The first of these ceremonies was the Graduation Mass. This was the final time Year 12 students gathered as a group with their parents and family members to celebrate the Eucharist at St Edward’s College. The theme for this mass was Young Men with Purpose, which has been the Year 12 Pastoral Theme for the year.
On Thursday, the St Edward’s Old Boys Union provided a breakfast for the Year 12 students to officially welcome them into the Old Boys fraternity. A whole school academic assembly followed this breakfast, where we acknowledged students for their academic endeavours. First and second place in each course and various special awards in leadership and service were presented and the Dux of the 2019 year is announced. Congratulations to all the award winners for their sustained efforts throughout the HSC Year.
We wish all of Year 12 the very best of luck in their final exams and look forward to seeing them at the HSC End of Year BBQ on Monday 17 December.
Graduation Mass

Farewell Assembly