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Touchstones – 20 June 2019
Message from the Principal
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Gospel Spirituality
As an Edmund Rice Community, we nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments.
One of
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Year 7 Students Complete Sacramental Program
Last Friday Jack Spedding, Harry Mitchell, Kaelan Markey, Finn Leary and Eli Lear completed the Sacramental program by receiving their sacraments at St Patrick’s Church.
In a beautiful ceremony presided over by Father Greg, they were joined by their families and classmates to make a firm commitment to the Catholic Faith. They had been attending special classes in preparation for the sacramental Mass and the culmination of these classes was to receive the sacraments. During Mass certificates were presented to the students in acknowledgement of this significant achievement. Thanks to the host of teachers and students who help make this event such a special occasion.
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News from Food Technology and Hospitality
As Semester 1 draws to an end, there are many rewarding highlights from the Food Technology Key Learning Area.
Year 9 have settled into the routines of the kitchen and are gaining confidence in their own abilities. It has been pleasing for Mr Massey and I to witness their creativity and improved time management in their practical work. They have undertaken studies in nutrition and are undertaking practicals which highlight the importance of good nutrition in teenagers.
Year 10 are focusing on the Food In Australia unit and have taken a culinary journey through the development of Australia’s cuisine. Various practicals such as Kangaroo and Crocodile Kebabs, Damper, Cottage Pies, Greek Lamb Bites and Thai Poached Chicken have highlighted the multicultural and diverse nature of our diets.
Year 11 Food Technology recently had a hands-on experience with Sharon from Cake and Plate as part of their Food Quality Unit. The brief was to utilise fondant for decorating cupcakes using a sporting theme. The boys found this task both inspiring and at times trying when working with this medium. The results were amazing, and I was especially proud of their determination.
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The Year 11 Hospitality students have successfully completed their 35 hour Mandatory Work Placements at various Hospitality establishments on the Coast. Their skill development and ability to master their precision cuts and mis-en-place skills impressed their employers, with many being offered part time work and apprenticeships.
Year 12 Food Technology have been studying various sectors and organisations within the Australian Food Industry. They recently visited 3 local organisations – East Coast Beverages, Agrana Fruits and The Chocolate Factory and were able to view the operations and sample many of the products available. It was great to utilise local facilities and see their contributions to the Food Manufacturing sector. Year 12 are presently working on the development of a snack food to be sold in school canteens. They work through the Food Product Development process from prototype design to launch. In the coming weeks, they will prepare their prototypes and their peers will sample them and a final product will then be launched.
Year 12 Hospitality students have been working on the completion of their competencies. They recently prepared a “High Tea” showcasing their skills, team work and organisational ability.
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Mrs A McDonald
Leader of Learning Food Technology and Hospitality
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New Year 7 and 8 Technology
Technology Mandatory engages students in design and production activities as they develop solutions to identified needs and opportunities.
Technologies affect and enrich the lives of people and societies globally and contribute to shaping preferred futures. Through the production of innovative solutions to contextually relevant problems, students are provided with opportunities to use a variety of thinking strategies, embrace new concepts and learn through trialling, testing and refining ideas.
Agriculture and Food Technologies
This year has seen the introduction of a new syllabus for Technology Mandatory. Year 7 have been studying Agriculture and Food Technologies as a core component of the course. Purpose built gardens have seen Year 7 looking at the growth and development of various plants throughout Term 1. During this term the students have also been introduced to our timber and metal workshops in producing a Planter Box Project. They have been successful in using various equipment and hand tools in producing this project.
In recent weeks, Year 7 have started to learn about the kitchen basics in hygiene and safety. The students have been introduced to our school kitchen and have already completed their first dish of scrambled eggs. Very soon they will complete a fruit salad practical which focusses on basic organisation and food preparation skills. During each practical the students work in groups of two and it has been great to see the students further develop their communication and teamwork skills which is vital when working within a kitchen.
