Spirituality in the Pub
The Grange Hotel Function Room
Cnr: Renwick St & Pacific Hwy, WYOMING
1st Tuesday of the month March – October
2nd Tuesday in November
Bistro opens at 5-30pm
Theme 2019: “Reflections on my Spiritual Journey”
Tuesday 6th August, 2019, 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Amy Friedman: A Baha’i, Amy is an author with a novel coming out in early 2019. She trained in counselling and healing and will start her own business as a counsellor/ healer in 2019. Amy has had 25 near-death experiences, and multiple paranormal/ psychic experiences.
Carol Bailey: Following an orthodox 1940s/1950s Catholic upbringing, Carol subsequently embraced a much grander and more inclusive view of the Divine. Several transformative experiences shaped her changed beliefs. Carol rejoices in the current rapprochement between contemporary science and religion in the face of mystery with our ever-evolving, awe-inspiring universe.
SIP Central Coast is an Ecumenical & Interfaith Speakers Forum with Q’s & A’s.
The focus is on developing understanding & encouraging conversation about Spirituality through sharing one’s life journey. We meet 1st Tuesday in the month from March to October and 2nd Tuesday in November.
Enquiries: Maryke – 4365 9197 or 0498 588 261