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The Touchstones in Religious Education
A large part of our Religious Education focuses on the Edmund Rice Touchstones, which help to guide us in everything we do here at St Edward’s.
Mr Sullivan’s Year 7 class have decided to create posters which highlight certain aspects of the Touchstones and some of the work is outstanding. Through Liberating Education our boys continue to display growth in what they do with their teachers. Well done, boys!
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Year 9 have been working in ceramics to create visual representations of our Touchstones. After discussion in the class about the meaning of our four Touchstones: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity; we identified how our school community demonstrates our commitment to upholding the values represented in the Touchstones. Working together they have each created a set of the Touchstones in clay to take home as a visual representation of their commitment to the values they symbolise.
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