund’s and Mrs Pearson’s classes will be engaged with a new online platform called ‘CARS AND STARS’ an individually tailored program which the students will spend allocated time working through. It is hoped that this program will prepare students for both the upcoming NAPLAN tests scheduled for March and support reading strategies to improve literacy levels overall. Mrs Robinson’s and Ms Atayde’s classes will focus on more concentrated reading strategies utilising the assistance of Mr Bonello and Mrs Titheradge by running specialised reading groups, comprehension-based activities and the Macquarie Literacy Program for small group instruction.
Students feedback on their experience so far in English has been very positive and boys are enjoying their first few weeks as Eddie’s boys!
Mrs McDonald awarded Highly Accredited Teacher certification
Mrs Michelle McDonald, Leader of Learning for English, has recently been awarded her Highly Accredited Teacher certification status after her dedication and application to the task. There are currently only 274 out of 94,000 teachers across NSW who are either recognised as Highly Accredited or Lead Teachers, meaning Mrs McDonald is one of the rare few to be acknowledged at this level.
Accreditation at Highly Accomplished Teacher level is a reflection of Mrs McDonald’s consistent and continuing successful, outstanding professional practice as described in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Teachers who apply for accreditation at the higher levels are advocates of their profession and are all round performers, as exemplified by Mrs McDonald. Her success is demonstrated by her record of improved student learning and implementation of innovative teaching and learning strategies. She consistently demonstrates the capacity to lead others and provide support and advice for colleagues as a result of the outstanding quality of her teaching practice and through her contribution to the school and educational community. Accreditation at this higher level not only recognises Mrs McDonald’s expertise, but also raises the status and standing of the teaching profession in the wider community.
The English department and students at St Edward’s College are both blessed and privileged to have Mrs McDonald leading and guiding them every day. She is the first teacher at St Edward’s College to receive this acknowledgement and will be presented with her certificate later this year at an official ceremony in Sydney.
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How Well Do You Know Your English Teacher
Getting to Know Your English Teacher Series
The next part of Getting to Know Your English Teacher is now available. We hope you enjoyed an insight into the careers of our English Faculty in the last Newsletter. Click the image to read the latest profiles.
[caption id="attachment_42976" align="alignnone" width="240"] Claudine Neal[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_42977" align="alignnone" width="240"] Sonya Robinson[/caption]
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What is ADHD
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder.
ADHD is characterised by persistent difficulties with inattention and or hyperactivity-impulsivity that impacts daily life.
ADHD affects a person’s ability to self-regulate, focus, remember information and plan – a group of cognitive skills known as executive functions.
ADHD is an abundance of attention
Click for More Information - ADHD poster
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Swimming Carnival
2023 saw a fast start to our sporting calendar, with the College Swimming Carnival being held on the first Friday of Week 1 (Friday 3 February). This year we got back to the way it was, with the full school carnival being held at PLC Woy Woy. For our Year 7 – 9 students, this was the first of its kind for them.
A bright sunny day, with many smiling faces, greeted staff and students. The following boys excelled in their age groups:
Raife Owen
Luca Nowland
Fraser Boake
Billy McCarthy
Logan Atherton
Cooper Stark
Tom Barry
Julian Tagoai
Shaylan Bennett
Tahj Regattieri
Lucas Jarman
Eden Pearson
Lachlan Bunney
Cooper Jones
Archie Carpenter
Jayden Redfern
Kale Puata
Whilst the carnival was there for our competitive swimmers to shine, it also doubled as the first of our House Competitions for the year, and participation points were invaluable. Our House Champions for 2023 were:
Spillane (Red) on 635 points
Knights (Green) 525 points
Shanahan (Blue) 483 points
Doolan (White) on 432 points
Each student who has qualified to represent the College at the Broken Bay carnival (Tuesday 14 March – SOPAC, Homebush) has been emailed a copy of the events they will be entered in. An online permission note for this event will be sent out this week.
Well done to all the boys in attendance on the day for embracing the day and creating a memorable atmosphere. A big thank you to Mr Murray who stepped in at late notice for me, to run the carnival.
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Opens Touch Football
The Opens Touch Football team travelled to Doyalson Touch Fields on Tuesday 14 February to contest the Broken Bay Touch Gala Day. The event also doubled as a selection for the Broken Bay team.
