The module is design to allow students to draw on real world examples of people who have raised their voices to resist injustice and inequality across the world. Class teachers, working with the students, selected a number of interesting people and texts to focus on in order to extend and consolidate knowledge and understanding of this issue. Malala Youstafazi and Greta Thunberg were among two well-known females who were recognised as raising awareness for issues affecting young people in the world today. Malala Youstafazi is an advocate for the education of young people while Greta Thunberg has drawn attention to the issue of global environmental destruction. Students were asked to share their opinions on these issues in the classroom leading to some thought-provoking discussions.
In addition to these people, students also studied a variety of poetry highlighting the idea of resistance. Luke Lesson’s contemporary spoken word poem ‘Please Resist Me’ outlined a history of racial discrimination and how powerfully resistance can be flipped and used against oppressors. Bei Dao’s poem ‘Requiem’, which commemorates the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, was also examined as a way of drawing attention to peaceful resistance versus violent resistance. Students were engaged at each step of the module, leading to an in-depth analysis of the issue and the impacts it can have.
The assessment task asked students to draw a symbolic representation of the concept of resistance and then write an explanation of their image, detailing the construction of their image. The students came up with some original and impressive designs. Included below are three examples of the work students produced.

Created by Christian Vassallo

Created by Harvey Olsen

Created by Max Judd