The interactive and engaging sessions focus on the development of respectful relationships for young people aged 11 to 17. The programs aim to provide a safe environment in which young people can discuss and learn about their rights and responsibilities in relationships and look at ways to access support when needed. During the sessions, young people are introduced to a number of services in the community and encouraged to support their friends by utilising safe, healthy and proactive strategies.
Love Bites is scheduled for Year 7 students at St Edward’s College for a full day on Thursday 13 June 2024.
Love Bites facilitators will deliver the session to students in their classes. The facilitators for the Love Bites program come from different community organisations and services including Coast Shelter, NSW Police and Central Coast Local Council. Our PDHPE staff will also be present during the sessions.
If required, young people can be supported by our amazing School Counsellors and Pastoral Team.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the program, please contact me via email
If you do not wish your son to attend, please contact the school.
Vanessa Henderson
Leader of Learning PDHPE