Our team consisted of: Jonah Wright, Zane Smith, Sean Bullen, Byron Marks, Zac Stracker, Josh Brown, Calan Tucker, Sam Flakus, Luke Shereb, Blade Marquart, Oscar McCoombe-Lopez and Cooper Jones.
We were met with a mix of sunshine and rain, which continued throughout the day. The boys played pool games against St Paul’s Catholic College, losing a close one 4-3. The slow start would come back to ‘bite them’ in the cross-over match. We also played St Leo’s Catholic College, winning 7-1 and St Peter’s Catholic College, winning 9-0. While we started slowly in Game 1, in the corresponding games the team found their rhythm and scored some fantastic tries.
The loss earlier in the pool games, meant we came up against our usual rival in St Augustine’s Catholic College in the cross-over game. The team was very aware of the step-up needed in this game and they responded accordingly. We got out to an early lead and the change in enthusiasm and talk was evident. Each time we would go ahead, St Augustine’s would not go away. In the final set of the game, St Augustine’s scored after some frantic scrambling from the boys. The game was tied and this saw us go into a sudden-death, 4 v 4 drop-off format. Unfortunately for us St Augustine’s scored to win the game 4-3 and move onto the final. While the result did not go our way, the team are to be congratulated on the fighting spirit they showed throughout the day.
At the completion of this game, we had seven boys (Jonah, Sean, Zane, Zac, Josh, Sam and Oscar) selected in the possible v probable’s game. Jonah, Sean, Zane and Josh gained selection in the Broken Bay team and will now contest the NSWCCC selection trials later this term in Wagga Wagga.
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Representative Sport News and Upcoming Events
NSWCCC Cricket
Congratulations to John James in Year 11, who was recently selected in the NSWCCC Cricket Team. John and the team will now contest the NSW All Schools selection carnival in Barooga from Tuesday 28 February – Thursday 2 March.
Sport Calendar - Term 1
Week 4
Broken Bay Under 15's Touch Football Gala Day
Nolan Reserve, North Manly
Tuesday 21 February 2023
Week 4
Downie Shield Cricket Finals Series
Raby Sports Complex, Raby
Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 February 2023
Week 4
NSW All Schools Triathlon
Sydney International Regatta Centre, Castlereagh
Individual - Thursday 23 February 2023
Teams - Friday 24 February 2023
Week 5
Central Coast Open's Rugby Union 7's
Friday 3 March 2023
Week 6
Broken Bay Under 13's Touch Football Gala Day
Doyalson Touch Fields, Doyalson
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Week 7
Broken Bay Under 15's and Under 18's Rugby League Selection Trials
Morry Breen Ovals, Kanwal
Monday 13 March 2023
Week 7
Broken Bay Swimming Carnival
SOPAC, Homebush
Tuesday 14 March 2023
Week 8
Northern Under 15's AFL Selection Trials
Bateau Bay
Thursday 23 March 2023
Week 8
Annual Patrician Brother's Blacktown Rugby League Trial Games Under 14's and Under 15's
Patrician Brother's, Blacktown
Friday 24 March 2023
Week 9
Under 15's and Under 18's Metro Rugby League Trials
Morry Breen Ovals, Kanwal
Wednesday 29 March 2023
Week 9
NSWCCC Swimming and Diving
SOPAC, Homebush
Friday 31 March 2023
Week 10
NSWCCC Under 15's and Opens Touch Football Selections
Wagga Wagga
Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 April 2023
Information for Representative Sport 2023 can be found from the one central website – CSNSW Sport
Click Here
Broken Bay BBSSSA Sport
On the homepage, scroll down to Diocese/Associations and click on Broken Bay (Secondary). This website will give you access to all the current information for each Broken Bay Sport including dates, venues, information regarding teams and an up-to-date calendar.
Broken Bay Representative Sports (Pathway – via a college team)
Touch Football Under 15 and Opens
Rugby League Under 15 and Opens (students must register with Mr Carpenter)
Soccer Opens
Cross Country
Aside from rugby league, students must first make a College team to contest a BBSSSA carnival, before they can register for the next stage in the pathway for that sport. Each sport differs in the pathway it provides.
