For the months of October and November, each English teacher will nominate two students from each of their classes to go into the running to be recognised as ‘English Star of The Month’. One student will be rewarded for achievement and one for effort. The English staff are keen to acknowledge those students who bring joy to the classroom through their love of learning.
These students will go into a draw to receive a certificate at assembly on Friday 18th November. As well as the certificate, students will be presented with a selection of prizes aimed at creating awareness around the creative and dedicated students we have at the College in English. The students will be featured in the Touchstones Newsletter and, most exciting of all, will receive an exclusive invitation to the first ever English Immersion Day happening at the College on Monday 12th December.
The immersion day will involve some creative ways to engage with English, a trivia afternoon, recess and lunch as well as a special screening of ‘The Grinch’ to tie in with the theme of the day, ‘Merry Grinch-mas’. The English staff hope that the ‘English Stars of The Month’ and our special immersion days will be a huge success, allowing them to continue into next year. Plans are already underway for themed immersion days in 2023 centred around ‘Harry Potter’, ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and Shakespeare.
To be in the running to be rewarded, all students need to do is continue to work to their full potential. It’s that simple! English staff are keeping a careful and watchful eye, especially on students who consistently perform well and have a true love for all things English. Keep your eye on our upcoming newsletters to see who makes the cut.