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Touchstones – 24 September 2020
Principal’s Message
Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition we are committed to providing a holistic education, integrating faith with culture and learning, while instilling
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
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Mission & Identity
Careers/Vocational Education
Parent Connection
Mission & Identity
Prefect Investiture Mass
Due to Covid 19 we were not able to have our normal mass, which includes the entire student body, to celebrate the announcement of our new College Leaders for 2020-21.
Instead, a solemn and beautiful mass presided over by Father Greg was celebrated at St Patrick’s Parish Church. With parents and one friend present our new Prefects received their badges. Badges were blessed and pinned on their blazer by one of their parents. At the conclusion of mass, the 2020 - 2021 College Captain and Vice Captains were announced. We congratulate:
Kai Wheelock, College Captain
Samuel Beatson, College Vice Captain
Joshua Zaia, College Vice Captain
Byron Bird, College Prefect
Cooper Boyce, College Prefect
Charlie Crimmings, College Prefect
Joel Cross, College Prefect
William Drennan, College Prefect
Harry Ellwood, College Prefect
Otis Farrugia, College Prefect
Joshua Gower, College Prefect
Jack Hanna, College Prefect
Harry Hoban, College Prefect
Harry Martin, College Prefect
Jordan Mercado, College Prefect
Joshua Partier, College Prefect
During this moving ceremony, the students performed various hymns, which provided a prayerful atmosphere. A big thank you to all who contributed to this wonderful community celebration. Congratulations to our new College Leaders.
Mr Beacroft
Director of Mission
Click here for the video of the Prefect Investiture Mass
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Mission & Identity
Wear a Wig Day
Students and staff showed their support for the Black Dog Institute (Mullets for Mental Health) and R U OK? Day on Friday 18 September.
By wearing a colourful or crazy wig at school to support those living with a mental illness, hopefully it brighten someone’s day. Students who did not wear a wig embraced having their hair styled by the Prefect Group and Mrs Pearson.
R U OK? Day (Thursday 10 September 2020) is our National day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those struggling with life's ups and downs. The theme of this years RUOK Day? was “What to say after you ask RUOK?” Students watched videos and looked at strategies and examples in their Home Room and for all students in Years 7 to 9 they discussed RUOK Day? in their Wellbeing Lessons.
A big thank you to all the students and staff for supporting such a great day. A special mention to Jacob Curcio and the new 2020 Prefects from the Wellbeing Portfolio: Kai Wheelock, Sam Beatson, Jack Hanna and Byron Bird.
Students watched this video which explains WHAT TO DO after you ask R U OK? The video runs for approximately 1:05 minutes.
How to ask a schoolmate R U OK?
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The Latest from the PDHPE Faculty
Year 10 PDHPE Super Coach Assessment for Learning
During this term, Year 10 PDHPE students were given the opportunity to develop in pairs a modified game and teach to the rest of the class. There have been some fantastic and innovative new games and the students enjoyed participating in and providing feedback for these novel activities.
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Year 10 PDHPE "Virtual" Mock Interviews
2020 has been full of ‘firsts’ for everyone. Thanks to Mrs Juliana Dignam and Mr Gavin Hannelly, our Year 10 PDHPE students still got to experience a mock interview situation this year. Mrs Dignam organised for 25 employers from our local community to be available via a Zoom connection to interview the boys as part of their PDHPE ‘My Life, My Future’ assessment for learning task. Mr Hannelly set up all the laptops, Zoom connections, liaised with employers and was present to troubleshoot for the entire session. This gave the students the opportunity to experience what is current practice and could well be the more common way of the future, particularly for interstate and international jobs. Most of the boys were very nervous before the interview but came out with big smiles on their faces showing their satisfaction at their achievement.
Thank you to our wonderful community participants and especially to Juliana and Gav for their time and relentless energy they expended in this life relevant, worthwhile experience.