School-based Sporting Events during Term 1 include:
Open Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Tuesday 14 Feb)
Under 15’s Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Tuesday 21 Feb)
NSW All Schools Teams Triathlon (Friday 24 Feb)
Under 13’s Touch Football BBSSSA Gala Day (Wednesday 8 March)
Open’s and Under 15 BBSSSA Rugby League Selection Trials (Monday 13 March)
BBSSSA Swimming Carnival (Tuesday 14 March)
Northern Under 15 AFL Trials (Thursday 23 March)
Annual Patrician Brother’s Blacktown Rugby League Trial game (Under 14's and Under 15’s – Friday 24 March)
Metro Rugby League Selections Trials (Under 15 and Under 18’s - Wednesday 29 March)
NSWCCC Swimming Carnival (Friday 31 March)
With regards to all sports, students are reminded to be listening to the morning Daily Notices during Home Room for the names of staff who are organising various teams and information regarding those teams/events.
On the homepage, scroll down to Sport Search.
Step 1 click on CCC
Step 2 select the Sport
This website will give you access to all the current information for all CSNSW Representative and School-based events including dates, venues, information regarding teams and an up-to-date calendar. It is also the central location that you can register your son for pathway and non-pathway sports.
2023 NSWCCC Teams with Nomination Closing Dates
Registrations are open for these sports with closing dates as listed
(Please confirm via the CSNSW Sport website as closing dates may have changed)
Parents who wish to register their sons for these trials must do so via the CSNSW Sport website prior to the closing date.
Note: These are state level trials and as such students should have a strong playing history.
Closing Date
Event Date
Cricket: 18 years and under (Years 10-12)
6 February 2023
14 & 15 February 2023
Cricket | CSNSW Sport Portal
Softball: 18 years and under
10 February 2023
14 February 2023
Softball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Triathlon: Individual - Junior/Intermediate/Senior
15 February 2023
23 February 2023
Triathlon | CSNSW Sport Portal
Tennis: 19 years and under
17 February 2023
27 February 2023
Tennis | CSNSW Sport Portal
Baseball: 19 years and under
24 February 2023
7 March 2023
Baseball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Golf: 18 years and under
3 March 2023
14 March 2023
Golf | CSNSW Sport Portal
Diving: All ages 12 to 19
31 March 2023
31 March 2023
Diving | CSNSW Sport Portal
Volleyball: 15 years and under
31 March 2023
6 April 2023
Volleyball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Volleyball: 19 years and under
28 April 2023
12 May 2023
Volleyball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Sailing (NSW All Schools) 19 years and under
8 April 2023
11-14 April 2023
Sailing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rugby Union: 16 years and under
14 April 2023
26 & 27 April 2023
Rugby | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rugby Union: 18 years and under
14 April 2023
26 April 2023
Rugby | CSNSW Sport Portal
Water Polo: 17 years and under
21 April 2023
1 May 2023
Water Polo | CSNSW Sport Portal
Basketball: 16 years and under
28 April 2023
9 May 2023
Basketball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Basketball: 18 years and under
28 April 2023
8 May 2023
Basketball | CSNSW Sport Portal
Football: 16 years and under
28 April 2023
10 May 2023
Football | CSNSW Sport Portal
Hockey: 16 years and under
5 May 2023
15 May 2023
Hockey | CSNSW Sport Portal
Hockey: 18 years and under
5 May 2023
15 May 2023
Hockey | CSNSW Sport Portal
22 & 23 May 2023
Canoeing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Rowing (NSW All Schools)
Rowing | CSNSW Sport Portal
Other sports will be promoted closer to their advertised closing date. Further information regarding NSWCCC team selections for all sports is available on the CSNSW Sport website
How to Register Individual Students Via the CSNSW Sport Website
For parents/families:
To register a student on the CSNSW Sport website for a NSWCCC sporting event or trial.
Setting up a new account
(If you have never registered a child for a Broken Bay or NSWCCC team previously)
Go to the Catholic Schools NSW Sport website
Click on Create Account in the blue box on the top right-hand side of the page
Click on ‘Parent’
Complete all the fields
Adding a child
Once you have logged in as a parent, click on ‘Add Child’
Complete all fields.
