After performing at the inspiring HSC Music evening in Term 3 and Concert for Year 8 our Year 12 Music students were well and truly ready to sit for their practical examinations in Week 9. All our Performing Arts students from Drama and Music are to be congratulated on their commitment and dedication to developing and refining their practical skills. To complete live performances under exam conditions is an exceptional achievement and one which all students should be very proud of.
In Term 3 we also hosted a Drama Immersion Day for Year 8 students run by Swoop Physical Theatre and our own team of dedicated teachers. More recently a lunchtime Drama Club has been established for Year 7 and 8 students run by Ms Atayde on Monday’s in the Drama room.
Practice rooms have been busy all term and it’s great to see the junior students coming down to use Practice Room 4. Lunchtimes are a buzz with the lingering tunes of a vast range of genres as students make use of the wonderful facilities and hone their ensemble skills.

Year 7 are busy learning about the impact of Music in Film and TV, Year 8 spent the first few weeks of Term 4 busting out the Blues and developing their small ensemble skills and Year 9 through their topic on Film Music, composed pieces including sound effects for a movie trailer where some outstanding work was completed and the boys really enjoying this unit of work. Year 10 completed their compositions in the Jazz style and have just completed their last performance task with some excellent pieces and a really strong development of their ensemble skills is evident. Year 11 having completed their Preliminary course last term with some exceptional performances and are getting ready for their first performance task in the HSC Course.
Our combined St Edward’s/St Joseph’s Concert band has been busy performing at several big school calendar events including the Semester 1 Academic awards assembly and a performance at St Joseph’s where St Patrick’s Year 6 students attended. They are currently preparing a tour of feeder schools and performance at Erina Fair on 24 November. Congratulations to these wonderful musicians, it has been great to hear them performing to a wide audience and tackling some exciting repertoire. A big thank you to Mrs Selena Maloney for her dedication and enthusiasm, accompanying the boys to their weekly rehearsals and their performances.

Vet Entertainment students began the term with work placement at The Skilled Creative where the boys developed their skills at scripting, editing and completing podcasts which went to air. They also continue to form an important part of all performance events at the College lending their skills to staging activities. Screen and Media students will begin to further develop their scripting, filming and editing skills as they make the first of three video tasks for their HSC course.
As we near the end of the year some of our musicians are getting ready to perform at the Academic Awards Ceremony and will also soon be in rehearsal for our Liturgies.
All in all it has been great to see so many students performing after the restrictions of the last two years and we look forward to this growing in 2023.
Year 7 Students Rehearsing During Lunchtime