During this term, Year 10 PDHPE students were given the opportunity to develop in pairs a modified game and teach to the rest of the class. There have been some fantastic and innovative new games and the students enjoyed participating in and providing feedback for these novel activities.

Year 10 PDHPE “Virtual” Mock Interviews
2020 has been full of ‘firsts’ for everyone. Thanks to Mrs Juliana Dignam and Mr Gavin Hannelly, our Year 10 PDHPE students still got to experience a mock interview situation this year. Mrs Dignam organised for 25 employers from our local community to be available via a Zoom connection to interview the boys as part of their PDHPE ‘My Life, My Future’ assessment for learning task. Mr Hannelly set up all the laptops, Zoom connections, liaised with employers and was present to troubleshoot for the entire session. This gave the students the opportunity to experience what is current practice and could well be the more common way of the future, particularly for interstate and international jobs. Most of the boys were very nervous before the interview but came out with big smiles on their faces showing their satisfaction at their achievement.
Thank you to our wonderful community participants and especially to Juliana and Gav for their time and relentless energy they expended in this life relevant, worthwhile experience.

With the change in VET requirements, we have had to put our Stage 6 Sports Coaching course on hold from 2020 BUT….have introduced SLR (Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation)! Our current Year 12 are completing their Sports Coaching course and have achieved many awards on their way through Years 11 & 12. Thank you to Mr Carpenter and Mr Ellis for guiding these boys, arranging valuable coaching experiences and keeping track of their many competencies.

Year 8 PDHPE designed advertising material to create awareness of mental health issues.
They also had to make a judgement call on whether or not to go to a party (scenario was given to boys).
Responses were varied, however, all provided thoughtful justification for their actions. Below are some examples of the thoughts and decisions provided:
“I would not attend this party because it is in an unsafe location, and I would not be able to get home safely because of alcohol. This is not a safe party for me because I don’t know the person running the party, I do not trust the people attending, I heard that there will be illegal substances and just not a safe environment. There is no parental supervision and things could turn very bad therefore I am choosing not to go to this party.”
“I have made the decision to not go to the party because I do not know anyone who will be there as a good friend and it could potentially affect my safety negatively. For me it would be to hard to find a way home because my mum and dad will be asleep at the time the party ends, it goes from 8:00 pm until 11:00 pm. According to the host social media posts their parents are away at the moment so this has also influenced my decision because it could get dangerous and out of hand if there is no parental supervision I also have my grand finale of soccer on the next day which is one of my priorities. I am concerned of the use of alcohol as I have over heard some rumours of people taking alcohol and I am worried of intoxicated people swimming which would cause me a lot of stress. I have had discussions with my parents about parties and we have always had honest and open discussions about the use of alcohol and this has always helped me with my decision making because I have the full support of my parents. This is how decision to not attend the party.”
“I would go to the party but with many precautions. The party is quite close to the water so I would make sure to not go for a swim even if there is a situation where I am being pressured into it, swimming in the water would be very dangerous as you wouldn’t know if any marine life would be out and people wouldn’t be able to see you if you floated away for started struggling in the water. Since the party is 25 minutes away from my house, I would make sure in case anything went wrong that I had a drive home and that could collect me quickly if needed. If anything bad happen or if any drugs or alcohol turned up I’d be sure not to have any as it is bad for you and could change your behaviour very rapidly and make others around you do stupid things. I would also like a little bit of parent supervision as in case anything went wrong there was someone responsible to take care of this matter and help out everyone else with anything anyone needed.”