Register for a sport
Once logged into the CSNSW website (top right)
Go to your ‘Dashboard’ (top right of page and click on your name/icon)
Scroll to your child’s profile
Click on ‘Register for a Sport’
Select the Sport from “available sport registration” e.g. RUGBY LEAGUE 15 YEARS – CCC
Click ‘Next’
Check that your child’s school and year group are correct
Complete all the following information and consent pages
The final section will require a payment
Once you have completed all sections and payment has been made an email will be automatically sent to your child’s principal for approval.
If you have any queries regarding CSNSW, please contact your school Sports Coordinator, jason Carpenter or:
Karen Grant
Head of Secondary Sport
Combined 2023 CSBB and NSWCCC Calendar
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers Pathways Expo
Years 10 to 12 students and their parents/carers are invited to register for our inaugural Careers Pathways Expo.
See the link below for more information and to register for the event.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – University Information
Please see the links below for the latest University information:
Click Here for More Information
Webinars in March
Why study Project Management? |
Wed 1 March 4-4:30pm
Join us to learn more about the Bachelor of Project Management - a course that opens the door to a wide range of careers in industries including engineering, computer programming, healthcare, construction, major events management, mining, and finance. Be the go-to person to get the job done in any industry! You’ll learn the fundamentals of project management in an industry context, from theory to technical application in real-world environments.
Putin, History, and the Ukraine War |
Wed 1 March 5-5:30pm
What is Putin's view of Russian history, and what can this tell us about his view of Russia’s role in the world today? Commentary on the Ukraine War is full of historical allusions and comparisons. In his own speeches on the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin often refers to earlier periods in Moscow’s relationship with neighbouring regions such as Ukraine—from tsarist times, through the Russian Revolution, to WWII and its aftermath.
Pathways to studying Law |
Wed 8 March 4-4:30pm
Interested in studying law or becoming a lawyer? Join us to find out about the pathways that you can take to enter our Bachelor of Law program and how it will help set you up for success in your career aspirations for law. Learn about the different degree combinations that you can choose from to further specialise your knowledge and skills in the legal field of your interest.
Share your passion for learning as a Secondary Teacher |
Wed 8 March 5-5:30pm
Are you looking to become a qualified high school teacher or education professional? Join our webinar and hear what Associate Professor Kelly Freebody has to say about the new Secondary Education degree.
Bachelor of Commerce: Internships & work-ready learning experiences |
Wed 15 March 4-5pm
Discover our Bachelor of Commerce will help you gain an edge with guaranteed, work-ready learning experiences integrated throughout your degree from our award-winning teams. From internships and global mobility opportunities to consulting projects and cultural immersion programs, discover how you can choose your own unique path to achieve your personal career goals. You will also learn about the many ways you can combine your interests with our range of dynamic business majors as well as over 100 study areas from our shared pool of majors/minors.
Life of a Health Scientist |
Wed 22 March 4-4:30pm
Have you wondered what a day in the life of a health scientist might be like? And what jobs might be available? Health is one of Australia's fastest-growing employment sectors. Join Dr Leigh Wilson to find out what an average day of work might be like in the field of health science and about our specialist Health program.
How a history degree prepares you to work with Big Data |
Wed 22 March 5-5:30pm
Find out how a team of historians, librarians, and data scientists worked together to reimagine the history of human rights. New digital tools are revolutionising the way in which historians interpret the past. A ‘Big Data’ approach has made it possible for historians to map how human rights movements have evolved over time on an unprecedented scale.
Bachelor of Advanced Computing |
Wed 29 March 4-4:30pm
Want to work for a major tech company like Microsoft, Oracle and Google? Or launch your own start-up? Then the Bachelor of Advanced Computing could be for you. Specialise in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Software Development or Computational Data Science, as well as a second major from our shared pool of 100+ majors from across the University. From intelligent drones to virtual reality apps, cybersecurity to the Internet of Things, you will learn the design principles and programming skills to build the systems behind emerging technologies.
Interaction Design at Sydney |
Wed 29 March 5-5:30pm
Learn about how our new Bachelor of Design (Interaction Design) will provide you with the innovative technical and social design skills to become a leading edge designer in today's fast-paced job market. Find out how your passion for creativity and problem solving can be harnessed for a career in digital and visual design.
2023 Key Dates Announced
Register for Year 12 Medicine Information Evening
Tuesday, 14 March 6.30–7.30pm
Year 12 students are invited to join us online to hear from our academic experts, current students and advisers as they explore our Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine program’s dynamic blend of hands-on clinical experiences and research-focussed learning, as well as the admissions process for 2024 entry.
