Recently, a mother of two primary school children thanked me for the impact one of my presentations had on her…
Recently, a mother of two primary school children thanked me for the impact one of my presentations had on her…
We do a lot for our kids, because we love them and often they need us. But we forget that…
Currently, there’s a strong tendency to view successful fathering through the lens of skills and knowledge acquisition. That is, to…
Healthy Screen Time and Problematic Overuse St Edward’s College is holding a very important parent seminar regarding screen addiction. Parents…
Children and teenagers are capable of so much more than they are often given credit for. Closing the expectation gap…
At St Edward’s we are trying to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by involving all students in Wellbeing sessions…
Kids benefit from a mixture of two parenting approaches. On the one hand, they benefit from an approach that provides…
The Loss of Healthy Rites of Passage Rites of Passage have always been a significant part of community life, until…
Pastoral care reminder for hair and grooming for the beginning of the second semester. Boys are expected to keep their…
The Anxious Kids Seminar is coming to Sydney
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