Digital Technologies
'Digital Technologies gives students a range of skills that allow them to express themselves creatively in ways that we haven't even thought of before.' James Curran CEO of Grok Learning
So how can we future proof our students for Technologies? At St Edward's College, Technology Mandatory, the Digital Technologies strand is a rich and complex strand that provides students with opportunities to become technologically literate individuals capable of developing creative solutions to identified problems and situations. From the design process of investigating and defining, generating and design, producing and implementing, and evaluating solutions and create digital systems.
We allow students to manipulate real world data sets in a way that is much more authentic and closer to the things that are done as a practising Scientist and Computer Programmer. We are providing the opportunity to research and investigate current monitoring systems, writing algorithms and complex program text-based language that are valued in our society and are integral to Australia’s economic future with the innovation of a Moisture Sensor system. From researching current monitoring systems to writing algorithms and complex program text-based language to produce a fully functioning Moisture Sensor with Microbit.
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Casio Scientific Calculator
The College is now stocking Casio Calculators
The Casio fx-82AU Plus II Scientific Calculator is now available from the College front office for $30.00.
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National Consistent Collection of Data for Students with a Disability 2019
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability is an annual collection that counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability and the level of reasonable adjustment they are receiving.
This information helps teachers, principals and educational authorities better plan to support students with disability so that they may take part in school on the same basis as other students.
The national data collection provides an opportunity for schools to review their learning and support systems and processes with the aim of improving education outcomes for their students with disability. This takes place early in each year and only involves numbers, not personal information.
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Subject Selection for Year 11, 2020
Year 11, 2020 Subject Selection Information Evening
More than 50 courses available across all faculties:
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Athletics Carnival
A bright, warm sunny day greeted competitors for the College Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 11 June at Adcock Park. The warm weather had continued on from the long weekend and it certainly delivered for the carnival.
Smiling faces from both staff and students graced the morning. Mr Herringe and the Year 12’s had the BBQ cranking, while ‘Snow Cone Gary’ was busy making coffee’s for staff and snow cones for the boys.
The day began with the 1500 m races, into the 200 m races as we waited for all the staff and students to arrive at Adcock Park. On arrival, the carnival proper began with students moving from event to event in their age groups. Participation and having fun, was the order of the day and this was definitely adopted by the boys. The younger age groups participated with much enthusiasm and the senior boys backed this up with colour, costumes and a lot of fun.
Along the way we collected some fantastic individual achievements. With the following records being broken:
Record Holder
Jay Clarke
Under 12, 100 m
13.30 sec
Jay Clarke
Under 12, 200 m
28.19 sec
Callum Sutton
Opens Discus
48.34 m
Ethan Short
Opens Javelin
48.30 m
At Friday’s assembly we also crowned the following Age Groups Champions:
Under 12
Jay Clarke
Keanu Wells
Cameron Day
Flynn McHale
Under 13
Lincoln Markulin
Chris Rae
Riley Scott
Jimmy Stuart
Under 14
Tyrone Dorrell
Noah Nakagawa
Cooper Notley
Under 15
Jai Adrichem
Toby Armstrong
Hayden Maher
Parker Robinson
Tommo Peters
Under 16
Cameron Steer
Daniel Peters
Tymana Henry
Sam Norris
Ethan Short
Luke Jacobs
James Rigas
At the end of the day, as everyone returned to the velodrome to watch the 100 m finals and the house relays – the race for the Champion House was still close. Eventually the results were:
Knights (Green) with 1381 points
Shanahan (Blue) with 1329 points
Doolan (White) with 1027 points
Spillane (Red) with 998 points
A big thank you to the staff for their effort and enthusiasm in making the carnival run smoothly and also, the boys who are to be commended on their fantastic behaviour and overall involvement in the day.
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NSWCCC Cross Country
Combined Catholic Colleges Cross Country 2019 Friday 14 June, Eastern Creek.
