We celebrate the success of our outgoing class of 2021 boys and wish them well in the next chapter of their lives.
As 2022 begins we welcome Year 7 and they have had fun immersing themselves in their library lessons where they will enjoy sustained reading lessons once a fortnight.
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Year 8 are studying crime fiction and will create digital stories this term. Year 9 are busily delving into a study of documentaries and next term will have the pleasure of seeing ‘Macbeth’ on stage at the Seymour Centre. Year 10 are studying drama texts with some classes studying ‘Henry V’ and others studying contemporary Australian plays. Year 10 will have the opportunity to be involved in an enrichment day later in the year.
Our senior students have all started the year well and are studying Reading to Write, Education and the World of Work, or Texts, Values and Culture depending on the course of English they have undertaken. Our Year 12 students are studying the Craft of Writing and will have an incursion with some Performance Poets later in the year. We love celebrating the creativity and clever ideas our students bring to English.
Year 12 English Advanced
Students were asked to create a digital presentation to be shown at the Sydney Festival ‘Antidote’. In their presentation, students were required to discuss George Orwell’s novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ with a specific focus on his representation of freedom as an essential element of the human experience.
The students task was to closely examine the novel, and to find a related text which either reinforced or challenged Orwell’s representation of freedom. An outstanding example was produced by Fergus Clydesdale.
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