Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we encourage all members of the school community to work to the best of their ability, to become the person that each is created to be and to strive for equity and excellence
Learning Conferences
We are constantly working with and encouraging our boys to develop greater control and responsibility for their learning. The move to a learning conference approach over the last few years is an important strategy employed by the College to support our boys in developing this greater autonomy. Throughout this week, teachers are working with students on establishing learning goals for each subject. Goals which are classified as SMART goals which are aligned with our new Learning Profile (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound). Teachers are devoting class time to explain this process to encourage boys to reflect on their learning. The Learning Conferences scheduled for later this term are the next step in this process. At these conferences, boys will be asked to lead the conversation with their parents, carers and teachers, based on how they are working towards their goals, identify areas where they may need some support and articulate their level of application, effort and achievement. We are encouraging boys to establish a growth mindset in this reflection, where they identify ways in which they can continue to improve.
We have been extremely pleased in the way boys have responded to this approach to feedback. They have proven to be very honest in their assessment of their level of application and effort, identifying areas in which they can improve and may need some support. The added benefit of linking this process to the new Learning Profile is that steps to improving performance are clearly articulated in the Learning Profile. I encourage all parents and carers to discuss the process that has been commenced this week, as a way of engaging with your sons about their learning. Research resoundingly indicates that the students of parents who are engaged in their son’s learning are proving to have the greatest improvement in learning outcomes.
We have listened to parent feedback over the last few years regarding the scheduling of the learning conferences. We received very positive feedback last year when we scheduled an evening of online conferences followed by a day of face-to-face meetings providing parents with an option of either. With this feedback in mind, we have scheduled an evening of online conferences for Thursday March 23, followed by a day of face-to-face conferences on Friday March 31. On the day of the face-to-face meetings, no on-campus classes will be scheduled – students are to learn from home and complete the work which is set on their class canvas pages for this day, in between attending scheduled face-to-face meetings with their parents. Scheduling day-time conferences allows us to create more time-slots available for bookings.
Parents will be able to book learning conferences through the PTO booking system which will be made available in the lead up to the first evening. Two further evenings for online conferences have been scheduled for Term 3.

Year 12 English Incursion

Maths in Trades

Financial Services – Barista Training
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 7 and 9 and will be conducted online commencing Wednesday March 15 and conclude on Friday March 17.
The results from NAPLAN provide us with valuable information about areas to be prioritised for improvement, students requiring additional support and extension in the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy. The results can assist teachers by providing additional information to support their professional judgement about students’ levels of literacy and numeracy attainment and progress.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. Each teacher will have the best insight into their students’ educational progress. Parents/carers can use NAPLAN reports, along with other school assessment reports, to discuss their child’s strengths and areas for improvement with their teacher.
Careers Expo March 30
St Edward’s is committed to providing support to our boys and families regarding careers pathways to help inform decision and possibly provide additional motivation for boys to apply themselves to achieving their best possible outcomes. Mrs Juliana Dignam, the College Leader of Careers and Vocational Education and Training, has done a wonderful job in organising the Inaugural St Edward’s Careers Pathways Expo. This event is to be held on the evening of March 30 in the Edmund Rice Centre between the hours of 7.00pm and 8.30pm.
Exhibitors from Universities, TAFE, College’s Employers, apprenticeship group training organisations, will be on hand to answer question regarding career pathways, providing a wonderful opportunity to students and families from St Edward’s and other Catholic Central Coast Schools, to gain accurate information first-hand.
Families wishing to attend are asked to register for the event via the following link: Careers Pathways Expo Registration
2024 Enrolments
The College is now accepting enrolment applications for Year 7 2024. The enrolment process is completed online via the College website at: https://www.stedwards.nsw.edu.au/enrolment/
The enrolment information clearly outlines the enrolment criteria. Applications received after Friday May 19, will be processed as late applications. Current families who are aware of family or friends who wish to apply for their son to attend St Edward’s, are asked to encourage them to visit the College website for information about the College and the process of enrolment.