It was great weather for racing with a light wind, the track in good condition and no rain as predicted. A squad of 20 athletes from the College travelled to the CCC Cross Country to join 28 Diocesans/regions competing on the day which included Primary School athletics.
The athletes representing the College and the Broken Bay Diocese showed great determination and great sportsmanship.
Numbers were down this year, compared to previous years, and numerous athletes did not finish their race due to injury. In particular from the College was Gabe Scott who is a National track runner and All Schools Cross Country Competitor, who had to stop due to a tear in his quadricep and Sean Rae another National track runner who missed racing due to a hip injury. Hopefully they will be back quicker and stronger next year.
12 years – 3000 with 65 Competitors
Keanu Wells 1st Broken Bay Runner, 28th overall in 14:28 minutes
Oscar Mahoney 4th Broken Bay Runner, 55th overall in 16:25 minutes
Nate Vaughan 5th Broken Bay Runner, 56th overall in 16:36 minutes
13 years – 3000 m with 63 Competitors
Keenan White 1st Broken Bay Runner, 11th overall in 12:10 minutes
Tahj Werner 2nd Broken Bay Runner, 14th overall in 12:15 minutes
14 years – 4000 m with 58 Competitors
Cooper Notley 1st Broken Bay Runner, 6th overall in 14:17 minutes. Congratulations to Cooper who will now race at the All Schools carnival to try and qualify for the National carnival.
William Browning 2nd Broken Bay Runner, 28th overall in 15:47 minutes
Luke Foster 5th Broken Bay Runner, 43rd overall in 16:42 minutes
15 years – 4000 m with 67 Competitors
Ryan Green 1st Broken Bay Runner, 15th overall in 15:09 minutes
Eamon Wilde 3rd Broken Bay Runner, 32nd overall in 16:04 minutes
Lorcan Hayes 4th Broken Bay Runner, 56th overall in 21:38 minutes
16 years – 6000 m with 57 Competitors
Tom Herbert 1st Broken Bay Runner, 18th overall in 23:36 minutes
Kyle Graham 2nd Broken Bay Runner, 24th overall in 24:13 minutes
Joel Barry 4th Broken Bay Runner, 47th overall in 27:19 minutes
17 years – 6000 m with 57 Competitors
Daniel Hope 2nd Broken Bay Runner, 27th overall
Christian Campbell-Smyth 4th Broken bay Runner, 32nd overall
18 years – 8000 m with 44 Competitors
Callum Sutton 1st Broken Bay Runner, 36th overall in 38:14 minutes
Thank you to all the parents, guardians and family members for supporting the athletes and the College at the carnival. It is always a pleasure to see the way the athletes support each other and the friendships that develop which is another facet of the overall education at St Edward's. A special thank you to Mr Jason Carpenter for his organisation and giving me the task of taking the athletes to the race as well as being team manager for Broken Bay.
Mr Tom Ristuccia
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Under 13’s Football
On Thursday 30 May the College Under 13 Soccer team travelled to Cromer Park to compete in the Broken Bay Soccer Gala Day.
The day started well with a 5-1 victory over St Paul’s College, Manly with Hamish McAteer scoring a sublime hattrick. Our second match of the day was a one-sided affair against St Peter’s Catholic College, Tuggerah where St Edward's, again dominated in a flurry of goals to win the match 8-0.
This match was followed by a closely contested battle against MacKillop Catholic College, Warnervale. In the MacKillop match, Tahj Werner confirmed the win with a dominating strike from the penalty spot and the boys were able to hold off for a 1-0 win with some frenetic defensive work. This meant we finished top of our pool with 3 wins 0 losses and only 1 goal conceded.
The semi-final match saw our boys up against St Leo’s College, Wahroonga in another tightly contested match, fortunately the team was able to make it through to the final match with a 1-0 win, keeping their composure despite the added pressure.
