News Category: Curriculum


NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy – important skills that each child needs to succeed in school and life. The NAPLAN…

News from the English Faculty

As the amazing Neil Gaiman says ‘A book is a dream that you hold in your hand’. In English at…

HSIE Field Trips

HSIE Field Trips 5, 12 and 14 March 2019 Year 10 Geography students have been learning about coastal management. The…

Year 8 Art Excursion

Year 8 Art Visual Arts were able to experience viewing the work of the artist they are studying, during a…

Science Term 1

Isaac Newton is often quoted as saying “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of…

French Icons – Year 8

French Icons For bonus marks in their recent French assignment, “Visitons la France” (Let’s visit France), Year 8 students were…

Year 12 Assessment Block Term 1

Year 12 Assessment Block Term 1 commences Monday 1 April 2019. Please see schedule attached Year 12 Assessment Block Term…

Proposed Trip to Japan 2019

Members of the St Edward’s Community are invited to take part in a trip to Japan in 2019. The proposed…