Please ensure that your son completes or continues to work towards completion of Waterford, (minimum of 15 hours) which is due at the end of Term 3.
The virtual Homeless Sleepout was successful on Sunday evening, with many boys completing the Sleepout and raising funds for Coast Shelter.
A further reminder of some possibilities to complete the Waterford program:
- Virtual Homeless Sleepout: Can be completed during the holidays, if your son missed the opportunity on Sunday evening.
- Fill-A-Bag: See below for more details
- Kenya Walk, Run, Cycle, Swim, Surf, Skate: To raise money for the Christian Brothers Mission in Kenya, which focuses on education and pastoral care for young people, their families and communities. Students receive 1 Waterford hour for every $5 they raise, while completing these activities.
- At Home: Jobs assisting siblings ( eg babysitting, reading, teaching skills in music, sports etc) or assisting neighbours and elderly family members (eg even by regularly communicating with them).
- Sports/Activities Clubs: With the recommencement of these facilities, duties include coaching, and assisting younger teams, as well as set-up of venues and canteen duties.
- Parish/Church Participation: Altar serving, working B’s, music ministry, reading at Mass etc.
The Waterford Summary Sheet can be found below and on the College website, if your son has lost his hard copy and requires a new one.
Students are encouraged to aim high and achieve 100 hours of service for others, to receive Edmund Rice Honours at the end of the school year.
Please contact Pat Dell on 4321 6439 if you have any questions.
Fill a bag and earn one Waterford hour:
- Fill a bag with clothes for Coast Shelter, St Vincent de Paul or Salvation Army
- Fill a bag with food for Coast Shelter
- Fill a bag with rubbish you have collected from a beach, park or waterway
Parents to sign Waterford summary sheet.
Fill Return and Earn Bag and earn two Waterford hours:
- Obtain an orange bag from Mr Gentle and return to Mrs Beynon who will sign your Waterford summary sheet

Fill a bag of soft plastic and earn two Waterford hours:
- Fill a garbage bag of soft plastic and return to a REDcycle collection point (see link)
Parents to sign Waterford summary sheet.