The presentation included how to applying to Newcastle University, courses available, timetabling, accommodation available, overseas study opportunities and scholarships. All students were given the universities 2020 undergraduate course guide for further reference.

All Year 10 students were given UAC’s Year 10 guide at a video conference last week. This was a good introduction to the HSC and ATAR. More information about HSC and subject selection will be disseminated shortly.

Parent Information Session
Tuesday 25 June 2019, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2), Central Coast Campus – (Light refreshments from 5:45 pm)
The University of Newcastle Central Coast Campus is excited to invite parents and the broader school community to the first Parent Information Session.
Join us for some light refreshments and a conversation around key admission dates, University ‘jargon’ explained, alternate pathways into University, fees, scholarships and student support (including Wollotuka support for Aboriginal students).
There will be opportunities for informal one on one questions from 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm, to answer any specific questions and concerns you may have around supporting your young person’s path to University.
Register Your Attendance
Register your attendance, here, by Monday 24 June 2019.