Transport for NSW Apprentice and Trainee recruitment is now open for 2024
We are incredibly excited to announce applications for our 2024 Regional and Outer Metropolitan Apprentice and Trainee programs have opened!
Our programs provide local employment opportunities for students finishing school and wanting to start a meaningful career pathway.
There are a range of Program opportunities on offer, across different disciplines, including Civil Construction, Business, Project Management, Operational Management Systems and Finance.
We support individuals through training and study toward a nationally recognised qualification, whilst developing their skills and gaining valuable hands-on experience and knowledge.
How to apply
Applying is easy!
Please visit our Transport Jobs Board
Applications close 11:59PM Sunday 25 February 2024.
We would greatly appreciate if you could circulate this email to your student body, and relevant community networks.
If you or your students have any questions, please reach out to us at: ROMentrylevelprograms@transport.nsw.gov.au or please visit our website for more information.