Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Gospel Spirituality
As an Edmund Rice Community, we continue to nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments.
Sacramental Mass Sunday June 6
The values that underpin the Touchstone of Gospel Spirituality challenge us to ensure that we follow the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice as we seek to make the Gospel a living reality within our community.
St Edward’s is dedicated to nurturing and encouraging the spiritual growth of each person, providing opportunities for our young men to deepen their faith and spirituality, through reflection, prayer, sacred stories, rituals and the sacraments. It was an absolute pleasure to attend the Sunday Mass at St Patrick’s East Gosford on Sunday June 6, to witness the receiving of the Sacraments of either Baptism, Confirmation or the Eucharist of ten of our Year 7 young men. This Mass was celebrated by Bishop Anthony Randazzo and Father Greg. The young men from St Edward’s have participated in a program of readiness to receive these Sacraments at St Edward’s under the guidance of Mr Tony Beacroft the College’s Director of Mission and Identity.
The commitment made by these young men and their families to support them on their faith and spiritual journey provides us with great joy as a community. Being able to support their decision and prepare them to receive the sacraments at their age is a great cause for celebration. We thank their families for entrusting us with this important role and thank them for their ongoing support.
We are forever grateful to Father Greg and Father Paul from St Patrick’s Parish for their dedication to working with our young men in the development of their own faith and spirituality. Their ongoing willingness to engage with our boys and work with our community in celebrating the Eucharist and through offering reconciliation regularly throughout the year supports our community in living up to the core values that underpin the authentic Catholic Education we provide.

Harry Call

Liam Downs

Ben Geddes-Brown

Taj Gooley

Logan Haanskorf

Aaron Markey

Lachlan O’Brien

Thomas Perham

Lachlan Roach
Justice and Solidarity
As an Edmund Rice Community, we are committed to working with and walking alongside the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia, advocating justice and promoting reconciliation.
National Reconciliation Week – A wonderful commemoration
The launch of the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan throughout Reconciliation week was a huge success largely due to the wonderful response and support of our young men and staff. Some highlights of the week included a meaningful opening ceremony on Thursday May 27. At this liturgy, boys participated in prayer and reflection about the true meaning of Reconciliation. Mrs Tracey Burraston, a member of the College’s RAP Committee, spoke to the boys about what reconciliation means to an Aboriginal woman living on the Central Coast. We commenced the liturgy with an Acknowledgement of Country in Darkinjung language which was developed for us by Aunty Bronwyn Chambers from Newcastle University and lead by Mrs Madelene Whitford, the College Languages Leader of Learning. A copy of this acknowledgement appears below. A highlight of the week was the powerful and sacred smoking ceremony which was conducted by Mr Tim Selwyn, a local Aboriginal man and friend of the College. We were very proud of the reverence and deep respect of the sacredness and privilege to witness this ceremony that our young men demonstrated. They were a credit to themselves. A range of activities were conducted through homeroom each morning and in class throughout the day, which were designed to raise our awareness as a community and to develop a deeper understanding of Reconciliation. Students got to vote online for the Darkinjung name of “Yadhaba” for the new Wellbeing Centre, which means become well. To conclude the week, a thought-provoking episode of SECTV was presented to all students on Thursday June 3. A link to this episode appears below.
In a meeting held with family members of our community who are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage on the evening of Thursday June 3, I explained that the real work commences now. We must do more as a community than celebrate key events such as Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week. We must live up to the actions outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan in providing our young men with a true sense of the role that we all play in walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on our nation’s journey towards Reconciliation. We look forward as a community to continuing this important work.
Acknowledgement to Country St Edward’s College
Darkinjung Language | English Translation |
Darkinung dli li-ngura Yadha gayi biyn-gu nginarayinggayi ngura St Edwards school -dja ngura Darkinung people Ngiyang pay respect to the ngura that nyangga -gu us St Edward’s School ngiyang bidhal the Nguraki of Darkinyung ngura barbin, yagunda, barbindu Nginarayinggayi nguraki are knowledge holders, teachers and leaders. Ngiyang acknowledge our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders. |
This is Darkinung Country Welcome to our place, St Edward’s school on the land of the Darkinyung people We pay respect to the land that gives to us We all celebrate the Elders of Darkinyung lands yesterday, today, tomorrow at St Edward’s school. Our Elders are our knowledge holders, teachers and leaders. We acknowledge our Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander future leaders. |

SECTV Reconciliation Edition (Please note that due to copyright, audio is not available for some of the recording.)