The classroom was reconfigured and decorated to resemble a French café, with French music playing to enhance the ambience. On the menu were croissants, brioche et crêpes au chocolat, fraises et raisins (strawberries and grapes), and delicacies including macarons and home-made tartes aux pommes (French apple tarts), all washed down with jus d’orange (orange juice). Mr Sutton and Mr Sullivan also attended, and there was plenty to go around, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all! The boys worked hard to earn this treat by accumulating ‘effort and enthusiasm’ points, which they will continue to do during Terms 3 and 4. Mme Maloney and Mlle Ribal look forward to hosting this event again (hopefully at the end of each term) and seeing some new faces in their café to say ‘merci’ and ‘félicitations’ and wish them ‘bon appétit’!