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Peace For Our World
Students have been learning about and sharing ideas regarding the best ways to achieve Peace. This is in response to current and ongoing despair, hatred, violence and racism that many people around our world experience.
Students at St Edward’s have been able to share their own story and journey of some of these elements and many boys have displayed great heart, spirit, compassion and empathy for people who suffer. Well done boys.

Poster Competition
Boys in Years 7 to 11 who enter the competition will earn 2 Waterford hours.
Posters may be completed during Religion classes or at home.
Design a placard or poster for peace, your aim is to create a unique message of hope and optimism for our world.
Your poster must:
- be submitted as an A4 hard copy by Friday Week 9
- be hand drawn or created on computer
- be submitted to Mr Dell
- include your name, year group and your Religion teacher’s name on the back
Prizes Include:
- Canteen Vouchers
- Signed Mariners shirts
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