Year 12 Sports Coaching Comes to a Close
With the change in VET requirements, we have had to put our Stage 6 Sports Coaching course on hold from 2020 BUT….have introduced SLR (Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation)! Our current Year 12 are completing their Sports Coaching course and have achieved many awards on their way through Years 11 & 12. Thank you to Mr Carpenter and Mr Ellis for guiding these boys, arranging valuable coaching experiences and keeping track of their many competencies.
Year 8 PDHPE - Good Choices
Year 8 PDHPE designed advertising material to create awareness of mental health issues.
They also had to make a judgement call on whether or not to go to a party (scenario was given to boys).
Responses were varied, however, all provided thoughtful justification for their actions. Below are some examples of the thoughts and decisions provided:
"I would not attend this party because it is in an unsafe location, and I would not be able to get home safely because of alcohol. This is not a safe party for me because I don’t know the person running the party, I do not trust the people attending, I heard that there will be illegal substances and just not a safe environment. There is no parental supervision and things could turn very bad therefore I am choosing not to go to this party."
"I have made the decision to not go to the party because I do not know anyone who will be there as a good friend and it could potentially affect my safety negatively. For me it would be to hard to find a way home because my mum and dad will be asleep at the time the party ends, it goes from 8:00 pm until 11:00 pm. According to the host social media posts their parents are away at the moment so this has also influenced my decision because it could get dangerous and out of hand if there is no parental supervision I also have my grand finale of soccer on the next day which is one of my priorities. I am concerned of the use of alcohol as I have over heard some rumours of people taking alcohol and I am worried of intoxicated people swimming which would cause me a lot of stress. I have had discussions with my parents about parties and we have always had honest and open discussions about the use of alcohol and this has always helped me with my decision making because I have the full support of my parents. This is how decision to not attend the party."
"I would go to the party but with many precautions. The party is quite close to the water so I would make sure to not go for a swim even if there is a situation where I am being pressured into it, swimming in the water would be very dangerous as you wouldn’t know if any marine life would be out and people wouldn’t be able to see you if you floated away for started struggling in the water. Since the party is 25 minutes away from my house, I would make sure in case anything went wrong that I had a drive home and that could collect me quickly if needed. If anything bad happen or if any drugs or alcohol turned up I’d be sure not to have any as it is bad for you and could change your behaviour very rapidly and make others around you do stupid things. I would also like a little bit of parent supervision as in case anything went wrong there was someone responsible to take care of this matter and help out everyone else with anything anyone needed."
Year 8 Poster Design - Depression
Year 8 Poster Design - Anxiety
Having Fun in PDHPE
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Year 7 History Tweets
This term students from Mr English's Year 7 HSIE class have been studying the ancient past during their History lessons.
One of the learning tasks asked the boys to create a series of Twitter comments in reaction to the recent destruction of indigenous sites in the Pilbara by mining giant Rio Tinto.
A tweet from Luca Quitadamo that supports the need to preserve and conserve the ancient past
We need to take action against people and companies such as Rio Tinto that aren't conserving or preserving our ancient past. If we lose our heritage and culture it'll be lost forever. Just because there are laws stating that destroying heritage is okay doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
A tweet from Jesse Kemp that argues that it's OK to destroy the past if it is for profits, political gain, personal satisfaction or progress
Destroying ancient artifacts is and will always be okay. We cannot linger on the past all the time as this world is constantly changing. You can’t protect ancient sites forever especially if they’re hiding away precious materials required for the evolution of the human race. Now in the modern era, plenty of photos and articles are written in case you want to remember a specific place. There is no need for us to witch hunt @RioTinto as their intentions aren’t hostile. They are just trying to put the Earth’s natural resources to good use and make some money on the way.
