Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we are committed to serving the individual needs of each person, providing teaching and learning experiences that are authentic, relevant, rigorous and creative.
Visual and Performing Arts Night
Visual and Performing Arts play a critical role in the overall educational experience offered to our students. Many of our boys maintain wonderful gifts and talents in these domains and they are supported by the passionate and talented members of our Performing and Visual Arts faculties in developing these gifts. The talent of students was on display on Tuesday, November 28 at the Annual Visual and Performing Arts Night where students in Years 7 – 11 performed a range of musical and drama items and students’ visual art and screen and media projects were on display.
Students are provided with many opportunities throughout the year to showcase their talents at College masses, liturgical celebrations, awards ceremonies and this night is the culmination of their hard work throughout the year. The night also provides the opportunity for families to see how talented our students are in the subjects of Visual Arts and Screen and Media.
I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of our Performing and Visual Arts faculties led by Mrs Annette Rankin and Ms Sarah Evans in their work with our boys throughout the year.

Annual Awards Day
We are pleased to be able to invite families to attend our Annual Awards Day which is to be held in the Edmund Rice Centre on Monday December 11 from 9.00am to 11.00am. The outstanding work of students in many domains of College life will be celebrated at this event. Students in each year group will be awarded certificates for Consistent Effort, Academic Achievement and Outstanding Academic Achievement based on their application, effort and grades in the Semester 2 reports.
Special awards are also presented in a range of categories to acknowledge student achievement in leadership, academic excellence and specialised areas. Students will showcase their musical talents and a morning tea will be provided for families who attend.
Parents and carers of students receiving awards will be notified in the lead up to the event with an opportunity to indicate if they will be attending.
We encourage all families of award recipients to attend the ceremony in support of their son.
End of Year Reports
The Year 7-10 Semester 2 reports will be uploaded to the College Portal at the end of the term. These reports will provide an end of year grade, teachers’ comments and an indication of application and effort in terms of the Learner Profile. I encourage all parents and students to take the time to read these reports carefully, paying particular attention to the teachers’ comments and the indicators associated with the Learner Profile. Students have been encouraged again this year to establish learning goals based on the Learner Profile and the reports each term have provided valuable feedback for each student in association with these goals. In 2024, students will be asked to establish new learning goals for the year, and the feedback provided in this report will assist in developing these new goals.
I encourage all families to take time to read through and discuss this report with their son. The role of parents and carers in supporting the learning pursuits of their son can never be underestimated. Research continues to indicate that many students, in particular boys who succeed in their learning, have the positive support, encouragement and engagement of their parents and carers.