Register Here
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Courses and News
Please see the links below for apprenticeship opportunities.
Here is our most recent list of vacancies showing the apprenticeships and traineeships we currently have available in your state. If you’d like to further tailor your search by industry, job type or region, please use the drop-down menu at the top of the Job Board page.
Click Here
Applications for our first intake of 2023 are closing soon!
We encourage any school leavers who are still unsure about their future study and are looking for a University Business degree at a Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor's level to Apply Now. No ATAR required.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your students to come along to our campus and find out more about The Hotel School. You can register now for our next information evening to find out how we can help your students to achieve their dream career.
Whether you have students looking for study options this year, or those looking ahead to 2024, all are welcome to join and Discover The Hotel School.
Session highlights include:
Course and flexible degree options
Meet academic staff and current students
Career guidance & Industry insights
Scholarships opportunities
Personalised campus tours
Register Here
All of our students have the opportunity to assist at the Australian Fashion Week in May.
To gain access to networking opportunities asap, we encourage you to enrol in our April intake.
Book in for a chat or read our course guide if you'd like to know more about your options.
If you already know what you want to pursue, apply now to secure your spot in one of our four courses this April.
Click Here for More Information
Click Here to Read the February Newsletter
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Parent Connection
Pizza and Paper Planes Night
Thank you to the fathers, father figures and students who attended the Pizza and Paper Planes evening on 10 February 2023. It was a great success, and we couldn’t be happier with the turn out, the interaction and amazing paper plane making ability.
If any of you would like to run another event either in our school or external to our school this year or following years, I am more than happy to help support you in making this happen. This could be anything from a BBQ, to camping, bike rides, or whatever your imagination produces (within reason of course).
One of the biggest issues Year 7 students often tell us about is not being able to find or fit into a group or make friends. Remember the main reason we created Male Connect is to teach our children what healthy relationships are and maintain a strong connection in the community. The purpose of Male Connect is to involve fathers, father figures and significant male role models from the community into the school to work with our students and become positive mentors to not only their own child, but others as well. There is an increasing amount of research that shows initiatives like Male Connect, recognise the importance of school partnerships with families. The research shows that by specifically targeting fathers, schools will see significant additional benefits for the children and for the school as a whole and The Connection between father's and their children inevitably becomes stronger.
Again, I thank you for your participation and sincerely hope that we continue making our students flourish through healthy connections.
Marcus Missio-Spiteri
College Counsellor
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Parent Connection
Correspondence Emailed Home – Term 1, 2023
Please see below correspondence emailed home in Term 1, 2023
Year 10 Parent Letter 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 4 April 2023
2023 Student Led Conference - Updated rooms - Sent 31 March 2023
Face to Face Learning Conferences - Sent 28 March 2023
Student Led Conferences Term 1 - Sent 15 March 2023
Year 7 and 10 Parent Letter - 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 3 March 2023
Year 9 Camp Packing List - Sent 3 March 2023
2023 College Attendance letter - Sent 28 February 2023
Flexischools Student Process - Sent 27 February 2023
Year 7 Camp Information - Sent 21 February 2023
Year 9 Information Evening - 20 February 2023
Year 7 and 10 Parent Letter 2023 School Vaccination Program - Sent 20 February 2023
2023 Collection Notice for Parents - Sent 15 February 2023
Years 10 to 12 Careers Pathways Expo - 15 February 2023
Years 7 to 11 Elevate Education - Sent 15 February 2023
NAPLAN 2023 Information - Sent 14 February 2023
Year 8 Information Evening - Sent 13 February 2023
Year 9 Camp Information and Consent Form - Sent 10 February 2023
Year 11 Parent information sheet 2023 - Sent 9 February 2023
Year 7 Information Evening - Sent 9 February 2023
Year 7 Camp Information and Consent Form - Sent 7 February 2023
Year 12 2023 - Permission to Arrive Later or Leave Early - Sent 6 February 2023
Year 10 Information Evening - Sent 30 January 2023
SEC Learner Profile - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 7 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 8 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 9 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 10 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 11 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 12 2023 - Letter to Parents - Sent 25 January 2023
Year 11 Information Evening - Sent 24 January 2023 - Sent 25 January 2023
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Upcoming Events

13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford