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Touchstones – 13 August 2020
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition all members are challenged to prophetic leadership within the school community and beyond.
2021 College Prefects
It is
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
All News

Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Trash Free Tuesday Mufti Day
I distinctly remember my dad tell me, to ‘leave a mark’ at St Edward's, this was when I received the news that I was going to be a part of the Prefect Group for the 2019/20 school year.
I wasn’t sure what mark I had to leave, but I knew that the Prefect group of 2019/20 had the skills and talent to pull off something big, no matter what came our way.
To initiate the idea of a St Edward's College mufti day in honour of the environment, gave me a sense of pride and satisfaction, and left a legacy that can be passed on to future year groups at St Edward’s, to assist in creating a more sustained environment without any single use plastics. The success of the mufti day can be attributed to the support of Mr Gentle, Mrs Beynon, and staff and students of the environmental portfolio. Special thanks must be given to the Executive Committee at St Edward's and in particular, Mr Bonnici for approving this event. The team who presented the idea were: Aaron Judd, Kai Wheelock and Jacob Curico and the Environmental Portfolio members, Lars Cleeren and Samuel Dewey.
The day was amazing, everyone wore their favorite piece of clothing to school which created a positive vibe, a great atmosphere and a truly inclusive community. The day will be remembered by staff and students as one of the most cherished days at St Edward's with 581 students and 35 staff participating in bringing a trash free lunch. Also raised was $600 for the new chilled water refill station.
Finally, thank you to staff and students who participated in the mufti day, this was your day and you made it count.
Stay Safe and God Bless
Johan Fernandes
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Mission & Identity
Waterford Opportunities
Operation Christmas Child
We all have an opportunity to make a difference - especially children in very poor communities who are affected by poverty, natural disasters and COVID-19.
What is Operation Christmas Child?
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It partners with local churches in developing nations to reach out to children by providing gift-filled shoe boxes and bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Waterford Hours
Two Waterford hours per shoe box of gifts for children.
For More Information
Please see Mr Dell for more information and to collect your shoe boxes
Homeless Sleepout
The virtual simulation of a homeless sleepout is another opportunity for Waterford Hours. A $10 donation to Coast Shelter Gosford and participating in the sleepout will earn 10 Waterford hours.
When: Sunday 16 August 2020
Time: 8 pm Sunday 16 August until 6.00 am Monday 17 August
Students are to sleep in a place other than a bedroom ie in a tent outside, hallway, garage etc. Students are to sleep in a sleeping bag on a roll mat and aren't to consume food or use technology (including music) during the sleepout.
Parents are to sign Waterford Summary Sheets. For more information please contact Mr Pat Dell on 4321 6439 or via email
Waterford Project Summary Sheet
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Academic Assemblies – Semester 1
The College Community celebrated our students’ hard work and dedication to their studies at the Semester 1 Academic Awards Assemblies on Thursday 6 August.
At the start of the year, all students were encouraged to be the best they can be in their academic, cultural, religious and social justice activities. These assemblies provided the opportunity to acknowledge the many fine young men at St Edward’s who have set themselves learning goals for 2020 and worked hard in achieving these goals. Awards were presented in three categories: Consistent Effort, Academic Achievement and Outstanding Academic Achievement. Students receiving the Consistent Effort award were identified by their teachers as displaying an ongoing commitment to their studies. Students who achieved an Academic Achievement Award are generally performing very well in each of their courses and students receiving an Outstanding Academic Achievement Award are the students who have been nominated by their teachers as achieving the highest grades in most, if not all, of the subjects.
Congratulations to all Award recipients.
Year 7
Year 7 Award Recipients
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Year 8
Year 8 Award Recipients
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Year 9
Year 9 Award Recipients
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Year 10
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Year 11
Year 11 Award Recipients
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Year 12
Year 12 Award Recipients
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St Edward’s College Television
See the link below for Episode 3 of SECTV. Last week's hosts were College Prefects, Samuel Dewey, Lars Cleeran and Aaron Judd.
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Sessions for Success
In Week 3, the Shanahan Learning Centre hosted the Year 12 ‘Sessions for Success’.
The aim of these sessions was to provide the boys with a friendly and quiet space to prepare for their upcoming trial examinations, with the aid of their teachers. This year we had the largest number of faculties, and boys, participate. Thank you to the library staff for organising the afternoons and providing snacks and drinks. A huge thank you also to the teachers who ran presentations or who made themselves available for the students’ questions. These included: Anne McDonald, Scott Massey, Fran Toomey, Lachlan Butt, Frank Samyia, Richard Massey, Tony Herringe, Nathan Marks, David Ritchie, Carolina Murdoch, Greg Hannelly, Vanessa Henderson, Sarah Moulton, Michael Gill, John Griffin, Josephine Emmett, Jodie Connor, Trent Foster, Kristen Mantellato, Mark Bondfield, Karl Beemster, Joel Buxton and Jessica Saxton. There was a lot of positive feedback from teachers and students and we are very excited about running them again in 2021.
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Sport – Term 3
Sport in Term 3
College Athletics Carnival
We unfortunately had to postpone our College Athletics Carnival until Tuesday 22 September (Week 10). Fingers crossed this will give our Year 12 boys an opportunity to compete at their last College carnival.
Representative Sport Term 3
At the moment we are following information and guidelines from Broken Bay (BBSSSA) and NSWCCC (CSNSW) in regards to representative sport:
Under 13 Rugby League Gala Day
Junior/Intermediate Basketball
The following events are currently planned to go ahead this term and early next term:
Surfing (Term 4)
Waterpolo (Term 4)
Tennis (Term 4)
Beach Volleyball (Term 4)
Surf Lifesaving (Term 4)
All representative sporting events for Terms 3 and 4 have been cancelled. These include:
Hockey Teams
Junior/Intermediate Basketball
NSW All Schools Athletics (click here for more information)
Currently this event is still going ahead (Thurs 20 – Sun 24 Sept)
This is not a school based event, students must register themselves and notify the College if they are going to be absent from school. We do not receive notification of student entries from NSW Athletics.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – News and Opportunities
Macquarie University Early Entry
Congratulations to our Year 12 students who were offered early entry into Macquarie University last week, through Macquarie’s Leaders and Achievers Program first round offers.
Jackson Robb
B Marketing and Media
Reid Yarnold
B Ed (Primary)/B Psychology
Aidan Davis
B Clinical Sc
Joshua Armstrong
B Business Admin/B Prof Accting
Matthias Palmqvist
B Commerce
Daniel Pearce
B Media and Communications
Johan Fernandes
B Medical Sciences
Oliver Shippendale
B Secur Stds
Jacob Curcio
B Sec Stds and MCT/MCri/Mcy/MIn/MSSS
Daniel Brazier
B Maths Sc/B Actrl Stds
Roy Kim
B App Finance/B Prof Accting
Laurence Miller
B Commerce
Oskar Thomson
B Secur Stds
Mitchell Benson
B Eng (Hons) (Mechatronic)
William Lambeth
B Commerce/B Laws
Year 13 Expo - Future of Work
The Year13 Expo is back! This August during National Skills Week, Year 13 Future of Work Expo will take place to fill you in on everything you need to know about starting your career and what changes to expect.
Register to attend the Year 13 Expo and receive a ticket into the draw for prizes.
Year 13 Expo - More Information
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Parent Connection
Canteen News
Canteen News - Term 3
Gluten Free
The canteen is now offering gluten free options on a number of our hot food items, at this stage we will only offer this service on Flexischools due to the high additional costs involved in gluten free products, however if the demand is there we may consider also offering these items within the canteen too. Please note there will be an additional $1.00 cost on all items that are gluten free.
We have recently surveyed the students and staff for their opinions on the canteen, we will be collating all of the results and creating an action plan taking onboard all of your feedback. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey.
Facebook and Instagram
Please follow us on both Instagram and Facebook at Fresh Food Fast for more information, shared recipes and great giveaways.
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Parent Connection
Parent Webinar – Healthy Relationships
Teaching Young People About Healthy Relationships Webinar
St Edward's College has a membership with Parenting Ideas, one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. As part of this membership, all parents and carers of students at the College can attend some fantastic webinars in 2020 at no cost. See the link below for more information about this free webinar.
Teaching Young People About Healthy Relationships
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas – When Young People Challenge Family Traditions
Strong families develop their own traditions and rituals that define them and bind members together. They are the coat hooks upon which we hang our family memories.
