Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Inclusive Community
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we are a community which is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good
National Child Protection Week
National Child Protection is being celebrated this year from September 6 to September 12. Under this year’s theme of Putting Children First we are invited to look at how we can prioritise the children in our lives and throughout our communities as individuals, as part of families, organisations, communities and society. Putting children first means prioritising their safety and wellbeing enabling them to grow, feel safe and loved, have a say in the decisions that affect them.
St Edward’s College is committed to ensuring that we provide a welcoming and safe environment which fosters right relationships. Relationships which value the dignity and worth of all members of the community. We are provided with great guidance through the Charter for Edmund Rice schools on the values associated with inclusivity and right relationships and it is important that our school is seen by staff, students, parents and the wider community as an accepting and welcoming place. A community that is inclusive, in which students, teachers and support staff feel safe, valued and cared for. The wellbeing of staff and students is paramount in creating a positive learning culture.
We maintain an absolute commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the boys in our care. Our commitment is underpinned by the implementation of the EREA Child Safeguarding Standards Framework. The EREA Child Safeguarding Standards Framework is designed to further enhance a culture within each of our schools wherein protecting children and young people from abuse and other harm, and the promotion of child safety, participation, empowerment and wellbeing is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of leaders, staff and volunteers. An overview of this Framework is provided in the following short video.
Click Here for the Video
Year 12 Retreats
Last week, Year 12 students participated in a one-day retreat, at North Avoca Surf Club to replace the cancelled three-day experience due to COVID-19 restrictions. This thought-provoking experience in some ways is the culmination of the formation opportunities offered to the young men of St Edward’s. Students were provided with time to reflect on their values in relation to themselves and their relationships with others. The activities presented challenge the boys to think deeply about their time at St Edward’s and the type of young man that they hope to be when they leave St Edward’s. The retreat also provided students with time to relax and recharge their batteries as they enter the final stages of the school life and the pressures of the HSC. The engagement of students in all the activities and their level of discussion regarding what they value to be important in their lives, reaffirms in me that they are becoming exactly the type of young men that we are proud to say are Eddies men. I would like to thank Mr Beacroft and Mr Beattie, for planning and delivering this wonderful experience.

Outstanding Work by Year 11 Screen and Media class
St Edward’s College takes great pride in being able to offer a wide range of curriculum offerings to cater for the wonderfully diverse gifts, talents and abilities of students. This year saw the introduction of a new HSC subject Certificate III in Screen and Media. The VET Screen and Media course is designed for students who wish to work, or are interested in, the film, television or digital media industries. If you see yourself working in TV, radio or film, this course could be for you. This course aims to provide students with the foundation knowledge and the elementary skills required to operate in the film, television or digital media industries, in a safe and efficient manner.
A recently completed assessment task in this course required students to develop a promotional video for the College. In completing this assessment task, students were asked to develop a brief for the promotional video and ‘pitch’ their ideas prior to completing their video. The quality of the work by this class was outstanding. The level of thought, creativity and technical skill drawn upon provides great validation for the introduction of this exciting course. I would like to present to you the promotional video developed by Cooper Boyce, a member of this class. Cooper’s work is one of many excellent pieces of work developed as part of this task.
Year 11 Preliminary Exams
I would like to wish all Year 11 students every success in their Preliminary Exams that will commence on Monday September 14. These examinations are the culmination of their Preliminary Course and make up their final piece of assessment before starting the HSC year. Parents will receive a report early next term, which provides valuable feedback to build on in the HSC course.
Outstanding Community Achievement
I would like to acknowledge two of our Senior students for their outstanding contribution and achievement within their local community. Kai Darwin, who is a member of our Year 12 graduating class, was recently awarded the NSW Youth Lifesaver of the Year and Jamie Cairns of Year 11 was nominated for the NSW Youth Volunteer of the Year for his contribution to Surf Life Saving. Congratulations to Kai and Jamie for this wonderful achievement.
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