Due to Covid 19 we were not able to have our normal mass, which includes the entire student body, to celebrate the announcement of our new College Leaders for 2020-21.
Instead, a solemn and beautiful mass presided over by Father Greg was celebrated at St Patrick’s Parish Church. With parents and one friend present our new Prefects received their badges. Badges were blessed and pinned on their blazer by one of their parents. At the conclusion of mass, the 2020 – 2021 College Captain and Vice Captains were announced. We congratulate:
Kai Wheelock, College Captain
Samuel Beatson, College Vice Captain
Joshua Zaia, College Vice Captain
Byron Bird, College Prefect
Cooper Boyce, College Prefect
Charlie Crimmings, College Prefect
Joel Cross, College Prefect
William Drennan, College Prefect
Harry Ellwood, College Prefect
Otis Farrugia, College Prefect
Joshua Gower, College Prefect
Jack Hanna, College Prefect
Harry Hoban, College Prefect
Harry Martin, College Prefect
Jordan Mercado, College Prefect
Joshua Partier, College Prefect
During this moving ceremony, the students performed various hymns, which provided a prayerful atmosphere. A big thank you to all who contributed to this wonderful community celebration. Congratulations to our new College Leaders.
Mr Beacroft
Director of Mission

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