A tweet from Alexander Benz that acknowledges there is a problem with how we preserve and conserve the ancient past and suggests a possible solution to unite our communities
Creating solutions to the issues of destroying our ancient past is something we should take very seriously. If companies want to mine the sites they need permission from the state government and original custodians of the land, of which they are willing to give to help benefit our country's future. Another way people could bring light to the situation is by raising awareness through ads or peaceful protests. This can have a big impact because it allows people to speak their minds on the matter and hopefully convince Rio Tinto that what they are doing is wrong and that they need to make things right.
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Year 9 Elective Music Performances
Our Year 9 Elective Music students have just completed their Term 3 Performance examinations.
All students play as part of a band throughout the year (6 bands in total). These performances were to be shown to our Year 8 students as part of a music/drama showcase this term, however, unfortunately had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The boys were disappointed they didn’t get to perform for an entire year group, but still had fun playing for each other and should be immensely proud of their efforts. Definitely some rock stars here!
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The Latest Edition of SECTV
See the link below for the latest edition of St Edward's College TV.
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HSC Examination Timetable
HSC examinations commence Tuesday 20 October 2020. See the link below for the timetable.
Click Here for the 2020 HSC Timetable
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Representative Sport Update
Representative Sport (BBSSSA and CSNSW) Update
Broken Bay (BBSSSA) has last week cancelled all Term 4 Representative Sport due to the current Public Health Order and the uncertainty of when this will change.
Catholic School NSW have also followed suite with their Representative Sport. However, at the moment, the convenor of the Berg and Downie Shield Cricket competitions is yet to make a decision and is looking at possibly delaying the start of these competitions in Term 4.
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Careers/Vocational Education
Careers – Apprenticeships, Opportunities and News
Painting Apprenticeship
We are a local, well established painting and decorating business, located in Kincumber. We are seeking to put on a school leaver wishing to pursue an apprenticeship in the painting and decorating industry. If that’s you please contact us:
Cass and Scott Wall
Central Coast Painting and Decorating Services
04 2297 6361
Careers Advisers Association - NSW & ACT
Tertiary Provider Information Flyer
North Construction and NSW Government Webinar - Monday 28 September
This webinar features information about exploring careers in building & construction on the Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter regions.
North Construction & NSW Government Webinar
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Parent Connection
Parenting – Helping Teenage Boys Grow into Good Men
The following podcast is is an interview with Maggie Dent and discusses helping teenage boys grow into good men.
Click here to listen to the podcast
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Parent Connection
Uniform Shop Holiday Opening
The uniform warehouse will be open during the upcoming school holidays
Opening hours are:
Monday 28 September to Friday 1 October between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm
Tuesday 6 October to Friday 9 October between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and mandatory social distancing restrictions of 1 person per 4 square meters, our warehouse located at Unit 3, 6 Bowen Crescent West Gosford, will be accessible by appointment ONLY from 12 October through to 22 December Monday to Friday between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.
Cowan and Lewis are very mindful of the inconvenience this may cause due to restricted accessibility, however it is essential to ensure the safety of our staff, parents and students.
Appointments can be made on the Cowan and Lewis website Select 'Shop Online', locate your school’s crest, click on the booking link and select the appropriate day and time, alternatively click here to access the link.
Each appointment will have a 20 minute duration.
1 Adult and 1 Child per booking
For each additional sibling a booking will be required
We ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment
If you arrive more than 5 minutes late to your appointment we will unfortunately ask that another time be made to ensure the next appointment is not delayed
Alternatively, online orders can be made which will be delivered to the College twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays during school terms. Exchanges can be arranged through College reception by contacting Cowan and Lewis or leaving an exchange form in the bag to be collected, the exchange form can be located on the Cowan and Lewis website on your school’s page.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work through this challenging time and look forward to welcoming you to our store. Please feel free to contact our staff via email or phone 4322 2503 should you require any further information.
Staff and Management
Cowan and Lewis Pty Ltd
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13 Frederick Street, East Gosford NSW 2250, Australia
P (02) 4321 6400
We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and lore of the Country on which St Edward’s College stands. We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country.
2025 Copyright St Edward’s College Gosford