In the grand final match St Edward’s came up against arch-rivals MacKillop Catholic College, Warnervale, who reached the final after winning a penalty shoot-out and this time, unfortunately MacKillop were the victors 1-0. There was certainly no shame in the loss as our team played with a high level of skill, so much so that Gryffin Stevenson was awarded player of the match.
Congratulations to all boys for their commitment to the team and the College.
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Intermediate Football
Congratulations to all the boys who represented the school in the BBSSSA Intermediate Soccer Gala Day.
The intermediate boys played exceedingly well and won the competition, which promotes them to the NSWCCC knockout competition beginning in a couple of weeks.
A 6.00 am start seemed very early for some of the team with a couple sleeping in and meeting us at the top of Kariong hill at 6:30 am! We arrived at Cromer Park at 8.00 am to warm up for our first of three round games, commencing at 9.00 am. The boys knew that we had to play well to ensure that we won the competition, however, this was a hard task to achieve in 24 minute games.
Round Results:
Round 1: 1 – 0 Loss against St Leo’s Catholic College, Wahroonga
Round 2: 2 – 0 Win against Mater Maria Catholic College, Warriewood
Round 3: 4 – 1 Win against St Brigid's Catholic College, Lake Munmorah
Semi Final:
1 – 1 Draw against St Paul's Catholic College, Manly. However, St Edward's were the first team to score, which meant we progressed through to the final.
2-1 Win against St Peter's Catholic College, Tuggerah
The NSWCCC Knockout Cup will be played against All Saints College, Maitland. Thank you to the boys who were selected to play. A few injuries and sickness put pressure on the team to play well and they responded positively. A quick shout out to Charlie Entwistle for being voted player of the tournament. Well deserved Charlie and the team.
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Under 14’s Rugby Union
The Under 14 Rugby Union side took to the field in a gala day at Tuggerah to decide which school would represent the Central Coast at the NSW-wide Waratah Cup
There were only two other school’s challenging us for the title but we knew the day would be difficult and first up was Kincumber High School. They started strongly to grab an early lead before our team blew off the cobwebs to eventually touch down and bring the game level. This try opened up the floodgates and before long the game was all over with the Eddies men winning 42-5.
The final game was played against Terrigal High School and from the kick-off it was evident that our team would dominate proceedings. Within no time, nine tries were scored, and the game ended with a 55-0 victory.
Each player contributed to the team’s success and they were admirably led by their captain, Atticus Fotofili, who also took out the title of Player of the Tournament.
The boys now get to look forward to playing at the King’s School in Sydney for a chance to be state champs!
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Years 9 and 10 Touch Football
A very cold morning and long bus trip to Werrington greeted our team on Friday 14 June to compete in the National Schools Cup – Year 9 and 10 State Final. Some sore and sorry boys got on the bus in the morning, after most of them having played in Rugby League and Rugby Union Gala Day’s the day before.
We were drawn in Pool C and set to play five 20 min games in the pool rounds. The format saw the boy’s alternate games with the girls, with only 25 mins between games.
We played St Joseph’s Regional College (winning 4-1), Young High School (winning 5-1), Narrabeen Sports High (drawing 1 all), Patrician Brothers Blacktown (winning 3-1) and Elizabeth Macarthur High School (winning 6-1). The team had looked very comfortable throughout the day but the legs of many of them were starting to struggle. These results meant we finished second based on for and against, moving into the quarter finals.
This time we faced Hunter Sports High. In a very tight match, we both traded tries early but Hunter got the advantage and led 2-1 for much of the game. With four minutes remaining we finally cracked a very resilient Hunter to score and level the scores. Some fantastic on-line defence saw us get the ball back with one minute remaining. A timely penalty got us into good field position before Ben Dufficy and Owen Flaherty created space for Wiremu Tibbutt to score the winner. The result meant we were now into the semi finals but also that the boys had qualified for the National School Cup in QLD.
