Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments.
2024 Commencement Mass
On Thursday February 22, we gathered as a community to celebrate the 2024 Commencement Mass. Father Vince, the Parish Priest from Terrigal Parish, led this special celebration.
The theme for our Opening Mass remains the same each year. We take time to challenge our boys to be the best they can be in all endeavours. Students were encouraged to look to the College Values, that are an important component of our newly developed Learner Profile, for guidance about how they can strive to be the best version of themselves.
In particular this year, we are asking boys to think deeply about the value of respect. It is important that we continue to be a learning community in which all members feel safe and cared for. Respect is the important value that underpins the caring environment that we hope to foster. Respect for the learning environment, in the relationships that we establish both in person and online, respect for the physical environment, facilities and resources and respect for each other.
We have established clear expectations regarding classroom application, effort and behaviour as well as expectations of students when they are representing the College while at sport, excursions and Friday activities. We are very confident that the boys will respond to these expectations in a positive way and are very pleased in which they have commenced the year.
Season of Lent
On Wednesday February 14, we celebrated the beginning of the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday service. Ash Wednesday is one of the most important Holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday takes place forty-six days before Easter Sunday, and opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.
The concept of fasting promotes the notion of giving up something throughout the Lenten period. With this theme in mind, we extend the challenge to members of our community to give up some of their time to help others. Students are encouraged to make a concerted effort to complete some of their Waterford hours, to give up some of their time and reconnect with their parish, to devote some time to pray for those that are disadvantaged, in need and at the margins of our society. In keeping with the Catholic tradition of fasting, no meat products will be available for purchase in the canteen each Friday, throughout the Lenten period.
We will conclude the season of Lent with our Easter Liturgy on Thursday March 28. This Liturgy is held in conjunction with the students from St Joseph’s College and traditionally incorporates a powerful performance of the Stations of the Cross, by students from both Colleges.

Year 6 ‘A Day in the Life at St Edward’s’
The College will hold an Orientation Day – ‘A Day in the Life of St Eddies’, on Thursday March 7 for prospective Year 7, 2025 enrolments. A number of students from non-Catholic feeder schools will join the Year 6 boys from Catholic feeder schools and we are anticipating over two hundred and fifty boys on the day. The Orientation Experience will allow the boys to observe and participate in TAS, Visual Arts, Drama, Information Technology, Physical Education, Music and many other Key Learning Areas the College has to offer. If any of our current families know of students within their community or friendship groups who would like to attend, encourage them to contact the school to register for the day.
Click Here to Register

College Open Day
The College Open Day will be held on Saturday March 9, from 10 am to 2 pm. This day provides a wonderful opportunity for families to visit the College to get a sense of the quality of the educational experience that we offer at St Edward’s. Attendees will participate in a tour lead by students of the grounds and facilities, meet teachers and view a range of student performances and demonstrations. Well over one hundred current students volunteer to assist on the day by working in each of the faculty areas or as guides. I thank the many students and staff who give up their time to assist on the day.
I encourage current families to promote this event within your own family and friends network, in particular if you are aware of families wishing to seek enrolment. Families wishing to attend open day are asked to register their attendance via this link: College Open Day Registration
2025 Enrolments
The College is now accepting enrolment applications for Year 7, 2025. The enrolment process is completed online via the College website at: https://www.stedwards.nsw.edu.au/enrolment/
The enrolment information clearly outlines the enrolment criteria. Applications received after Friday May 19, will be processed as late applications. Current families who are aware of family or friends who wish to apply for their son to attend St Edward’s, are asked to encourage them to visit the College website for information about the College and the process of enrolment.