Strong families develop their own traditions and rituals that define them and bind members together. They are the coat hooks upon which we hang our family memories. By definition, they are permanent and not set aside when life gets busy. They also link young people to their childhoods at a stage when everything around them is changing.
Develop Traditions Early
Family traditions are relatively easy to develop when children are pre-school or primary school aged. Parent approval is important to most children, so they will generally fit with family traditions and rituals that they enjoy and provide a relaxed, calm atmosphere.
Young People Can Challenge Family Traditions
Adolescents are likely to challenge many of their family’s traditions and rituals, which is often difficult for parents to encounter. Questions about, or even defiance towards the way you act as a family can come suddenly and be a shock to parents. On one hand, you know that your young person’s challenge is healthy and part of their search for identity separate from their parents. On the other hand, to discover that the child you brought up to respect family and even cultural traditions and rituals no longer wants to follow the family or cultural line can really sting.
Know the Traditions That are Negotiable
If part of the healthy development of young people means stepping away, albeit, temporarily, from their family it helps to establish those traditions that are negotiable and those that are non-negotiable. For example, if family birthdays are important then your young person may no longer need to attend their aunt’s birthday but they need to attend the birthday celebration of their immediate family members. “This is non-negotiable!” should become part of your family’s proprietary language.
Give Young People Some Leeway
Giving your young person some leeway in family activities is recognition that they are growing up, but this shouldn’t be confused with growing away. Recent studies reveal that young people value being part of supportive family, but they want their family life to accommodate their burgeoning independence.
Make Family Meals Non-negotiable
This writer recommends that shared mealtimes should be non-negotiable in families. There is a correlation between good mental health in young people and those families that share a meal at least five times a week. A young person can too easily drop out of their family unless there is a tradition or ritual that keeps them connected.
Healthy families are built around traditions and rituals. It’s useful to approach the concept of family traditions with a mix of flexibility to accommodate a young person wish for more independence and firmness to hold the line on those rituals that are essential to your family’s identity and your young person’s wellbeing.
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Parent Connection
Parenting Ideas – Convince Me
Kids of all ages are excellent at wearing down the resistence of a parent who denies permission for them to go somewhere due to lack of safety or suitability concerns.E
Unfortunately many kids use annoying methods such as:
repetition (Can I go? Can I go? Can I go?)
questioning (Why can’t I go?)
guilt (You never let me go anywhere!)
nagging (Can I, can I, can I go, pleeease!)
whining (Ahhh! Whyyy Caaan’t I gooo!)
Often we are so tired that we give just to gain some peace, which makes pester power a useful strategy as kids achieve what they want.
One way to avoid this obnoxious pestering is to ask them to convince you that they are responsible enough, old (read mature) enough or aware enough to be allowed to go somewhere.
Here’s an example:
“Amelia, I’m not sure that I should allow you to take the train into the city with friends. I’m worried that it might not be safe. Convince me that you can do so safely.”
This response puts the onus back on the child or young person to think to counter your concerns. Listen carefully to their response as it will indicate whether they really have considered your concerns and are aware of the depth or range of potential difficulties.
Simplistic Responses Don’t Cut it
If they respond with simplistic comments such as; “I’ll be okay”, “we’ll stick together” and “I won’t do anything stupid” then they are probably unaware or unprepared for contingencies that may arise.
However if they provide a response with more depth, they may demonstrate their readiness. An example for this might be “I know you are worried that we might get picked on by older kids on the train. That worries me too. We’ll make sure we pick a carriage with plenty of adults and if kids hop on that look like they’ll give us a hard time, we’ll get off at the next station.”
Minimising Risk
Answers such as the above show they understand your concerns and also that they have some strategies in mind to minimise risk. As a parent we’d like to remove risk from our kids’ lives but this is unrealistic. As kids grow up their world rapidly expands taking them further away from the safe confines of home, and exposing them to new and potentially risky situations and people. Our hope is that our kids are able to avoid or counter the risk as much as humanly possible. One way of assessing this is asking them to convince you that they are responsible, old enough and possess sufficient awareness to go into new situations and places.
“Convince me!” may well be the smartest two words you’ll ever use as a parent. It may stop pester-power in its tracks and at the same time induce your child or young person to think ahead and better prepare for spreading their wings when you don’t feel they are quite ready.
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13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford