Year 12 Biology at Sydney University’s Kickstart Program
This one day course enhances the HSC biology syllabus with workshops that are totally hands-on and feature real specimens that the students can see and touch – preserved museum specimens and fresh tissue for dissection. The boys experienced electrogel phoresis – exploring its use in separating DNA to find similarities and differences, as well as looking at antibiotic resistance and the importance of genetic diversity. Many thanks to Mrs Kristen Mantellato and Mrs Gaynor Clancy for organising this excellent learning opportunity.

Year 10 Marine Study, acquiring their boat licences
On Monday and Tuesday of this week Year 10 Marine Study students have been hosted by NSW Fishing Industry Training Committee, gaining knowledge and skills in how to safely navigate and operate boats in enclosed waters. After successfully completing the theoretical component of the Maritime Boat Licence, the boys then undertook practical testing of their boat handling skills. This saw the boys drive boats, under instruction, through the Brisbane Waters. Many thanks to Mr John Moloney and Mr Mark Reynolds for overseeing these successful days.

Year 7, first lessons in laboratories
Our new Year 7 students have carried out their first lessons in the laboratories. The boys have started to develop skills in safely carrying out practical activities, how to handle equipment safely and developing skills in working cooperatively to complete experiments. During the coming months, the boys will be introduced to data logging technologies that integrate with the software on their laptops, as well as traditional methods of collating information. The boys are currently studying “Working Scientifically” and this will be followed by a unit on “Classification”. With this study area, the boys will go on an excursion to Taronga Zoo in early March to test the skills they have developed within the classroom.
Year 8 are currently studying “Our Chemical Earth”, which involves investigating not only the structure of matter, but also the impact mining of minerals has on the environment and society. They will be tested later this term on the practical skills they have developed during their lessons.
Year 9 are investigating the “Dynamic Earth”. This unit involves researching the structure of the earth, how we “know” the structure without ever physically venturing beneath the earths crust, the development of theories about tectonic plate movement and examining evidence that supports these theories, as well as understanding the causes and effects of volcanoes and earthquakes.

Mrs Clancy’s Year 10 Science Class
Year 10 are undertaking their first unit of “rotation” science. This involves the boys studying units of biology -“genetics”, chemistry – “chemical reactions 1” and physics – “motion”. Each unit goes for approximately 5 weeks, and then at the completion of the unit, the boys will undertake a multiple choice test online. In 2018, the College introduced prerequisite grades for some Year 11 courses. For Science, the boys are required to achieve the following grades to be able to undertake the course for HSC: Biology (C grade or better), Chemistry (B grade or better), Investigating Science (no perquisite, however, they should either be undertaking another science course or be passionate about science) and Physics (B grade or better).

Mrs Aitken’s Year 11 Chemistry Class
Year 11 have begun their HSC journey in Biology, Chemistry, Investigating Science and Physics. While the workload is a “step-up”, the boys are enjoying the challenge of these senior courses and are working well in class. All students studying Year 11 and Year 12 sciences have access to Edrolo. This is an online tutoring service that has short videos linked to each dot-point covered in each syllabus, as well as self-marking multiple choice questions, and some extended questions, that help build examination technique.
If you have any questions regarding your son’s study of Science at the College, please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher in the first instance, or Mrs Kristen Mantellato (Assistant Leader of Learning – Science) or Mr Trent Foster (Leader of Learning – Science).