Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Throughout 2019, the College has embarked on the process of developing the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. An important aspect of this process is the collection of feedback to assist in developing this plan for ongoing school improvement. Parents, student and staff surveys, student focus groups and the College Board Strategic Planning Day are some of the avenues in which feedback has been obtained. Throughout this year, members of staff have participated in a review of our approach to Pastoral Care and the manner in which we cater for the diverse learning needs of students. In 2018 – 2019, research was also conducted to inform the College Building Master Plan. All these sources of feedback are analysed to establish the priorities for ongoing school improvement over the next five years.
The Staff Development Day this Friday will provide an opportunity for all staff to analyse the feedback obtained to further inform the Strategic Planning process. An important component of this planning is an evaluation as to how we are responding as a community to the values, traditions and philosophy of an Edmund Rice School as expressed through the Charter Touchstones. The Touchstones, Liberating Education, Inclusive Community, Gospel Spirituality and Justice and Solidarity provide us with great guidance and challenge, as an Edmund Rice School. They inform our vision for ongoing improvement and I take great pleasure in each edition of this newsletter to report on how the staff and students at St Edward’s respond to the values inherent in these Touchstones. We are a very proud Edmund Rice School and the Strategic Planning process provides us with a great opportunity to reflect on how we plan to continue our commitment to the values of the Touchstones into the future.
The Strategic Plan will be finalised throughout Term 4 of this year and I look forward to sharing this plan with our community at the commencement of the 2020 school year.
Farewell Year 12

Jake Vidler – College Dux 2019
We bid our Year 12 students farewell this week. We mark the end of their formal classes with three very special ceremonies. The first of these ceremonies was the Graduation Mass that was held on Wednesday night in the Edmund Rice Centre. It was the final time that Year 12 students gathered as a group with their parents and family members to celebrate the Eucharist at St Edward’s College. The theme for this mass was Young Men with Purpose, which has been their Pastoral Theme for the year. This wonderful celebration served to challenge the young men of Year 12 to continue to become the best young adults they can be.
On Thursday, the St Edward’s Old Boys Union provided a breakfast for the Year 12 students to officially welcome them into the Old Boys fraternity. A whole school academic assembly followed this breakfast, where we acknowledged students for their academic endeavours. First and second place in each course and various special awards in leadership and service were presented and we congratulated the Dux of the 2019 year, Jake Vidler. Congratulations to all the award winners for their sustained efforts throughout the HSC Year. The full list of award recipients appears below.
I wish all of Year 12 the very best of luck in their final exams and look forward to seeing them at the HSC End of Year BBQ on Monday December 17.

The Term 3 interim reports will be uploaded to the Student and Parent Portal on Friday of this week. The focus of this report is to provide you and your son with specific information in relation to his level of application and effort to his studies throughout Term 3 and not on his performance in terms of a mark or grade. The descriptors in this report are based on the College’s Code for Learning, which outlines the expectations of all students in relation to their learning. Students are encouraged to reflect on their progress in relation to previous terms and the learning goals that they have established for the year. I encourage all parents to take the time to discuss with their son the contents of the report.
Year 12 Graduation
Please note graduation tickets are now available for purchase from reception. Tickets are $75 each. Year 12 students are asked to organise their tables into groups of 16 (which include parents and a partner or other family member) as soon as possible. Please also advise reception of any mobility issues or dietary requirements when purchasing your tickets. No stilettos or tapered heels please – they damage the floor of the ERC
End of Term Break
I would like to wish all students and their families a very restful, happy and safe end of term break. The two-week holiday provides a great opportunity for students to recharge the batteries prior to the commencement of the final term for the year.
God bless