Tired and leg weary, the long day seemed to catch up with the team in the semi-final against St Dominic’s from Penrith. The game didn’t hit any great heights and while our boys fought hard – they just couldn’t get into the game, eventually going down 5-4.
While it wasn’t the result, they are capable of, they get the chance to improve on this 3rd placing at the National Schools Cup in QLD (September 18-20).
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Old Boy Daniel Saifiti Named in Origin Team
We are proud to announce, old boy Daniel Saifiti, class of 2013, has been named in the NSW State of Origin team. Daniel joins old boy James Maloney in the next Origin game to be played on 23 June. See the NBN News story below:
NBN News Link
[caption id="attachment_20107" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Daniel Saifiti Class of 2013[/caption]
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Sport Report
Waterford Opportunity
The Central Coast Junior Rugby Union are looking for student volunteers to help with Gala days and the NSW State Cup, job includes: BBQ duty, selling raffles, carting stock, cleaning up.
The date and times are as follows:
15 June 2019 - CCJRU - All Age Groups - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
20 July 2019 and 21 July 2019 - NSW - State Cup - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
3 August 2019 - CCJRU - All Age Groups - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Central Coast Regional Sporting Complex, Lakes Road, Tuggerah.
Any students interested in helping, please contact:
Marc Bookallil
Secretary - CCJRU
Phone: 0411 049 555
This Week in Sport
Week 8, Term 2
Futsal Northern NSW Championships
Wednesday 19 June
Week 8, Term 2
Central coast Open's Rugby Union, Waratah Cup
CRS Complex, Tuggerah
Thursday 20 June
Week 8, Term 2
BT Cup Round 4 Central Coast Final vs Wadalba
Friday 7 June
11.30 am kick off
Week 9, Term 2
NSWCCC Open's Basketball
Monday 24 June to Tuesday 25 June
Week 9, Term 2
Central Coast Open Rugby League Grand Final
Tuesday 25 June
1.00 pm kick off
Week 9, Term 2
Year 7 and 8 Oztag Central Coast Gala Day
Adcock Park
Thursday 27 June
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Careers/Vocational Education
Invitation to the 2019 Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expos
2019 Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expos
An opportunity for students and families
About the Expos
The Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expos are held annually and have grown to a status where they are widely accepted as the premier events of their kind in NSW.
The timing of the expos are a hit with families as they allow parents to attend with their children and have those all important career chats with industry experts.
Over 230 Exhibitors and 11000 Visitors attended the expos last year.
The expos kicks off the recruitment process. Exhibitors get the chance to collect resumes and promote their organisation for upcoming recruitment drives.
School Careers Advisers are on hand to meet career seekers and parents to discuss career options.
View a short video of the Western Sydney Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo here.
With a lot of Sydney’s major infrastructure projects underway – Western Sydney Airport, road, as well as community, business and residential developments, there has never been a better time to start your journey on a rewarding career path.
This is the perfect chance to meet industry experts from a range of interesting fields and apply for apprenticeships, traineeships, jobs and further education from exhibitors representing industry, businesses, group training companies, registered training organisations and many more.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers News and Helpful Links
Year 12 Economics
Last week the Year 12 Economics class were fortunate to listen to a presentation by Dr David Orsmond from Macquarie University. He brought the topic of Economics to life and shared his long standing passion for the Economic policy in achieving a more equitable and wealthy society. During this session the students learned about the value of Economics in society and its vital role in achieving a better life for all citizens. Dr Orsmond has had an extensive background as Deputy Head of the Economic Analysis unit at the RBA, an economist with the Prime Minister's department and as a mission chief at the IMF. We thank him for his presentation.
Written by Will Singleton
Need to find something career related? Here's a list of handy links.
Helpful Links - Everything you need
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas Video – Managing Your Child’s Anxiety
When anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can impact on children's happiness, wellbeing and ability to learn. There's so much parents can do to support children and young people who are anxious.
Click here to watch the Video
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P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford