Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we are committed to nurturing and encouraging the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments.
Sacramental Mass
St Edward’s College has established a close working relationship with St Patrick’s Parish over several years. One of the highlights of this relationship is the preparation of students each year to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and the Eucharist. Mr Tony Beacroft, the College Director of Mission and Identity, works with boys, families, Father Greg and Father Paul in gaining an understanding of these important Catholic celebrations of faith. A special mass will be held on Friday November 13 at St Patrick’s Church in which the boys will receive these sacraments, witnessed by their families and boys from the College. The following Year 7 boys have participated in the program and will receive the Sacraments at this special Mass: Chayse Nicoll, Christian Sultana, Marlen Wilson, Ashton Hayes, Saxon Young, Jett Gooley, James Hughes and Sonny Doyle.
Year 12 Graduation
The Year 12 Graduation will be held in the Edmund Rice Centre on Friday December 13th. This event is a wonderful celebration for the graduating class and their families and the culmination of their time at the College. A COVID safe plan has been established to ensure that we are meeting the NSW Health Guidelines required for this type of event. The Edmund Rice Centre will be converted into a magnificent ballroom for this event and a marquee will be erected on the College Oval adjacent to the ERC to provide an outdoor dance floor. This event would not be possible without the tireless efforts of many staff from St Edward’s College. It is always amazing to see how grown up the young men and their partners are on the night. I look forward to this great celebration.
Years 7-10 Assessment Tasks in Term 4
Students in Years 7-10 will be participating in a range of assessment tasks over the coming weeks. These tasks are designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and skills developed in their courses through Semester 2. The Assessment Task Outlines indicating the requirements of each task and the due date will be provided to the boys and available on the College Portal.
Laptop Rental Program
A reminder to families of boys in Years 10 and 11 that the College has introduced a Laptop Rental Program for senior students in 2021. All student will be required to have their own learning device and have two options available to them. They can choose to bring their own device to school and they will be provided access to the College network and all the learning applications used in each of their courses. Students who do not have their own device will be able to rent a College device as outlined in the information that has been sent home to families.
To assist us in planning for the roll-out of these laptops, I ask that families complete an expression of interest form available on the link below as soon as possible to ensure that the College has adequate time to prepare these laptops for distribution in 2021.
You are not required to respond if your son will be bringing his own learning device to school each day.
Expression of Interest Laptop Rental Program
Principals’ Gathering
St Edward’s College hosted the annual EREA Eastern Region Principals’ Conference on Wednesday November 4 and Thursday November 5. The Conference provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the wonderful school and community that we are fortunate to be a part of. The Conference commenced with a liturgy that introduced the focus for the two days, highlighting the characteristics and attributes required for leadership in an authentic Edmund Rice School. This Liturgy was student-led allowing the boys to share their thoughts on what they believe to be important in leaders in our school. Attending this Conference reinforced in me of the great privilege and responsibility involved in leading our wonderful community.
Staff Development Day
A Staff Development Day has been scheduled for Friday November 27. This day will be devoted to teaching staff completing many of their mandatory hours of compliance training, professional learning and sharing of practice which is a requirement for Teacher Accreditation with time also allocated to planning for the 2021 school year.