2023 Future Choices Transition Expo, for students with a disability
It is highly recommended for parents of students with disabilities to accompany their son to this expo. There is a lot of post school pathways support out there and we highly recommend your attendance at this expo.
“You may not think of yourself as having a disability but the definition is broad and
includes learning disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, medical conditions, mental
illness, physical conditions, sensory impairments, intellectual disability and much more”
If your son has to put in extra effort during study because of their disability or condition, then this expo is for you.
Please see flyer attached for further details. If you are interested in attending with your son, please email kneilly@stedwards.nsw.edu.au and his attendance will be adjusted.
Date: Central Coast (Wednesday 30 August 9.00 am – 1.00 pm) at Mingara Recreation Club
Cost: Free
Who For: All Year 9, 10, 11, 12 Students and Caregivers.
Find Out More: futurechoices@careerlinks.nsw.edu.au
Ph: 02 4967 1050