Sydney Trains currently has open an Expression of Interest, for any students/people who are interested in an Apprenticeship with Sydney Trains for 2023.
The link below will outline details and how to complete the expression of Interest.
Expression of Interest – Apprentice and Traineeship Programs (2023 Intake) (nsw.gov.au)
In July we are looking at hosting a TRY-A-TRADE-DAY at our Clyde Hub, where interested students can come along and see what it would be like to be a tradie with Sydney Trains, and gain further understanding about our Apprentice Program 2023.
More details will be sent out once it is confirmed.

🍕Dominos Leadership Online Webinar – 10th May @5:30pm
What is this webinar about?
Many people go through their school, career, and personal lives and underestimate their impact on their surroundings. As a result, many people don’t consider themselves leaders, and those that do associate leadership with being in a position of power or having extraordinary talents or abilities. Matt is here to challenge that – and help people understand that leadership is within everyone’s reach. Leadership is about making change happen, and everyone has the capacity to make their school, their workplace and their communities better.
In this webinar, Matt will help aspiring leaders:
- Tap into their personal WHY to step into leadership with confidence.
- Understand that leadership is not defined by a badge or title – instead, influence, action & change
- Clarify their own personal leadership vision
- Find alignment between their vision, values, and behaviours
- See the value in stepping out of your comfort zone and into a growth & learning zone
- Identify strategies to build resilience on their leadership journey
Who is this webinar for?
- Students (Years 10, 11 & 12) with an interest in leadership
- School career advisors
- Parents/guardians
🎓Flight Centre Travel Academy – 26th May @5:30pm
In partnership with Torrens University Australia, FCTA facilitates the Diploma of Travel and Tourism whilst also providing employment opportunities and networking connections to set you up for a successful career in travel.
Join Renee and Jamie from FCTA and Josh, a graduate of the diploma who is now kicking goals with Ignite Travel Group, to discuss all things Flight Centre Travel Academy!
- This webinar will include:
- What is the Diploma of Travel and Tourism?
- Career and education pathways
- Further information on our Work, Study + Play Programs
- A graduates’ story
- Q & A
Click HERE to register for these events.